Mama's Girls

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Totes started 20 days (left) and 16 days (right).

The totes are looking sweet. 2 totes together take up 24" X 38" of space and that's with a space in between them.

I'm trying to keep the canopy even on them by light LST.

I am going to put both of them into flower at the same time with 1 400 watt HPS.

Just trying to figure out how tall I'm going to let them get.

My goal is to get 5-6 ounces off each tote.


Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Started my compost pile today. Emptied out the bunny's cage and the chicken coup today, raked up some leaves and added some ash from our fireplace ( we cut and split our own wood so we know what it is). Going to get to the ocean sometime this week and gather seaweed and will be getting some good old fashion manure ( hopefully some bison manure).Funny thing is the chickens went into the pile and were scratching around eating the bunny pellets ( food not poop)that were in the pile so I'm gonna have to close it in so they don't mess with it when there hanging out in the yard. This is my first compost pile so I hope I don't screw it up.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Well I've been reading around the site gathering information about teas, worm bin,s and composting. I of course grow organicaly and have been spending a lot on organic ferts. Well I keep bunnies and chickens and live close enough to the ocean to gather seaweed. Plus I live in a rural area where horse and cow manure are plentiful and free so I'm sure I could make some great compost.
If anyone has any great links to threads on these topics please post them for me.I'm kinda thinking on 2 compost piles one for veg and one for bloom if that's possible. I guess I have research to do.....[/quote]
if still interested, try get in touch with kushcanuck....grows organic and I'm pretty sure he does DIY worm bins....he is a cool cat too...peace:mrgreen:

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Thank you for the info Doctor. I also only use organics. I won't even smoke non organic bud. I'm a weed snob I guess but my friends don't mind cause If they want to smoke with me we just smoke mine.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
no probs... he even has a group about organics on this site....its on my profile...just hit the link!! aloha and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Hey Mama Kindbud another member of the organics cult chimin' in... on your reveg issue( I only did this once, but great success) I waited for new veg growth to start, cut a clone and stared from scratch, the clone was like the original seedling, veg growth barely slowed down... and I take alot of extra notes so some might have missed that.. But really dig your setup, got it growin' on alot BIGGER than I.. so congrats to you mam.

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reveg tips bkg I'm really hoping this is sucessful. She's looking a little sad right now but I'm not panicking. One thing I have learned is it's a hearty plant and can rebound from almost anything.

One time I'm going to mist my vegging girls and I grabbed the spray bottle and started spraying like a mother. I was like what's that smell so I looked and in my hand was a bottle of mister clean. I thought I had just screwed them up real bad. After a good shower and some new soil they perked right up. They really are hard to kill.

My plants are more then just a hobby. I love tending to them and I think it shows with the end product. I grow my daughters medicine and only the best organic bud for her.

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Here's HB girl today. She's looking so nice. I'm going to transplant her and tie her down some more. She will stay in the new pot till she goes in a tote. I'll post a pic of her once I get that done.



Well-Known Member
I got 2, they are sister 1 (the blue teak) knows better unless I give it to her. Her sister (the pit loookin dumbass) ate my only diesel. there is a little leaf matter so I'm seein if it bounces back.. updatin my grow with pics again later chech it out you can see the demon dogs

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
I got 2, they are sister 1 (the blue teak) knows better unless I give it to her. Her sister (the pit loookin dumbass) ate my only diesel. there is a little leaf matter so I'm seein if it bounces back.. updatin my grow with pics again later chech it out you can see the demon dogs
The dogs are cuties. Too bad you lost a plant though.

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Here's HB girl after her transplant. I retied her down. Her next move will be into a 10 gallon tote but that's still a couple weeks away.I gave her a real nice soil blend and I added some extra bat guano and worm castings.
I've got some work to do on the totes.Maybe I'll get some pics to post later today.


Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Here are some pics today of the 1st girl to go in the tote.Yes this is 1 plant.

1) Side View
2) Front View
3) Top View

So far I have 5 girls in totes all put in about a week apart. Goal is 1 tote every 10 days yielding 4 oz dry apiece.

I am putting a lot of resources into these totes so I hope it meets my expectations



Well-Known Member
Totes started 20 days (left) and 16 days (right).

The totes are looking sweet. 2 totes together take up 24" X 38" of space and that's with a space in between them.

I'm trying to keep the canopy even on them by light LST.

I am going to put both of them into flower at the same time with 1 400 watt HPS.

Just trying to figure out how tall I'm going to let them get.

My goal is to get 5-6 ounces off each tote.
Awesome girls in the totes. Im sure they will be BIG producers... Good Luck!
Have you ever used 10 gallon totes before? I was thinking about transplanting my bubba kush X deep chunk into 10 gallon totes and see how big they get. Im subscribed to dirtbags pornfolio thread, he has three plants in big rubbermaid containers and those suckers are HUGE!!
Happy Growing!!:leaf:

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
I went away for 5 days and the dumbass I had watching my girls let them grow into the light. He knows better or at least I thought he did.MAN AM i PISSED OFF ROYALLY...I give this dude weed and plants and growing equipment and he disrespects my grow.

Oh well the totes are looking good and getting huge. My girls are LST'd in the totes so there bushy. Hopefully I'll be able to take some pics tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
That suck bad mama.. I had another dog attack my dogs mother did it this time you missed alot in 5 days, I'd punch my friends in the beebee's


Well-Known Member
Hey there Mama -nice growing! I can tell you take pride in your abilities, as you should. I'd be thrilled to get the same results.