Max efficiency with current setup.


Well-Known Member
So, I understand thre's a million ways to grow but sometimes cicumstances dictate certain rules that need to be followed. Lets say for instance, having multiple plants carries a harsher penalty than 1 or 2. So hypothetically, if you have a cooltubed 600w and a 3x4x1.8m bedroom, what process would you use to do a grow?

1-Flood and drain(clay/rockwool) in a bucket, 2 plants, 1.5x3m tent, semi sog as space allows?
2-DWC shared by the 2 plants same space? sog and tent aswell or let it go wild?
3-BIg fuck off dirt pot and grow in soil?

It needs to be reliable and handle pretty regular power outs, I would check everythday everyday regardless. Max 2 flowering plants and I'd love y'all opinion on the best way to pull around 0.5g per watt of cured nugs.

Hit me with your vast knoweldge people!


Well-Known Member
Scrog in soil..... It's slower but yields heavy. I wouldn't be adding a ton of electrical components that the plants will rely on if you're already expecting power outrages. I would steer clear of hydro. Coco is another option with faster growth rates, comes with its own set of rules though.


Well-Known Member
If power outage wasn't an issue I would of said flood and drain one plant per table and surround it by lights.

But if powers going to cut then go with multiple daily feed coco drain to waste. Big cloth pots.
Mechanical timer if possible.

If power fails you can last a day or two without watering.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, should have been more specific with the power situation. It's good 99% of the time but we have short drop outs weekly-ish so I probably wouldn't do bubble/aero...

Also, I'm in an upstairs acccomodation so drain to waste could be a big hassle.


Well-Known Member
Whats the currrent of soil grow method working for everyone? Start in a small pot and work your way up as the roots bind?


Well-Known Member
Sorry, should have been more specific with the power situation. It's good 99% of the time but we have short drop outs weekly-ish so I probably wouldn't do bubble/aero...

Also, I'm in an upstairs acccomodation so drain to waste could be a big hassle.
You can put an air pump on a UPS (battery backup).