I want a complete rewrite.
A few things I don't agree with.
States rights is unfair. The only rights that states should have different is if your region has snow which requires chains. Laws pertaining to how you're taxed, marriage property laws, and other universal civil rights should be the same in every state.
Guns should be allowed for every citizen who isn't in jail. If you're allowed to live in society you should be able to conseal carry anywhere. The right should be so protected that anyone who commits a crime with a gun should forever go to jail with no chance of parole to deter anyone from breaking the awesome privledge owning a gun is.
All opinions which serve to separate us should be protected classes, not just sex, religion, race and the other current protected classes. If you're a Trump supporter or Bernie supporter, those shouldn't be allowed to be used against you to kick you out of a restaurant. Also things like diet. Whether you choose not to eat pork for animal liberation should make no difference over Allah commands it. It's hate no matter if done to a vegan or a muslim.
Egalitarianism should be law. Not feminism, nor should the so called patriarchy rape culture be allowed dominance. The differences between the sexes should be praised. So should the determination of individuals who dare cross traditional gender roles. Whether it's an eventual female president or a male stay at home father. No one should be looked at as being too weak or not nurturing enough.
Those are just a few areas our current system is failing and I see no way of fixing without tearing down the whole system and writing a completely new constitution and system of law to accommodate that.
Does that sound like a Rapeblicon way of thinking?