Maryland police ready to investigate kavanaugh for rape

I calculated that if we tweaked every current 22 amendments and added the ERA, at the current "proper" way of changing the constitution would take at least 69 years at the average 3 years per. But what's proper when our human dignity is at stake? Your partisan bullshit is the reason why the American dream hasn't happened for every citizen, when it could've happened long ago. And if you and your ken keep this up it will never happen in any of our lifetimes.

you think your posts are meaningful

you think your posts are meaningful


Unlike you I believe everyone should experience the American dream if you're a citizen, and we have the means to make such a reality happen without partisan bullshit. To me it doesn't matter what you think, that's what makes us all unique. You don't want uniqueness and only those who think your supposed proper way get anything at all. The very moment we don't tow the line you want us punished. So Kek to you!

I thought that was the whole stoner philosophy? We don't bow down and accept what we're told, even to a fellow stoner.
Hegel was a long winded idiot

I'm not a Darwinist survival of the fittest guy, his theory is garbage. Science has already proven even animals develop altruism, like how rats will wrestle and the strong let the weaker win a certain percentage or else no one will play if he always wins. Darwin knew nothing about such behavior and was only recently discovered humans aren't the only ones to make use of socialist ideals.
So Darwin is an idiot because he claims altruism is absent in animals? Can you cite that comment by Darwin?
Who cares what “guy” you are, scientific theories don’t give a toss regarding your feelings about them.
Tell us more about how shit science is.
Number 3 is about to come forward, US mint employee is going to spill the beans on brett’s house party scene
So Darwin is an idiot because he claims altruism is absent in animals? Can you cite that comment by Darwin?
Who cares what “guy” you are, scientific theories don’t give a toss regarding your feelings about them.
Tell us more about how shit science is.

Darwin was before DNA. He was before epigenenes were discovered and proved Lemarkian inheritance that environment is partially responsible for what becomes of our offspring.

Darwin's theories were interesting for his day, but he is hardly any scientific god. Many breakthroughs have been made since but everyone thinks he's the shit and use him for their anti-religious crusade.

He had no idea what were the mechanisms behind his theories. There were others working just as hard,.such as Gregor Mendel who have nowhere near his level of exposure.

Darwin's only fame comes from his controversy. "I hate God." Ok. Good for you, who the fuck cares. Get over it.
Darwin was before DNA. He was before epigenenes were discovered and proved Lemarkian inheritance that environment is partially responsible for what becomes of our offspring.

Darwin's theories were interesting for his day, but he is hardly any scientific god. Many breakthroughs have been made since but everyone thinks he's the shit and use him for their anti-religious crusade.

He had no idea what were the mechanisms behind his theories. There were others working just as hard,.such as Gregor Mendel who have nowhere near his level of exposure.

Darwin's only fame comes from his controversy. "I hate God." Ok. Good for you, who the fuck cares. Get over it.
Do you seriously believe ^ is a convincing argument against the theory, why do you pretend that you are educated?
What are your opinions of Darwin’s theory in relation to minor-trait adaptation? for example.
Do you seriously believe ^ is a convincing argument against the theory, why do you pretend that you are educated?
What are your opinions of Darwin’s theory in relation to minor-trait adaptation? for example.

Minor changes are possible. But no one has proved evolution isn't explaining a computer code working within its parameters. Evolution only shows horizontal change and provides no method for introduction of vertical changes.

Whether it's God or Elon Musk's god in the machine is true doesn't matter. That all this is the result of randomness is a scientism fantasy.
What does this even mean. Words as mangled as your logic

A bird can have a beak, or a reptile can have a snout, but not both.

A bat can have wings and legs, or a mouse can have hands and feet. But no creature exists that has 3 pairs of limbs allowing for a mythical creature like a griffin with wings, hands, and feet.

The interesting thing is snakes have the dna for legs, humans have the dna for a real tail and in rare instances humans have been born with a real tail.

All these are programs where epigenetic factors enable subroutines or comment them out. Evolution has not once provided evidence of a brand new emergent routine.

Science has also shown viruses evolved from a life form that predates LUCA to a pure self replicating code that activates in a host and is therefore no longer technically "life" anymore but used to be. Some viruses are also bigger than some bacteria called Pandoravirus.

Nothing evolution describes explains how from simple to more complex through randomness occured. That's a lie scientism peddles as fact. But they have bullshit explanation for that Punctuated Equilibrium!
A bird can have a beak, or a reptile can have a snout, but not both.

A bat can have wings and legs, or a mouse can have hands and feet. But no creature exists that has 3 pairs of limbs allowing for a mythical creature like a griffin with wings, hands, and feet.

The interesting thing is snakes have the dna for legs, humans have the dna for a real tail and in rare instances humans have been born with a real tail.

All these are programs where epigenetic factors enable subroutines or comment them out. Evolution has not once provided evidence of a brand new emergent routine.

Science has also shown viruses evolved from a life form that predates LUCA to a pure self replicating code that activates in a host and is therefore no longer technically "life" anymore but used to be. Some viruses are also bigger than some bacteria called Pandoravirus.

Nothing evolution describes explains how from simple to more complex through randomness occured. That's a lie scientism peddles as fact. But they have bullshit explanation for that Punctuated Equilibrium!

Smoked any Pink Gravy?

Time, it's sometimes hard to perceive.
I believe partisan illusions can make anything appear one thing or the other, and unless we keep from making snap judgements on feel good politics alone we'll continue to get manipulated from all sides.

Many consider me an idiot for not judging Michael Jackson without undeniable proof he actually did it either.
Multiple rape victims are not a partisan illusion, retard
they are meaningful to some.

Wait, people leave this place and still think about it during their day?

@Buddha2525 deleted this post to me but I'll reply to it anyway. He said on evening of 6/24 regarding the value of the right to privacy when voting:

I don't get the big deal. If you really want to know what I vote, I'll tell you. And someone who gets mad, I'll ask why they even wanted to know if that's their reaction. No one but me will tell me what to do but me. Don't like it, go fuck yourself. Anyone who's so weak they can have others influence them deserves their fate.

We can't ever have a true socialist society if we constantly distrust others and especially ourselves.

Guilt is fine, which acts as a limiting function so we don't become too self serving and never do an action ever again. Shame has no place and you must get rid of that feeling which serves no purpose but as a primal emotion of self destruction.

What we have here is an example of how anti-democratic the racist right have become. The right to privacy when voting is fundamental to democracy.
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I want a complete rewrite.

A few things I don't agree with.

States rights is unfair. The only rights that states should have different is if your region has snow which requires chains. Laws pertaining to how you're taxed, marriage property laws, and other universal civil rights should be the same in every state.

Guns should be allowed for every citizen who isn't in jail. If you're allowed to live in society you should be able to conseal carry anywhere. The right should be so protected that anyone who commits a crime with a gun should forever go to jail with no chance of parole to deter anyone from breaking the awesome privledge owning a gun is.

All opinions which serve to separate us should be protected classes, not just sex, religion, race and the other current protected classes. If you're a Trump supporter or Bernie supporter, those shouldn't be allowed to be used against you to kick you out of a restaurant. Also things like diet. Whether you choose not to eat pork for animal liberation should make no difference over Allah commands it. It's hate no matter if done to a vegan or a muslim.

Egalitarianism should be law. Not feminism, nor should the so called patriarchy rape culture be allowed dominance. The differences between the sexes should be praised. So should the determination of individuals who dare cross traditional gender roles. Whether it's an eventual female president or a male stay at home father. No one should be looked at as being too weak or not nurturing enough.

Those are just a few areas our current system is failing and I see no way of fixing without tearing down the whole system and writing a completely new constitution and system of law to accommodate that.

Does that sound like a Rapeblicon way of thinking?
It sure does sound like right wing authoritarian dogma.

Which alt.right group do you most closely align with? Ok, enough ad hominem attacks on your character.

This constitution you want to write that makes egalitarianism the law. Sounds like you want to rewrite civil rights laws? If not that then how would these laws be written and by whom?

Do you endorse adequate funding for education and the right to access to an excellent education regardless of social or economic standing? How would you do this?

In 2000, there were 280 million guns and today 350 million guns in this country or 25% increase. If more guns are the answer, why hasn't murder rates dropped by 25% in the same timeframe? Heck if gun ownership is the answer why aren't 350 million guns enough to stop muder and crime altogether? Of course these are leading questions. More guns don't make people more safe. The opposite, actually. What objective is guns for everybody intended to satisfy?
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@Buddha2525 deleted this post to me but I'll reply to it anyway. He said on evening of 6/24 regarding the value of the right to privacy when voting:

I don't get the big deal. If you really want to know what I vote, I'll tell you. And someone who gets mad, I'll ask why they even wanted to know if that's their reaction. No one but me will tell me what to do but me. Don't like it, go fuck yourself. Anyone who's so weak they can have others influence them deserves their fate.

We can't ever have a true socialist society if we constantly distrust others and especially ourselves.

Guilt is fine, which acts as a limiting function so we don't become too self serving and never do an action ever again. Shame has no place and you must get rid of that feeling which serves no purpose but as a primal emotion of self destruction.

What we have here is an example of how anti-democratic the racist right have become.
I read that