Master Kush


Well-Known Member
Having just looked at the seeds it seems that all 5 will be ready to be placed into the medium tomorrow morning.

Which gives me plenty of time to decide exactly what medium(s) I'll be using and to get them ready and drained for the seeds to go in.

I'll try my best to keep every tiny detail logged and if pos. pictures to match.
Are all the seeds to grow to motherhood?

For my mothers I'm going to use 2 hugo blocks and stack them on each other, leave the wrapping on until they are ready to go into a pot


Well-Known Member
Im liking the soil your using man. You should buy a bag of perilite and mix it 60:40 soil/perilite. It helps alot and gives the roots alot more room to expand, where in a small pot it will quickly out grow the soil alone.
Add water to the bag of perilite before you dump it out, there will be alot of dust in the bag ( i believe this stuff is similar to tiny shards of glass )
and it is horrible for you to breath. So adding water to the bag will eliminate any dust flying everywhere.

goodluck !


New Member
goodluck !
Thankyou... the rest of your post doesn't belong in my journal.

I'll update this later as the pots were made up last night and left to drain. A 60/40 mix of canna coco and perlite, in favour of the canna. After sprouting I may well decorate the top of the pots with some clay pebbles. Like I said, I'll update with pic's and nutrient mix later.


Well-Known Member
Im liking the soil your using man. You should buy a bag of perilite and mix it 60:40 soil/perilite. It helps alot and gives the roots alot more room to expand, where in a small pot it will quickly out grow the soil alone.
Add water to the bag of perilite before you dump it out, there will be alot of dust in the bag ( i believe this stuff is similar to tiny shards of glass )
and it is horrible for you to breath. So adding water to the bag will eliminate any dust flying everywhere.

goodluck !



New Member
Right, I mixed up 10 litres of water to share between the 5 pots. To the 10litres of water I added 2.5ml of OGP to the 10 litres of water equal to 1ml per 4litres of water.

The nutrient make-up of ogp is as follows:

N_ 8.0% Fe_718mg/kg
P_ 7.8% Mn_157mg/kg
K_7.2% Zn_55mg/kg
S_2.7% Mo_90mg/kg
Ca_1.3% Cu_73mg/kg
Mg_0.33% B_156mg/kg

I've used this stuff to start every single plant I've ever grown, in all systems. This stuff is a good all round starter nutrient for any system.

I ph'd the feed down to 6.0 and this should last the young seedlings well over a week before the next feed. Where I'll be introducing a weakened version of the nute regimen.

The seeds have all been placed into the pots and are still sitting in the bath. here's no hurry in getting them beneath the mh. Also, when I do put them in later they'll be about three feet from the light and not under it directly.



Well-Known Member
How much of that sensi stuff you putting in, i looked into sensi nutes but the npk levels seemed to be low, like a is 3.0.0 and b 1.2.1 or something silly like that, i always imagined having to put loads in to get the ppm right


New Member
I'd say the average is about 3ml per litre, i think. i'm going from memory, but it's mostly flowering feed I've been mixing lately. i'll be able to tell you properly later, I've only popped up to skin up and check on things.


Well-Known Member
I'd say the average is about 3ml per litre, i think. i'm going from memory, but it's mostly flowering feed I've been mixing lately. i'll be able to tell you properly later, I've only popped up to skin up and check on things.
I'm guessing thats about 3ml of a and 3ml of b,

I dont really measure mine out by ml, i just tip it in till the ppms right.


New Member
I am still yet to invest in a truncheon... i've seen them on ebay for about £20 inc. posting. I just don't want to wait 2 weeks for it. although if I'd ordered it back then the 2 weeks would have been up 10 times over by now.

I just go by the ml, ph and any early signs on the fan leaves to tell me whether to increase or decrease or flush nute levels. I also do this in dwc and except for an undernuting incident at the larger grow I've not suffered through not using a truncheon.


Well-Known Member
I am still yet to invest in a truncheon... i've seen them on ebay for about £20 inc. posting. I just don't want to wait 2 weeks for it. although if I'd ordered it back then the 2 weeks would have been up 10 times over by now.

I just go by the ml, ph and any early signs on the fan leaves to tell me whether to increase or decrease or flush nute levels. I also do this in dwc and except for an undernuting incident at the larger grow I've not suffered through not using a truncheon.
I got a nutra wand from the seller terraponic, delivery is pretty swift


New Member
Yes about 3ml of each, rising to about 5/6 as veg' time approaches the 8 week mark.

The back of the bottle recommends that on week one you feed 1.8ml of each a and b. Week 2 this rises to 2.5ml... week 3 3.1 ml, then 3.9, 4.7, 5.8, and 7.1 at week 7, although personally I never like to go above the 5/6ml mark.


Well-Known Member
I think I'll wait till my dwc's are harvested on the truncheon score, although I would appreciate a link to his site.
I looked him up but he doesnt appear to be selling any at the moment maybe hes got through is job lot of a 1000 i dunno.

I found this one though, the guys got remarkable feedback for the amount of transactions so he's gotta be worth a shout when you need it. EC CONDUCTIVITY METER/ TRUNCHEON HYDROPONICS/GROW KIT (item 220112357882 end time 17-May-07 20:00:05 BST)


New Member
I've put the pots into the veg area, and all there is left to do now is wait. As soon as any of them pop forth their tiny heads I will take a pic' and upload it to this journal.

Thanks all, be back soon.


Well-Known Member
What kind of evironment (closet, bathroom, shed, etc) are you growing them in?
What are you doing about ventilation?


New Member
Jeez.. it doesn't even belong ?
well same to you to man...
No. You hadn't read my thread when you posted, it was obvious that you had no clue what you were talking about. You give me advice on soil when I specifically state and provide pic's that I'm growing in hydro. That's why your post isn't needed. It's a load of bollocks, mate.

The same to me? This is my journal, of course my posts belong here.


New Member
What kind of evironment (closet, bathroom, shed, etc) are you growing them in?
What are you doing about ventilation?
I'm growing them in my veg' room, and they'll be flowered in the flowering room. My veg area is pretty small, about 8ft x 5ft. The flowering area is about 12ft x 8ft.

ventilation consists of an open window, an open door and a large fan (in the veg area). The flowering area is in the loft, 2 big fans and I often leave the hatch off all day during lights on. As my flowering area is in the loft my plants sleep when I do to avoid the chopper picking up any uneccessary heat sig's. The veg' area is on 24/7, but it is only 1 400w and the heat sig' could literally be from anything... I could for example have one bar of a halogen heater on in that room.