Michael Moore documentarys


Well-Known Member
Yes, actually it does make sense as an example of a syllogism.

If I had said that a syllogism was an argument the conclusion of which is supported by two premises, of which one (major premise) contains the term (major term) that is the predicate of the conclusion, and the other (minor premise) contains the term (minor term) that is the subject of the conclusion; common to both premises is a term (middle term) that is excluded from the conclusion. A typical form is “All A is C; all B is A; therefore all B is C.” Face it, you would have been lost.

Like your problem with Krs 1, I think that you have a hard time with analogy. It is probably because your mind isn't guilty of critical thinking, and it is not capable of preventing original thought from passing right on through.


Well-Known Member
no, what im trying to say is our capitalistic gov. has become more of a corperation. instead of those companys just falling because they couldnt make it, they influenced the government enough so that they would bail them out. it's as if the gov itself is bieng run by the companys more than congress.

everything in the last 10 years especially has been for these big companys, and not giving a damn about the average person. (not a level playing field if you ask me)

my point is pretty much if this were really level those companys wouldnt have gotten bailed out by we the taxpayers, they would have had to deal with it... and from the fall of those companys would rise new ones. thats bieng an even playing field to me. if you fuck up your out, and give someone else a chance at the top.

but this is not what happend, like i said before they fucked up and got 70 billion $ for it. and why, because these companys control the government.
You are right and wrong... I blame the government for almost all of this (no big surprise).

The government should never have bailed out the companies. However, the government should not have forced Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae into buying bullshit mortgages that were beyond risky. And the government should never have gotten involved in Iraq or Afganistan beyond taking the taliban out. And... And... And...

Politicians can fuck up for decades and not get voted out of office if they bring home enough bacon... The whole system is fucked...


Well-Known Member
If capitalism worked why did they need 70 billion of taxpayer money to bail the fat cats out?
Capitalism didn't fail, the idiots who bought homes they couldn't afford did. You can trace that back to whoever wrote those laws for people to be able to buy a $400k home on a $35k a year job, but it's the idiots who put pen to paper who took the bait.



Well-Known Member
alism didn't fail, the idiots who bought homes they couldn't afford did. You can trace that back to whoever wrote those laws for people to be able to buy a $400k home on a $35k a year job, but it's the idiots who put pen to paper who took the bait.
You dont expect the politicians to blame the people who actually signed the contracts do ya? Hell, according to them we are a bunch of IDIOTS!!...

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
You are talking about corporations, not capitalism... COMPLETELY different. Corporations operate with legal protections that do not apply to capitalism.

Capitalism is a type of economics. It allows everyone to compete on a level playing field. It gives people opportunity to compete. Michael Moore was given that opportunity to compete and has made himself alot of money. He doesnt seem to donate much of it though... Doesnt seem like such a humanitarian to me.

He completely misunderstands the concept of capitalism while attacking corporatism...

ok now i get what your saying... i guess its the corporations that are bringing the whole system down. the idea of capitalism is great it is just bieng abused. like i said its not really capitalism if the companys fucking up are getting bailed out by taxpayers. its just not how things are supposed to work.

and i agree with tiny turtle, there should be no such thing as corporations. its bad for the system


Well-Known Member
You dont expect the politicians to blame the people who actually signed the contracts do ya? Hell, according to them we are a bunch of IDIOTS!!...
I don't usually agree with the government but if this is what they truly think, then I don't disagree, lol

Ha ha! I love it! It's just like Dragline's avi-"Get a brain morans!". Can you say "Pot calling the kettle black"?:o
You meant "morons" right?


Well-Known Member
If capitalism worked why did they need 70 billion of taxpayer money to bail the fat cats out? if it where true capitalism those companys who couldnt manage themselves would have fallen and made way for other better run companys.

but no they got all that money and what did they do with it...gave out million dollar bonuses to all of the ceos and top financial advisors. sounds like a raw deal to me.

and the saying capitalism gives those with nothing the shot at something is fairly true..but like chappelle says "you better start entertaining these white people" because thats all the poor people can do. (with few exeptions) for example 50 cent becoming a rapper, lebron basketball, any poor dominican kid who can hit a baseball...

when this idea of capitalism started it was a great idea...but with so much corruption and greed its time for a change. the people running the biggest companys are running the government. not the people in the gov themselves. all of these laws are bought and its all to make the rich richer. and make it harder for people to start thier own buisnesses and get ahead in life( tax cuts for the rich, and more for the middle class)
Life is never going to be perfect. It's never gonna be fair. We've established the fact that the people with money are running things. Great! What are we gonna do about it, besides bitching on an internet forum? I think we are oversimplifying things here. Americans want cheap products. We are impatient and still relatively rich when compared to most of the rest of the world. Our desire for inexpensive goods is a big part of what got us here. Why isn't that being talked about? The American people are just as culpable in this mess as the powers that be. Poor people wanted to buy houses. I don't have a problem with people owning homes but do we need to have these ridiculous McMansions and giant SUV's? A big financial collapse was long overdue and like anything else, you can't have good times without bad times. Would you enjoy a sunny day as much if it was always sunny? :weed:


Well-Known Member
I don't usually agree with the government but if this is what they truly think, then I don't disagree, lol

You meant "morons" right?
I take it you've never seen the picture. It's spelled MORANS on this guy's sign and it's hilarious! :joint:


Well-Known Member
No I haven't, lol, I figured you put it in bold for a reason, hahaha

I beg to differ, I think life will some day be perfect because Obama is our POTUS and change is coming...

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Life is never going to be perfect. It's never gonna be fair. We've established the fact that the people with money are running things. Great! What are we gonna do about it, besides bitching on an internet forum? I think we are oversimplifying things here. Americans want cheap products. We are impatient and still relatively rich when compared to most of the rest of the world. Our desire for inexpensive goods is a big part of what got us here. Why isn't that being talked about? The American people are just as culpable in this mess as the powers that be. Poor people wanted to buy houses. I don't have a problem with people owning homes but do we need to have these ridiculous McMansions and giant SUV's? A big financial collapse was long overdue and like anything else, you can't have good times without bad times. Would you enjoy a sunny day as much if it was always sunny? :weed:

i agree with that statement, i just think its wrong that the top 1% of the richest people in america have more money than the bottom 95% (i said 99% before i think i was wrong) but it just goes to show that there is something wrong with the flow of money in the u.s. its all going up to the top and none of it is trickling back down.


Well-Known Member
The bailout was a perfect example of that, all of our tax money went to help these thieves and we are yet to see any of it trickle back down to us. All you see are more bank fee's now


Well-Known Member
i agree with that statement, i just think its wrong that the top 1% of the richest people in america have more money than the bottom 95% (i said 99% before i think i was wrong) but it just goes to show that there is something wrong with the flow of money in the u.s. its all going up to the top and none of it is trickling back down.
Get out and vote this November. Get rid of the crooks in Washington and hopefully we the people can take our country back. This is our best chance at real change, not that bullshit campaign slogan of our current prez, but real change! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Amen to that. Do your own research before making your own decision. I've pretty much stopped watching tv since I started growing, if I'm not tending to my plants or my wife, I'm reading about growing weed, lol


Well-Known Member
Amen to that. Do your own research before making your own decision. I've pretty much stopped watching tv since I started growing, if I'm not tending to my plants or my wife, I'm reading about growing weed, lol
I feel ya. I usually have CNN on in the background while I'm on the computer. Aside from that I rarely watch TV. Except for Family Guy. I still love that shit!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, hell yea, my wife and I love Family Guy! I just picked up seasons 1 & 2 of The Tick at Comic Con, been getting stoned and watching those, best cartoon ever, lol