May 20th - Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!


Well-Known Member
To be quite honest, I couldn't give a damn less if anyone gets offended by something that is said.

That's their problem, not mine. This is America, get used to it.

The 1st amendment FTW.


Active Member
To be quite honest, I couldn't give a damn less if anyone gets offended by something that is said.

That's their problem, not mine. This is America, get used to it.

The 1st amendment FTW.
And of course that is your right. Just as it is the right of the Westbourough baptist church to cheer the deaths of soldiers and the KKK to call for lynching blacks and NAMBLA to demonstrate for Phedophile releationships.
I do not support thier platforms either but do support their right to have one.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the usally bull from someone like you..

Typical crap pouring from your mouth(No blind racist tendencies here...

What a fucking ignornat comment to make about some cartoons.


Well-Known Member
And of course that is your right. Just as it is the right of the Westbourough baptist church to cheer the deaths of soldiers and the KKK to call for lynching blacks and NAMBLA to demonstrate for Phedophile releationships.
I do not support thier platforms either but do support their right to have one.
Couldn't agree more with you on that.

Just like if someone wants to say something or talk shit about me... have at it buddy... Again, like with my previous post, I couldn't give a damn less... What's it gonna do to me?

It's when violence happens. What really irks me about Islam is how it despises what we cherish, and it thrives by suppressing education and free thought, the very things someone needs to overcome the dogma - which is obviously the reason they suppress it in the first place (a lot like how Fundies here in the States are opposed to a lot of the public education in America, these people know that if the youth learns this stuff, they'll pull themselves up out of the hole that is organized religion into the enlightened world of rationality, and they don't want that).


Active Member
Yeah the usally bull from someone like you..

Typical crap pouring from your mouth(No blind racist tendencies here...

What a fucking ignornat comment to make about some cartoons.
Yep. Again if you want to offend people that is your right to do so. I support your right to do so. I may not agree with it but that is besides the point.
If you want to scribble a cartoon about Muhammad to make yourself feel better then have at it. Just don't expect others to look at you any differently than the Westborough baptist church members who hold up signs that ridicule dead soldiers at funerals in order to inflame the emotions of the grieving families.

Patrick Bateman

Active Member
Yeah the usally bull from someone like you..

Typical crap pouring from your mouth(No blind racist tendencies here...

What a fucking ignornat comment to make about some cartoons.
Truth is subjective

To you they are cartoons

To a Muslim they are a reprehensible act

I suppose a burning cross is just two pieces of lumber undergoing rapid oxidation to a Christian huh?


Well-Known Member
Truth is subjective

To you they are cartoons

To a Muslim they are a reprehensible act

I suppose a burning cross is just two pieces of lumber undergoing rapid oxidation to a Christian huh?

Sorry bro,most christians do not have a issue with a burning cross.

Or a cartoon image of jesus or god.

I think african-americans might have a problem with that.

This is what is fucking wrong with this world,So many people easily offended by the most stupid of things.


Well-Known Member
Truth is subjective

To you they are cartoons

To a Muslim they are a reprehensible act

I suppose a burning cross is just two pieces of lumber undergoing rapid oxidation to a Christian huh?
Truth is objective, that's why it's the truth. Your or my subjective interpretation of the facts doesn't change that.

I don't care how Muslims interpret anything, it's unacceptable for people to be threatening violence over another person expressing their 1st amendment rights. If any Muslim wants to live in this country, they must accept that our customs take priority, not theirs, not to mention it's not only America's customs, but the customs of Europe for the last couple centuries, which were influenced by Middle Eastern philosophy.

My 1st amendment rights take priority over another persons right to believe in a fairy tale. If someone is so easily offended by words, or feels so threatened by cartoons, perhaps they should reconsider their belief...

The second part of this post isn't directed at you Pat.


Active Member
Truth is subjective

To you they are cartoons

To a Muslim they are a reprehensible act

I suppose a burning cross is just two pieces of lumber undergoing rapid oxidation to a Christian huh?
The results are the same. Just as a burning cross has such inflamatory connotations to a black family. The results are the same as the westborough baptist example I cited. The KKK feels they are right in burning crosses and their racist ideology, the Westborough church feels they are right in causing so much pain to grieving families of dead soldiers at funerals, and by our constitution they have the right to express their beliefs. But that does not hinder the beliefs that they are showing terribly bad form in doing so.
As I said before I and the vast majority of AMericans support your right to draw as many caricatures of Muhammad as you want, Just don't expect us to think of you as any diiferent than these other groups who do so to inflame the emotions.

Patrick Bateman

Active Member
Sorry bro,most christians do not have a issue with a burning cross.

Or a caroon image of jesus or god.

I think african-americans might have a problem with that.

This is what is fucking wrong with this world,So many people easily offended by the most stupid of things.
Sacrilege: violation or injurious treatment of a sacred object

Think the cross might be a sacred symbol?

There goes your argument, out the window with your credibility

How unfortunate for humanity that all do not think like Mindmelted

Then we would all know what to be offended by and what not to be offended by

Try to be a little less idealistic, religion is a large facet in many peoples' lives and as absurd as that is, it doesn't look like that will be changing any time soon

Truth is objective, that's why it's the truth. Your or my subjective interpretation of the facts doesn't change that.
No, fact is objective

The personal truth that comes with interpreting a fact is largely an individual experience

For example, the various images in this thread are drawn depictions of the prophet Muhammad

Within the belief systems of people like you and I, they are nothing more than harmless drawings

To someone who has all their life known that it is wrong to depict the Prophet, they are reprehensible

As Kierkegaard would argue, discovering objective facts is important, but the second more crucial element of truth is how one relates himself to those matters of fact


Well-Known Member
Sacrilege: violation or injurious treatment of a sacred object

Think the cross might be a sacred symbol?

There goes your argument, out the window with your credibility

How unfortunate for humanity that all do not think like Mindmelted

Then we would all know what to be offended by and what not to be offended by

Try to be a little less idealistic, religion is a large facet in many peoples' lives and as absurd as that is, it doesn't look like that will be changing any time soonquote

Sorry patrick, you do not know the diffrence between a fanatic religous person and just a religous person.
But to the radical dumbass religous people it does.
And hummanity would do well to think like me.
And not like oh fuck who are we going to offend..
All this fucking silly politically correct shit is for idiots.
Boo fucking hoo i was offended,get the fuck over it.


New Member
...hummanity would do well to think like me....All this fucking silly politically correct shit is for idiots....Bo fucking who i was offended,get the fuck over it.
Humanity, did you mean?

Boo fucking hoo, did you mean?

You'll have to excuse me as I disagree with you while chortling uncontrollably

edit - let's ditch political correctness and call the blacks 'niggers' again! Those chinamen regain their rightful nomenclature as 'gooks', and those illegals, well, they are 'spicks' once again. Now that I can be politically incorrect again, I see things so much clearer! Thank goodness.


Well-Known Member
So you want to draw Mohammad because ????? and how would you draw someone if you have no idea what they look like...It's like the false picture of Jesus with the blue eyes and long straight hair...If you can't get it right why do it...Maybe they feel so strongly about it because of the fact that people would change the appearance to look more like them...again like the white blue eyed straight haired Jesus...just saying


Well-Known Member
the stuff that comes out of your fucking shit hole mouth.
another thread gone to garbage because of dukeofdiareha.