Meter readers?


Well-Known Member
I came home and my sister told me something about some people in the backyard. I asked her what they looked like and she said "about your age, blue shirts".

I think they are meter readers. Do you think if so, that they would rat me out? Any ideas? The problem with my sister and brother is I think they would let the police in if they came knocking on the door.


Well-Known Member
just because theres a spike in your energy consumption a month doesnt mean the 5150 is gonna come knockin on your door. and do your brother and sister know you grow? if not it might be wise to tell them if the cops ever do come knocking to not let them in without a warrent and to call you asap? be smart about it and you wont get caught.


Well-Known Member
just because theres a spike in your energy consumption a month doesnt mean the 5150 is gonna come knockin on your door. and do your brother and sister know you grow? if not it might be wise to tell them if the cops ever do come knocking to not let them in without a warrent and to call you asap? be smart about it and you wont get caught.
meter readers do an annual (once a year) check on the meters I think.


Active Member
thats a tough one... i wouldn't wanna trust the meter readers. its really up to there own morals. the cable guy could come in and be like thats a great smelling incense you got there wanna smoke.... or he could be like dude drugs are bad and i'm tellin. you never know with these people.

i would gauge based on this...

are your plants in a noticeable area?
are they big?
do they have buds on em?
are the laws in your area strict?

if you can answer 3 of the 4 as a yes then i would be nervous...


Well-Known Member
How many people do you think it takes to "read a meter".

We need more details. Are you Plants even near a meter or did they walk in your yard and see them ?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
You never know if they will tell. And just how many meter readers does it take? Keep an eye on them, if they saw them and liked them, they may not rat you out, but come back and steal them. Be careful and tell your bro and sis not to ever let anyone in the house. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Meter man here just roll down da alley and uses a scanner. they dont need multiple meter men to read ya meter even if your state doesn't have the scanner.