

Well-Known Member
Stumps guess you have never used sweet leaf,sweet, carbo load?? these are all derivitives of bl;ack strap molasses made for hydro. As I said you use 2 table spoons few days before the res change. The purpose of molasses is to boost the carbohydrates which yes all plants use soil and hydro. the only time you do not use it is in aero or fog ponics. You disolve the molasses in warm water then add to the res. It does nothing to gunk up your system and your changing the res in 2 days anyways. the added carb allow the plant to use its nutrients quicker and promotes the plants uptake. Its a proven hydro and soil method and has several dozen companys making thier own version. i have used it in hydro for about 12 years now and even tried to expirement with small amounts for aero. Yes aero will be a mess as the mist foams the molasses making a gummy foam. In hydro flood and drain or drip its fine and works excellent.

I remember reading a thread here a while back regarding the carbo-load, i believe... seems it was quite similair to molasses no??


Well-Known Member
No sir I have not used sweet leaf. I play with deep water hydro"bubbler" when I read your post I flat out thought of the mess I had when I added my reg. nute mix to the water.
I still don't see the point for hydro but will dive deeper into it to see what I'm missing. I have a gal with about 4 or 5 weeks left do you think upping the molasses to 2 tbls per would help at this time? It has been getting about 1 per gal. just went to 75 ppm mix last feeding. Crap I could go on and on.


Well-Known Member
i myself have never ever used it UNTIL this time around and what i am finding is very very good!! i use one spoonful per gol and two cap fulls of peroxide ITS CRAZY good!!i have never seen plants get so shinny you can tell in two weeks that thy love it!! have not been on this site to long seen threads on this so i gave it a try and all i can say is WOW!! i went to a feed mill down the road got a raw gol of it for 2.00 used it and am shocked!!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Carbo load is the same as molasses as its a high dose of carbohydrates which is what the molasses adds. It has other good additive in it but does the same. In a bubbler I add 2-3 days before a res change at 2 table spoons per gallon. The reson to use it in hydro is the same as in soil for the carbs it has. The best way though is to by sweet or maybe sugar daddy as its little cleaner and has few extras but basically the same as blackstrap mollasses just pre mixed.

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
I'm going to start an experiment in a few days. I collect maple sap from my sugar maple trees for the neighbor who makes maple syrup. It's mostlty water, but sweet. It takes approx 50gal to make 1gal of syrup. I'm at day 26 of flowering right now with 6 plants. At day 42 I'm gonna start feeding just one with only maple sap straight from the tree. The rest will continue to get bloom booster till 2 wks left and then just water. I have 5 gal of sap in my fridge, I left 1 tap in a tree in case I need more. It should be interesting.

Hmmmmm... doobies that taste like pancakes?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Dont use the maple syrup as it has other elements that are not too good for your plants. The molecular make up of maple syrup is different then black strap mollasses as it will have sulphur in it


Well-Known Member
Mix a small amount with some water and off you go about 25ml per can be used in a hydrophonic system too just do the same thing add to your nutrient mix but i would not use anything like this untill the second week of flowering.

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
Dont use the maple syrup as it has other elements that are not too good for your plants. The molecular make up of maple syrup is different then black strap mollasses as it will have sulphur in it
Ahhh...I didn't know that.
I'm still gonna try it on 1 plant though since I already have it collected. Guess I have to learn the hard way.

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
there is no measurements, you can use as much or little as you want. I wouldnt suggest going over 2 tablespoons per gallon though. I dont even measure, I just pour in more or less for what I want it to do. Never had an issue, just pour in molasses the day before mixing.


Well-Known Member
Hi there,

I have just bought some Molasses, the unsulphered kind, blac something. Can anyone tell me what the directions are for using this with the plants? I am day 35 from seedling with my d-ryder.

any help at all would be great.

this is what molasses(blackstrapp) does to your plants