Marijuana is good for Children!!!


Well-Known Member
I was Browsing around and found this, I thought it was interesting, Topic is ADD/ADHD and Children Using Marijuana to fix it! link is here ~~~>LINK<~~~



Well-Known Member
alright folks, start spreadin this type of this stuff around. put it on myspace n shit. when med marijuana is supported by mass media like msnbc, u know we're damn close to complete legalization


Well-Known Member
I found that yesterday. My neighbor has a boy with Hdad and he had mentioned that. If you think this means we are getting closer to legalization I would disagee with that. What we are closer to is getting the Health Care Industry and the Drug Industry worried that MJ is going to take away a lot of thier income.
We will force them to come up with reasons why they have to control it ie what level of thc, how much, making sure use is closely monitored and of course sold only at Drug Stores. Hold on to your wallet.
I believe Dr. Jensen is very sincere. She wants to see alternatives to Ridilin. Imagine a Doctor that things a plant is better than drugs, the mind boggles. Is it just me or does every commerciall shown at news time talk about the MIRACLE of drugs for every illness. If I take (fill-in the blank) I'll have a sailboat and a convertible. Talk to your doctor to see if (fill in the blank) is right for you!!


Well-Known Member
What we are closer to is getting the Health Care Industry and the Drug Industry worried that marijuana is going to take away a lot of thier income.

indeed, it is a fine line before we incur a great deal of wrath from a very powerful industry... better get creative (or be sublime?) and find ways for them to benefit as well as ourselves. :)


Well-Known Member
What we are closer to is getting the Health Care Industry and the Drug Industry worried that marijuana is going to take away a lot of thier income.
obviously, but if ppl start wising up n realize that the herb is much better than any chemical drug out there, shits bound to happen. i know u folks love to show off ur knowledge of poilitcs n shit, but u cant ignore the fact that if enough people want the shit, theyre gonna get it. we just need to tare town the stigma.

the health car and drug industries cater to our needs/wants. we just need to regain control over what we want, that is, what we beleive.


Well-Known Member
OMG who would have thought that pot was better in a childs development that speed and bennies>????? shocking


Well-Known Member

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
yeah but I still don't think its good for kids. You have to wait untill your done growing before you start smoking weed. Your end up with this 4ft tall kid that can't remember his


Well-Known Member
thats why instead of having little timmy smoke blunts all day, u give him a muffin with small amount of cannabutter in the morning. not enough to get the little guys high, just enough to change their personality a lil.


Well-Known Member
lol, the funny thing is, i think it would work great, and we wouldnt be stuffing the kids full of all of the fucking drugs that make them dependant on them later in life.



Well-Known Member
thats why instead of having little timmy smoke blunts all day, u give him a muffin with small amount of cannabutter in the morning. not enough to get the little guys high, just enough to change their personality a lil.

see that comment is what leads to "see any drug that changes who you are or alter your personality is badd for kidz" or some other type or bible belt rhetoric crap..


Well-Known Member
no wonder i did soo good in high school...i was always stoned...
i mean always...i used to leave school so i could go rip a bowl


Well-Known Member
see that comment is what leads to "see any drug that changes who you are or alter your personality is badd for kidz" or some other type or bible belt rhetoric crap..
yeah, i guess so, but if the kids already taking pills (which change personality), u might as well stop that n go organic. the bad thing about kids putting chemicals in their body is the fact that theyre still growing. so if the chems change em during this period they might be very dif than others when theyre done growing.

and even if the change is for the good, people still tend to dislike the unfamiliar.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i guess so, but if the kids already taking pills (which change personality), u might as well stop that n go organic. the bad thing about kids putting chemicals in their body is the fact that theyre still growing. so if the chems change em during this period they might be very dif than others when theyre done growing.

and even if the change is for the good, people still tend to dislike the unfamiliar.


the beauty of hypocracy. thank your neighbors.