Mohican's 2015 Season

This was the best part:

By the time Christmas came around I had lost 20 pounds and ripped out the carpeting in my back room. It was my weight room and so I had to move all of the equipment to one side of the room and tear up the carpet, padding and tack boards. Then I moved everything to the other side of the room and repeated the removal. I did this all the night before family arrived for the holiday.

I smoked so much hash that I got a bad cough. I had to stop for a while. I gained all of the weight back (and a bit more).

I can't wait to make a new batch of Frenchy pressed hash from all of the ladies in the garden this crop!


Gawd. that story had me lol.
Just wondering what brad of his lighting you prefer. I have used digilux and am trying the eyehortalux super hps next. I use 1000 watt bulbs with lumateck ballasts.
@greenthumb111 - I am pretty sure it is from caterpillars. I haven't sprayed anything on the plants this crop. I don't want any chemicals, organic or not, on this batch. I am letting the bugs have their cut of the garden and then they leave me some unspoiled flowers. I don't mind sharing.

@Mithrandir420 - which ones did you pick?

@norcal mmj - I am not sure what your question is - I use the sun whenever possible :)

Rebar crossed with Triangle.

Rebar liked to be topped and fimmed aggressively to get it to produce thick stems and huge buds. The Rebar clones I have grown without any topping or manipulating have come out way different. They also revegged and were treated like shit ever since. They still are surprising me.

Rebar Clone #1 in a pot (growing into the ground):

Rebar Clone #2 in the dirt:

We're about to be fucked by new state regulations. Greedy big business at Its finest ..... Come Jan 1st it's time to move to another state. . It's been fun while it lasted.
Whats up man? They going to ban growing in CA?

Read up on ab 266 and SB 643

It's a bill that's passed then gutted and rewritten. We'll know by the end of the day what the bill says. Jerry brown has to sign it by today.

It voids prop 215 and goes after doctors and patients. You have to get a rec from a regular physician. If you sell anything to dispensaries or patients you have to have a state grow license. And dispensaries have a separate license.. Transport will be a separate license. They're setting up a regulation department . Everything will be tracked like it is in colorado. They're only going to give out a certain number of licenses. A separate license for extract artists too.

The stupid thing is once CCHI 2016 passes that will negate amd void ab 266 and SB 643.

Basically this bill makes it more difficult for the mom n pop grows. And makes it easier for big business to take over.

I don't want people in my house doing inspections. I'd have to set up a commercial facility. No one's got that kind of money right now.

In colorado you have to live there for 2 years to be able apply for a license. Then it's a 9 month waiting period. Then you know how hard it is in oregon.

I'll probably go to Arizona if it remains a shady bill.
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@Mohican just wondering if you use indoor lights my bad. Was wondering what brand you prefer or has worked well for you. I have read about the different bulbs I can buy and witch are the best. Just looking for personal experience form people I follow. Thanxs
You all should keep in mind that 215 was a voter initiative and cannot be messed with that way. It will not stand up In court trying to get rid of prop 215 becuase of that. Even sb420 was knocked down becuase it tryed to define things in prop215. They may try but won't ultimately win in CA. That's my opinion though.