Marijuana legalization petition to the white house!! **official**


Sector 5 Moderator
Exactly Slanty; it's always, all about the money. That's the only reason this beautiful plant is illegal now.

Well-Known Member
Hope its never legalized.... should stay in its current state that only helps those in need is best. Also, to the people that say the younger kids will get it anyways so mine as well, doesnt make since. Like saying kids will cut school anyways so if they dont wanna go they dont have too.

Way i see it is almost everyone i know who smokes sits around and has no ambition to do anything. The older croud i know smokes now that theyre settled in life. If all young croud smoked and it was legal we prob wouldnt have anyone trying to cure cancer or do anything to help society or even to help themselfs for when theyre older. I also know plenty of older couples who were potheads since young and dont take care of themselfs or where they live or any of thier own belongings.

Weed may be natural and may help humans in many many ways but consistant use turns into a "drug" IMO.
The only fucking reason people are lazy when they smoke is because they were already fucking lazy before hand. Mind over matter people. No people curing cancer?!?? just because its legal doesnt mean EVERYONE is going to smoke it. How many people do you actually know who drink all day (that arent in college or in AA...) not many... Its because once its legalized everyone stops fucking thinking its so cool... Look at Amsterdam... You can do heroine in the park... doesnt mean all the stores are closed and everyone is doing heroine in the park... (needle park, i think thats the name)

There is something stupid fucks like you forget about legalization. It will stop the cartels from moving there shitty ass cannabis into our country... Do you know how much our government spends on the war against cannabis... billion upon billion upon billions of dollars wasted... I grow, yes... But only because it is more cost effective then buying it from a club... Fuck paying 50 dollars for an 8th... I am currently paying 150 dollars per harvest... Thats about 150 bucks for 1-2 lbs... If you legalize cannabis that is 1-5 billion dollars in revenue per state on taxes and thats not including what we will be saving, around 1-10 billion per year per state on the war on cannabis (depending on location and size)... So why dont we stop fucking spending, and start making, and saving...

And yes I do a lot of these "..."

The only fucking reason you hope it is not legalized is because you are making a profit from it. You are basically like the lumber companys who pretty much made hemp illegal. If we could have kept hemp in our minds like our forefathers did and used it just like they did, maybe we wouldnt have to be destroying forests. It makes me laugh when they shop down a forest and then say it is ok because they planted new seeds there... HAHAHAH funny because the previous trees have already sucked most of the nutrients out of the soil, and without a natural occurrence like a forest fire, which would burn everything putting nutrients back into the soil and release seeds from pine cones which could have not been release without a fire, there is no way in hell new trees are going to grow. Thats why its called logging land. If hemp would have not been made illegal marijuana wouldnt be illegal right now, and this beautiful website would not exist (well maybe it still would :), GO RIU!!!)

I hope your fucking feeble little mind can understand why it should be legalized/have stayed legal...

Hal Incandenza

Active Member
Hope its never legalized.... should stay in its current state that only helps those in need is best. Also, to the people that say the younger kids will get it anyways so mine as well, doesnt make since. Like saying kids will cut school anyways so if they dont wanna go they dont have too.

Way i see it is almost everyone i know who smokes sits around and has no ambition to do anything. The older croud i know smokes now that theyre settled in life. If all young croud smoked and it was legal we prob wouldnt have anyone trying to cure cancer or do anything to help society or even to help themselfs for when theyre older. I also know plenty of older couples who were potheads since young and dont take care of themselfs or where they live or any of thier own belongings.

Weed may be natural and may help humans in many many ways but consistant use turns into a "drug" IMO.
I really hope you're trollin.

Oh wow he wasn't...