Maximating micro grow yields.


Active Member
Hi! In 3 weeks I'm going to start my first ever grow, it's going to be a stealth/PC box grow and I was brainstorming about upping my yeild.

So with this micro-grow i want to accomplish a steady flow of green, like 20-25g a month, for personal use. So this is my attackplan so far:

I want to make a sort-of perpetual with autoflowering plants, i'm pretty sure you can fit 2 plants in a pc case so what i wanna do is plant one, wait a month and plant the other, when I harvest the first one I plant another and so on... So I will always have fresh smoke every month, ya follow? :p

I'm also going for autoflowers because they grow quick, this is essential for me because i might need to get rid of it at any time, and I want to minimize potential time wasted. ;)

So is this possible? 2 or even 3 plants in 1 case? Also, is a Scrog a good idea in a pc case? I want to keep the plant low and maximize budsites.

Any hints would be wonderful =D



Well-Known Member
You can absolutely do that. I would go with a lowryder strain. Its short and it finishes real quick, like 60 days from seed. A lot of the other autos that say 60 days from seed are usually a lot longer like 75-100 days, but lowryder is one of the originals and it has a good yield and smoke from what I have read and heard. Keep the lights at 20/4from seed to harvest to maximize your yield. Good luck.

Connoisseurus Rex

Well-Known Member
I have tips for you just not for auto flowers. I haven't grown any auto flower. I'm on my first grow as well. Good luck to you though. Happy growing.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies, i'll look into those lowryder seeds =D what size of pot would be optimal for this kind of grow? I want to see how many I can squeeze in there ;p


Well-Known Member
your not going to get much in a PC case its much too small for the plants to grow to their max. An oz a month from 1-2 plants is probably not going to happen in a PC case sorry to burst your bubble. Go invest in a grow tent and some decent lighting and do it right or your just gonna get a low quality product in the end with not much of it.


Active Member
your not going to get much in a PC case its much too small for the plants to grow to their max. An oz a month from 1-2 plants is probably not going to happen in a PC case sorry to burst your bubble. Go invest in a grow tent and some decent lighting and do it right or your just gonna get a low quality product in the end with not much of it.
it doesn't even need to be and oz a month, anything is better then the insane prices I have to pay over here to score some :( also i want to be self dependent, I hate running to some shady dealer to get my green. And a growtent is no option, I need complete stealth, and you should go and read some threads on the micro forum, lots of people grow in PC cases and get decent yields of decent smoke. You would be surprised of the kind of yields people get. Methods like LST and Scrog eliminate the plants need to grow to their max. I've seen guys yield 2 oz+ from a LST rig in a pc case... You need to realise not everyone lives in a potstate like you where you can get your weedcard for a sore back... not hating on the medicinal weed culture but not everyone can just put a growtent in their closet...


Well-Known Member
I could see it in a full tower if you have a silver one I have a lian li case that's a mini ITX too small but great reflective surface. The fans would really help if you could figure a way to power them, I think if you run a PS in there some older ones have cables for fans directly from the PSU. I could see possibly getting maybe 7g dry from a full tower with all this stuff hooked up I have 2 computers right now both are full towers but even at that they are only like 2-3 feet tall what type case are you using? Do you have the small fans and a PSU that you can connect? I would def use CFL or LED lighting anything else will be too hot in that space.


Well-Known Member
You could also buy some mylar reflective material and adhere it to the inside of the case for increased reflection.


Active Member
I could see it in a full tower if you have a silver one I have a lian li case that's a mini ITX too small but great reflective surface. The fans would really help if you could figure a way to power them, I think if you run a PS in there some older ones have cables for fans directly from the PSU. I could see possibly getting maybe 7g dry from a full tower with all this stuff hooked up I have 2 computers right now both are full towers but even at that they are only like 2-3 feet tall what type case are you using? Do you have the small fans and a PSU that you can connect? I would def use CFL or LED lighting anything else will be too hot in that space.
I can get my hands on a big full tower case, the wiring is actually really simple, you just take the back of the PSU off and glue it to the case, this means the black plug is still there at the back of the case, in which I can plug my normal PC cable, then inside, with the actual PSU removed i can wire it to a power brick, supplying power to lamps and fans. Powering fans is done by wiring it to an old cellphone charger and plugging it into the power brick. I will be using LED lamps for low power use, furthering the stealth aspect. 7g is a waaaaay less then what you can expect, I strongly suggest you check out micro grow threads like Mewks, he's doing great work in a tiny space.

PC growing is a great alternative for people that can't risk getting caught, the yields are really good when you know what your doing and do your research.


Well-Known Member
yea but most indoor grows at max only yield 3 oz if your a pro grower 2 oz if your a good grower and 1 oz for beginners. I have grown in closets many times and I am sure my area is larger than a PC and I only get 1-2 oz per plant and it takes 2-3 months per plant. I can grow at least 4 plants in my closet and I also have a grow tent. The tent is discrete. No light goes in or out of it, and its not huge, only 5 feet tall. Even with those I don't get maximum yield. The smaller the area the less your yield, the plant cant grow its max. I understand you want a stealth grow but why not use a closet or grow tent? Are you living in your parents house? I'm not a Colorado native I been growing in other states as well that it wasn't as legal. Closet grows are safe as your PC grow, its still gonna stink and that's what brings attention anyway and your decreasing your yield by enclosing the space.


Active Member
yea but most indoor grows at max only yield 3 oz if your a pro grower 2 oz if your a good grower and 1 oz for beginners. I have grown in closets many times and I am sure my area is larger than a PC and I only get 1-2 oz per plant and it takes 2-3 months per plant. I can grow at least 4 plants in my closet and I also have a grow tent. The tent is discrete. No light goes in or out of it, and its not huge, only 5 feet tall. Even with those I don't get maximum yield. The smaller the area the less your yield, the plant cant grow its max. I understand you want a stealth grow but why not use a closet or grow tent? Are you living in your parents house? I'm not a Colorado native I been growing in other states as well that it wasn't as legal. Closet grows are safe as your PC grow, its still gonna stink and that's what brings attention anyway and your decreasing your yield by enclosing the space.
I live in a sort of student apartment where my land lord or parents can come in any time and snoop around the place... I also don't have that much room so i can't just sacrifice a closet for a growroom... And what if anyone pulls open that closet... I'm fucked. And you have to understand, weed is such a taboo here, if someone has 10 grams on him he's like the biggest stoner on the planet, if i could like get 15 grams of relatively free weed i would be the happiest man in the world :p I've seen people do it... I believe that the smaller the grow the better I can control it (; 1 oz a month is my ultimate goal, and I believe it's achievable. Now the design of a growcase I understand, I can build one right now, I'm just posting here to see if anyone has any experience with multiple plants at once in a case.