mold on dry bud


Active Member
i open my jar after several month, there are mold on all my bud..please hlp..any idea how can i remove these white mold?
and is it safe someking these bud?
help please

Carribean Blue

Well-Known Member
if you can get some pics to see how bad it is. if is not that bad you could do some thing about it but if is to much i would regretable throw the bud.:cry:

Carribean Blue

Well-Known Member
if its very little i have scraped it of the dipped the bud in rubbing alchol only a little bit though and set fire the the alchol then put the flame out after a couple of second or untill the flame change from blue to yellowish. then smoked it but you could store it again. BUT IF YOU DO THIS MAKE SURE ITS ONLY A SMALL AMOUNT OF MOLD LIKE A FEW MILIMETERS.


Well-Known Member
i open my jar after several month, there are mold on all my bud..please hlp..any idea how can i remove these white mold?
and is it safe someking these bud?
help please
Have you been burping the jar?

Did you cure it properly or did you just throw it all in a jar and not open it for a few months?



Active Member
I have been seeing medicine around here with small amount of mold in the center of the bigger buds. It is not a ton, but noticeable if you look closely. The buds in the center are almost brownish and have a little white mold, but the outside of the buds are beautiful and tasty. Is this a serious concern for health? I would rather not smoke it myself, but patients still do it.


Well-Known Member
i have seen some posts that a vaporizer will deal with moldy bud
the heat deactivates any mold spores
that said, i would be very reluctant to test that theory on very moldy bud


Well-Known Member
i have seen some posts that a vaporizer will deal with moldy bud
the heat deactivates any mold spores
that said, i would be very reluctant to test that theory on very moldy bud
Hey do you happen to remember any links to these posts? i've been wondering about the "vaping my semi-mold ridden nugs" theory for awhile now, much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Hey do you happen to remember any links to these posts? i've been wondering about the "vaping my semi-mold ridden nugs" theory for awhile now, much appreciated.
i didn't keep the links, but what i googled on was 'marijuana clinical mold vaporizer'
that was about a year ago, there were some article excerpts from some reputable sources


Active Member
i've smoked moldy buds before but it tasted terrible and gave me a minor stomach ache after. if there is a very tiny bit almost not noticable you might be ok unless you are allergic to mold. if its bad enough tho i would just toss it or give it to someone else to smoke.


Well-Known Member
u can prb make edibles with them, i doubt the mold will survive a baking
i do see some do just that, certainly baking will kill mold spores
but a few molds create toxic compounds, they could survive baking
there are so many damn types of mold, which makes it tough to know if you're dealing with a nuisance or a danger


Active Member
A whaile back, I'vehad to cut the bad parts out before and have smoked the rest of the buds from mildly moldy bud from my early attmepts at /dry/curing. Tasted like shit, smoked good of course and here I remain at this moment posting. I thought spores like 99.9 of little living things that are microscopic should die by immolation.:fire: ......not by vaporizers.


Active Member
They aren't terribly moldy, and only I have noticed it. I have gifted some to other patients and they didn't complain. I can however tell a difference in taste, and I am personally afraid to smoke any more of it. Just sucks because there is a lot of weight lost :(


extract the THC from the moldy buds, make hash of it, dont smoke them. It promotes diseases and shit like cancer. If you buy medical bud with mold that means they are slacking and not searching well enough for that shit. I'd take that shit right back.


Active Member
hey Carribean blue
can you xplain me clearly wht should i do..
there's very little white mold on the bud...