Michael Moore documentarys


Well-Known Member
so your telling me that when all of these blue chip companies laid off hundreds of thousands of employees and then had some of the highest profit years in history isnt true?

and the fact that the richest 1% in this country has more money than the bottom 99% put together.

and the only reason we had an economic boom was because we blew up japan and germany (our 2 biggest competitors in the automotive industry) its easy to be #1 when you take out your competiton.

also the companys taking out life insurance policies on thier employees so if they did die the company would get the money. that would be like taking out homeowners insurance on all of your neighbors and hoping something bad would happen to one of them so you could collect the insurance money (wich is illegal)

and i dont think michael moore is mad about what he got, he just sees how fucked up the system is and wants to change it. not for himself but for the people who suffer because of the greed of others.

and as far as the deception of obama i dont think he tried to decieve anybody i think he wanted to change america, but he didnt want to end up like another guy named kennedy who tried to do the same thing.

thats just my opinion, and ill check out that "deception of obama thing and get back with what i think of it"

p.s carnifreak, that shit about all cats dying is the most retarded thing ive ever heard. socrates is a cat....damn your stupid

Did you know that top 1% pays almost 90% of the taxes too? What is wrong with capitalism. Everyone should not have the same amount of money or all be equal wealth wise. Do you want to have a dam socialist America?


Well-Known Member
Capitalism didn't fail, the idiots who bought homes they couldn't afford did. You can trace that back to whoever wrote those laws for people to be able to buy a $400k home on a $35k a year job, but it's the idiots who put pen to paper who took the bait.]

You are EXACTLY correct. People tried to pay for things such as houses when they knew they couldn't pay for it. Clinton forced the banks to lend them the money and it started the whole sha-bang of bail outs

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Did you know that top 1% pays almost 90% of the taxes too? What is wrong with capitalism. Everyone should not have the same amount of money or all be equal wealth wise. Do you want to have a dam socialist America?

its actually 37% not 90...get your shit together


Well-Known Member
its actually 37% not 90...get your shit together
What? Did Michael Moore give you that number or something?
Sorry to hate, but I just have to. Call it a kneejerk reaction to being called a stupid retard.
The data you have just given is from the 2004 tax year, Bud.

Second paragraph, last sentence.

Before we all go nay saying each other ad nauseum, why don't we all get our stuff together?

In case you were wondering, the top 1% paid 40.42% of the taxes in 2009


Well-Known Member
Im not going to go out of my way to defend Michael Moore by any means. But if anyone here is a fan of someone like Glenn Beck, you have no room to criticize Michael Moore.


Well-Known Member
Im not going to go out of my way to defend Michael Moore by any means. But if anyone here is a fan of someone like Glenn Beck, you have no room to criticize Michael Moore.
There he is! Hey man, we were talking about your avi a couple of days ago. Ya gotta love ingnorant folk who think they've got it all figured out.:lol:


New Member
Did you know that top 1% pays almost 90% of the taxes too? What is wrong with capitalism. Everyone should not have the same amount of money or all be equal wealth wise. Do you want to have a dam socialist America?
Yes, although with the caveat that it not be like any that came before, BTW dam is a thing that holds back water in a flow and may create electricity, damn is what I lay on all major capitalists. In a capitalist society, the rich are favored, in a true socialist society, the people are favored. I guess the answer lies within the framework of whether one is a capitalist or a worker. The ability to make money with money just seems so corrupt to me. If one has capital, (Mostly a supply of cash) one can make money without getting their hands dirty. Some call it smart, I call it criminal.


Well-Known Member
Yes, although with the caveat that it not be like any that came before.....
just how does one go about insuring that the corruption that has plagued and been the downfall of every socialist society does not destroy this utopia you imagine?

In a capitalist society, the rich are favored, in a true socialist society, the people are favored.
the rich and powerful are favored in every society. socialism merely formalizes that arrangement and guarantees that the wealth and power are controlled by the political elite. government already controls law enforcement and the military, allowing it such complete control of the economy leaves the people with no power. as much as you hate bosses, wouldn't you rather those bosses weren't holding a literal gun to your head to force you to perform your job?


Active Member
The top 1% has about 40% of the wealth. The top 10% has 71% of the wealth. (LINK)
The top 1% earn about 20% of the total income in a year. “The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid 40.42 percent of total federal income taxes in 2007. This represents the second year in a row that the richest 1 percent paid more in federal income taxes than the bottom 95 percent.” (LINK) Bitch about the rich all you want but they pay out the ass.

True capitalist would have let the banks go under. Of course the government would not have had Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac screwing up the market place. President Bush started this mess and but Obama has given it an entirely new set of legs.

That mcmansion as people call them put food on the table for a lot of tradesmen. Those expensive cars, clothing, jewelry, boats, etc… give countless people jobs. The financial meltdown happened because bubbles bust. People had been talking about the housing bubble for a while. Have you ever heard of the Depression of 1920? (LINK) It was worse than the Great Depression but Government did not get involved and the economy recovered in a relatively short time. Keynesian economics that President Obama talked so highly of when he came into office actually prolonged the Great Depression. It was WWII that got us out of it.


Active Member
A little more from my drunk ass.

Capitalism is a system that allows a person to trade their time for an agreed value. If you’re not happy with your current situation, CHANGE IT! No you told you to stay at a dead end job. I had a good job in a trade, wasn’t hard work and had enough verity to not get burnt out. I could have easily sat there and made a career out of it. But I want more for my family so I quite that bitch and went back to school, even though I already have a degree. Sure it sucks now but in 2 or 3 years it’ll be worth it. The government will not educate my children.

Capitalism isn’t perfect but if you try to give everyone the same amount of stuff all you do is end up with everyone having less. How would you like the government to tell you how much you can earn? How about controlling the temperature your thermostat is set? Who would have thought they’d out lay the incandescent light bulb? Oh how about no more soft drinks because they are unhealthy? Here’s one for you no more motorcycles because motorcycle accidents cost Obama Care to much money every year. Does that sound like a good idea? Some of these examples are a little crazy but they could happen under socialism.


New Member
exactly its come to a point where its not a government but a buisness, these powerful companys have taken over and there is nothing that can be done. because they have it all figured out.

i mean honestly he(moore) asks people in the gov questions about why they are doing this bailout and where they came up with the numbers and they have no clue...they all just stare at him and say "ask so and so he might tell you" when these people are supposed to be overlooking and governing these decisions.

it just goes to show you the gov isnt run by polititions its run by the ceo's. and if you try and stop them your gona get capped in the skull.
It's called corporatism, or more likely an oligarchic plutochracy. In the 1940s, they called it Fascism, try that today and the right wingers would hang you high, although that is exactly what it is. This is a real fascist police state. Don't believe me, try going against the establishment. Look at what happen at the G-7, G-14, and G-20 conferences. Try and voice your opinions and voila, instant arrest. The rich are barricaded in clusters protected by a giant convergence of police and military. Free country, not any more. This is not what I grew up believing in, not why I was in Nam, this is a real fucked version of the American dream, more like a nightmare.


Well-Known Member
Does anybody else find his movies amazing?

i watched capitalism a love story today and it made me crazy. i cant belive the shit thats happening in our country. I mean this guy just blows my mind with the shit he uncovers and holds people responsible.

ive also seen the 9/11 movie and i can say that they both changed the way i look at society and how its run. and i even shed a few tears.

I am also shocked that there hasnt been widespread looting and riots because of these.

well i was just wondering what other ppl thought of them. and if you havnt seen them you need to!
Michael Moore doesn't uncover the whole truth or break the false left-right political paradigm. Capitalism is in fact what made this country great, it's the hijacking of our monetary system by the Federal Reserve that has lead to the devaluation of our currency & our current economic woes. This would be defined more as corporate fascism, the concept of true free market capitalism is actually the only real way to have a true economy. Everything else is just fiat paper in a ponzi scheme run by billionaire con artists (corporate fascism) or socialism/communism.

Try checking out www.prisonplanet.com. Watch all of Alex Jones films. They are free on youtube, just type in Alex Jones or the title of his movies & you will start to uncover how truly fucked up things in this country really are.


Well-Known Member
Yes, although with the caveat that it not be like any that came before, BTW dam is a thing that holds back water in a flow and may create electricity, damn is what I lay on all major capitalists. In a capitalist society, the rich are favored, in a true socialist society, the people are favored. I guess the answer lies within the framework of whether one is a capitalist or a worker. The ability to make money with money just seems so corrupt to me. If one has capital, (Mostly a supply of cash) one can make money without getting their hands dirty. Some call it smart, I call it criminal.
You are a socialist then. You are talking about corporate fascism, not capitalism. You need to get more educated on what capitalism actually is instead of touting worthless left-right politics. You are saying people have no right to make money with their own money. Your assertion is patently absurd at best & utterly communist at worst. I believe that you should read the Constitution of the United States of America & make a decision about whether you want to represent this country or leave it.


Well-Known Member
The top 1% has about 40% of the wealth. The top 10% has 71% of the wealth. (LINK)
The top 1% earn about 20% of the total income in a year. “The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid 40.42 percent of total federal income taxes in 2007. This represents the second year in a row that the richest 1 percent paid more in federal income taxes than the bottom 95 percent.” (LINK) Bitch about the rich all you want but they pay out the ass.

True capitalist would have let the banks go under. Of course the government would not have had Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac screwing up the market place. President Bush started this mess and but Obama has given it an entirely new set of legs.

That mcmansion as people call them put food on the table for a lot of tradesmen. Those expensive cars, clothing, jewelry, boats, etc… give countless people jobs. The financial meltdown happened because bubbles bust. People had been talking about the housing bubble for a while. Have you ever heard of the Depression of 1920? (LINK) It was worse than the Great Depression but Government did not get involved and the economy recovered in a relatively short time. Keynesian economics that President Obama talked so highly of when he came into office actually prolonged the Great Depression. It was WWII that got us out of it.
Thank you. This is a great example of corporate fascism controlled by a small % of wealthy bankers & investors. They run shit. It's the New World Fucking Order. Get awake & get educated people. http://www.prisonplanet.com

However, I have to disagree that they "pay out the ass" when most of the elite's money isn't even taxable because it's tied up in accounts, corporations, or assets that are overseas.