microwave lovers


Active Member
Yo what up blazers, to anyone who jus cant wait to smoke and they really dont wanna microwave and burn all the trichs...well i have been doing some testing and if u want a good dried bud that isnt to badly burned and still get u high as fuck without the hassle of smoking halfway dried bud then follow the easy steps

#1 Now 75% of bud weight is usually lost when u dry ur good homegrown ganja...so in order to have enough to smoke in order to get u by while ur waiting the do the math. If u want 1 gram then cut 4 grams wet, and make sure u are in about week 6-10 because its really a waste if u cut anytime before.

#2 take your 4 gram wet nug and place in the microwave ontop of a paper towel, this helps release access moisture.

#3 Set the microwave for 3 1/2 min on power level 3-4 depending on what u think is best,Personally I like power level 3 because its less heat which means less degrading.

#4 pop it open and see how shes doin after the 3 1/2 min is up, the bud will apear very wet still because its so warm but let cool for about 2 min and then place up to ur lips, If u feel cold wet spots on ur lips after touchin then its still a lil bit wet...and if so then place back into the microwave on power level 2 for 1 1/2 min and it should be done....DONT USE SMALLER LOOSE BUDS, they dont dry as fast for some reason so get a good nug and dont waste ur time...

#420 SmOkIn TiMe, place that bitch in the bowl or blunt and get lit...burns very good and better if its a lil flushed..But hey that it so let me know what u think

later blazers


Well-Known Member
I was curious as to the outcome of microwaving several years ago. So I took a small chuck through it in the mwave using the defrost method and guess what...? I ruined a completely good bud. Tasted like shit, smelt like shit and absolutely no high at all.

Never again!


Well-Known Member
i just chop a nug up a bit, boil a pot of water on the stove, put a plate ontop of the pot, put my weed on that, works much better


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
when im needing to dry sum buds cuz imout. i put my oven on warm put my buds in a wooden bowl leave the oven door cracked open about an inch.. and let it dry./ takes a couple of hours but the smoke tastes way better... its not all burnd up


Active Member
gotta do the powerlevel right swear come out good as its gonna get for a quick dry....smoke some power kush couple days ago and i get fucked up, it really does work jus try it


Active Member
for real i dont bull shit jus cuz ima stanger dont mean that i aint been doin this shit for years....certin strains come out better...power kush is good to do along with bubba kush, they really dont lose to much potentcy during the process just complete loss of taste and smell...but hey if u wanna blaze early and dont wanna pay for a sack then this is by far the best way to go......or jus let ur shit dry hahaha...but im blazin so have fun waitn