Mama's Girls

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Hi Wannabee your name cracks me up. I enjoy working with my plants. How did you like the low rider? Bout how much do you really get off one?


Well-Known Member
oh mama, you know i'm not having any luck with the lowryder 2 plants, no idea really what the yield is or should be, but thanks. Wannabee is pretty much accurate lol. although i love to grow, my thumbs aren't so green, i don't think. i did better with bagseed. still have some lowryder 2 plants growing, but they don't seem real promising. we'll see. I'll keep learning from the experts like yourself.


Well-Known Member
So I transplanted into the 10 gallon tote yestersay. Pic #1 is a side view and #2 is the top view. The 2nd pic has a red party cup in it so you can get a size visualation. Now I am going to let her bush up and out.
I am really thinking this is going to be great.

I've been working on my worm bin now I just have to get the worms.

What you transplanted into the 10 gallon tote, just wondered if this is just one plant, or numerous? How full do you fill the tote up with soil? Isn't that kind of heavy to move around?

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Wannabee it's 1 plant per tote. But I LST them to create a big bush that covers the 10 gallon tote.The tote is full of soil and it's really not that heavy. I can lift them and carry them around.I know I'm going to double the veg time but that's okay with me my goal is a maximum yield.I am planning on harvesting a tote every 10 days that has at least 4oz dry but hopefully more. Isn't that crazy.
I'll be posting some new pics of the totes tomorrow and hopefully I can get some of inside the plant and how she's tied down.
And I really wanna know what you get off the lowriders. I'm always looking for a new experament.

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Here's the 1st tote girl. The 1st pic is a front view so you can see how I've tied her down.I've also trimmed her underneith because the light can't get to the leaves and there coming in pale and spindly.

I must state I do not cut leaves when I flower and I don't trim the leaves when I clone.

The second pic is a top view. Look at all the bud sites.

I'm going to try to get pics of all my totes (I have 5 so far) to keep track of the progress.



man Im new here, and i got to say mama your plants look so sexy!!!....i grow outdoors and got 3 bagseeds going right know, 1 at 1 Week, 2 at 5 Weeks but im going to get my pine kush going pretty soon!

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Have you grow outdoors for long Droxster? I'm putting some clones out this year. I'm going to put them out and forget about then until harvest time. I hope I get a few back. It would be a bonus. I need to do some upgrading real soon. I don't know how I get what I do with my ghetto set up. I do have some good equipment but I wish I had more room. I need a real stealthy,secure space. Hopefully by this fall I'll have my new space.

I'm hoping I get 2 or 3 plants back from outdoors in the fall. I'm going to be putting out about 12.

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Here is tote # 2

This one I have not trimmed at all I just let it bush out. We'll see if the yield is different for the top buds. I don't care about the little beasties ( small buds down the bottom) I let my daughter harvest them.
She is not a minor she is an adult so I'm not giving weed to kids.
I couldn't be bothered with the beasties but she loves them. She says my beasties are better then anything else you can buy.
So this will solve the trim or not trim debate in my eyes.

The only thing I have to worry about now is putting them in too soon. I'm still trying to figure out how tall I want to let them get. 2 totes will be going under a 400 watt HPS so I guess I have to research light penetration.

Anyways today I start the 6th tote and hopefully I'll get some pictures of the process.

Mama says ...... Everyone has there own way of growing and anyone who says there's only 1 way to do it is an idiot and someone you shouldn't listen to.




Well-Known Member
i agree with you mama, i'm thinking about trying soil, i see such great results, i'm kinda partial to the hydro though, for some reason... gotta decide soon, wanna start some of my new beans, just waiting on my fan and carbon filter. i have a 400 watt HID i'm going to try. maybe you could tell me a little about how you go about making so many branchs on the plants, that is so amazing. is this LSTing the same as supercropping? does this technique work better for certain strains? Thanks!


Have you grow outdoors for long Droxster? I'm putting some clones out this year. I'm going to put them out and forget about then until harvest time. I hope I get a few back. It would be a bonus. I need to do some upgrading real soon. I don't know how I get what I do with my ghetto set up. I do have some good equipment but I wish I had more room. I need a real stealthy,secure space. Hopefully by this fall I'll have my new space.

I'm hoping I get 2 or 3 plants back from outdoors in the fall. I'm going to be putting out about 12.
lol mama, ive been growing outside since the beginning! lol...
oh do you force you plant into flowering? I heard
a black plastic trash bag wraped around it would work, I dont wont my plants to get to tall....i live in the states

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Wannabee LST( Low Stress Training) is simple bending the plant down so the main branch runs horizontal.The plants will then send up shoots along the stem thinking it's the top of the plant. Listen what I'm gonna do is on Saturday I'm gonna take pictures of how I would tie down plants at different stages. I have been doing this for years to get the bushy look.I have found every plant I've tried it on has responded well to LST but then again I haven't grown all the strains out there. I have heard about supercropping but I try to stress them as little as possable because hermies suck.

I never got the 6th tote done today cause I got high and lazy.

Droxster I don't know how well a plastic bag would work. You'd have to do it every day and hope the moisture didn't build up and rot the bud. If you didn't want them getting to tall plant them later in the season.But I am not an outdoor grower so I really don't know. I'm going to plant mine and forget about them till harvest.

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Here's just some misc pics.

#1) these are the clones I'm putting outside this year. There's 10 of them.

#2) 3 of the chickens that give me the chicken poop for the compost pile. Chickens are pretty cool to have running around your yard. There a lot smarter then I ever thought they'd be and watching them chase the cats is a riot.

#3) This is tote #6. The holes around the sides are so I have plenty of places to tie them down. There's also holes along the bottom



Well-Known Member
I got a couple of day before I start any bondage, but I'll back you up mama my set up is alot smaller than your and I'll upload my lst to your grow if you don't mind, so the noobs can feed on the knowledge...

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
That would be great BKGmitts19. I am all about people being able to grow there own and I know there's a lot of misinformation floating around.I am all about helping people learn to grow there own. It's crazy what people pay for weed.

Hopefully today I'll get some good pics of everything I do and maybe tonight when the lights come on I'll get some pics of the flowering girls. But right now I'm gonna enjoy my coffee and read some of the forums.

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Here's beginning LST 101..

Pic 1 is the girl I'm gonna LST. She's in a 1 quart paint bucket.

2nd pic is her tied down. I tie the stem off the opposite side of the pot to keep her in place fig. 1. Then I bend her down and tie her over fig.2.

3rd pic is her tied down. Now all the little branches will start growing up and when they do I will tie them down.



Well-Known Member
Here's beginning LST 101..

Pic 1 is the girl I'm gonna LST. She's in a 1 quart paint bucket.

2nd pic is her tied down. I tie the stem off the opposite side of the pot to keep her in place fig. 1. Then I bend her down and tie her over fig.2.

3rd pic is her tied down. Now all the little branches will start growing up and when they do I will tie them down.
you know, i've just decided to try this LST with soil. i like hydro, but the soil seems less time intensive, which may be better right now. what kind of soil do you use? I hear good things about fox farm.


Well-Known Member
I got a couple of day before I start any bondage, but I'll back you up mama my set up is alot smaller than your and I'll upload my lst to your grow if you don't mind, so the noobs can feed on the knowledge...

sounds interesting to me...:peace:

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Wannabee I have heard good things about fox farms too. I mix my own soil. I have never tried hydro and to be honest with you I never will. I love working with the soil and where I grow organically with no chems whatsoever I can reuse my soil and there's no flushing.I just add some goodies ( bat guano, worm castings, compost, perilite and I'm good to go.I do drill the holes in the totes but the quart paint buckets are so thin I just plunge my scissors and twist to make the hole.I am a firm believer in whatever works.

Yes our chickens are layers and there so funny. If they go in the coup to lay an egg when there done they cluck so loud so I'll go out and praise them for a job well done.There allowed free roam of the yard during the day but we close them up in there coup at night so predators don't get them.

Wannabee I see your from the east coast. I'm in the northeast myself.