Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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lol oh doc its hard to know where to begin because your arguments are like that of one who has not read the thread.
First though what is all your talk of 'sock-puppets' etc...not sure what you mean? I can only guess that your trying to say that anyone who disagrees with you is apparently my 'sock-puppet'? That could be the weakest thing you've put forward to date...ok well its right up there with your par lets say.
Also why would you assume that I am a lawyer?
I never claimed such.
Finally, doni says it all doc, even you should be able to grasp what he's saying, it ends the 'debate' if there ever was one...your reaction to being dispatched with such prejudice is not unlike if the head of a snake is severed, the head can and will still bite and the body can continue to strike out in reflex even into the next once again here is the blade that severs your head doc no matter what reflexive responses still remain lingering in your nerves system of disconnected logic:
"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know."
Donald Rumsfeld

I understand how degrading it must feel to be finally slayed by a Rumsfeld quote of all things, but as I have stated before everything is relative and relevant, even that which you have put forward in irrelevance to the 'debate' still holds relevant in the challenge of this thread as I have also explained in the conclusions page #70...but at least you did respond to me doc, thats progress...first admitting you have a flawed analysis (like in aa) is the first step to a healthier perspective ;)

more attempts at cleverness, from a buffoon.

all of the "evidence" you have put forth in this thread is based on the same plan, from start to finish, and your sockpuppet fake farm manager ""diversesanctuary" follows the same ineffective tactic.

step 1: Make broad sweeping claims of "harm" from GMO's
step 2: dump a shitload of links from the eco-loon press, all leading to opinion pieces which make even more wild claims.
step 3: declare victory
step 4: accuse those who disagree with your wild claims of working for monsanto.
step 5: when pressed on a specific claim,, change the subject
step 6 when that doesnt work, post the same links again, and call the questioner names
step 7: post clip from 70's sitcom, and make oblique references to your own post
step 8: declare victory again.
step 9: make sock puppet account, support your claims though sock puppet account with the same links and wild claims as proof of wild claims.
step 10: declare victory again

the ONE claim you defended in specific (UC Davis, and monsanto GM fusarium fungus conspiracy) turned out to be NOTHING AT ALL but a proposal from a DEA agent that went nowhere, did not involve UC Davis, or monsanto, and had NOTHING to do with GM fusdarium fungus, or GM cannabis.
as a result i can say with absolute certainty that your claim of UC Davis and monsanto teaming up to make a pot killing pathogen in a lab is a LIE.
your related claim that Monsanto and UC Davis (or anyone else) are using that NON EXISTENT research to map and claim the cannabis genome is a LIE
your related claim that Monsanto and UC Davis (or anyone else) are attempting to make GM dope to force underground pot growers to grow their GM strains is RIDONKULOUS!
your related claim that Monsanto and UC Davis (or anyone else) are plotting the extermination of all cannabis, so that they may replace it with NON EXISTENT GM dope is also a LIE
yet you persist by claiming it's true because its so super secret.
like the "Fact" that the moon landing was faked, or the "Fact" that alien bodies are stored in the nevada desert, you attempt to prove the conspiracy by pointing at all the evidence that does NOT exist, then smugly declaring victory.

your claims are as baseless as the insane birthers who claim obama was born in kenya, and as proof of their claim they present evidence that ONE government document had the wrong social security number attached to his name.

you really arent half as clever as you believe, and NONE of the links you have posted have gotten anywhere near scientific proof of your HIGHLY IMPROBABLE claims.
your "proof" does not prove your claims, your "proof" has nothing at all to do with your claims, all of your "proof" is dubious in itself, and in most cases is outright false.

defend your claims in specific or stuff it Mister Furley.
doc again everything you state has been inaccurate at best, though I can surely understand how you are desperately clinging to breath after facing the devastating effects of the all powerful Rumsfeld quote of destiny, but this isn't a video game doc but if it were the magical quote of destiny has caused your game to be over.
With that being said, why on earth would I ever need a so called 'sock-puppet' in a so called debate with the SHDT? lol...its not only another of your typical diversion tactics (common when in denial) but its a 'lie' and its ridicules doc.
That's saying a lot for me doc because I don't normally resort to your sort of accusations.
You are exhibiting the clear and present signs of some who maybe thinks everyone is out to get you, feeling a little paranoid doc?


"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know."
Donald Rumsfeld

How about a musical interlude doc? its by the numbers :D

so once again, rather than deal with the FACTS laid out before you PROVING your specious claim in specific of monsanto and UC davis engaging in bio-terrorism against potheads for profit, you simply change the subject by declaring everything i ever said was lies and trotting out that silly rumsfel quote AGAIN as if that somehow proves your claims.

you are a turd, a silly shallow pasty turd, too light to flush down, and too smelly to let float.
you are a persistant little stinker, but lacking any intellectual or factual grounds for your claims, you instead choose to just lie there and produce foul odours.

and of course post youtube clips which are invariably unrelated to your claims.

you are a failure.
so once again, rather than deal with the FACTS laid out before you PROVING your specious claim in specific of monsanto and UC davis engaging in bio-terrorism against potheads for profit, you simply change the subject by declaring everything i ever said was lies and trotting out that silly rumsfel quote AGAIN as if that somehow proves your claims.

you are a turd, a silly shallow pasty turd, too light to flush down, and too smelly to let float.
you are a persistant little stinker, but lacking any intellectual or factual grounds for your claims, you instead choose to just lie there and produce foul odours.

and of course post youtube clips which are invariably unrelated to your claims.

you are a failure.
Yeah he can't seem to address anything without the ad-hominim.

Hes an idiot, his only justification is "it's not natural" or it "unknown".

This is the same logic used in the argument of anti-pot people, "pot's dangerous cos it makes negros rape white women".
An organic product is always more desireable than a monsanto product any day of the year and twice tommorow. If research and government funding were availabe for marijuana research all growers could have available the best information and genetics. Government funded study would increase public knowledge therfore increasing safer medical marijuana. Why the government would hand monsanto any money vs. the patients that need medical marijuana as an alternative medicine, and the growers of medical marijuana is beyond me. Do they think that the growers and distrubutors should just rely on hippy folklore to grow medication for cancer patients? If theres some money available on that level already, then there should be adequate money to fund R & D for the smaller medical supplier. Screw monsanto get the money where it needs to be...into the dispensaries, educated growers are better than monsanto could ever be. Get a life feds, you lost, give us what we need to make a safe and sophisticated product at a retail level. Dont give a contract to some genetic butcher and ruin my buzz. Thanks in advance.
An organic product is always more desireable than a monsanto product any day of the year and twice tommorow. If research and government funding were availabe for marijuana research all growers could have available the best information and genetics. Government funded study would increase public knowledge therfore increasing safer medical marijuana. Why the government would hand monsanto any money vs. the patients that need medical marijuana as an alternative medicine, and the growers of medical marijuana is beyond me. Do they think that the growers and distrubutors should just rely on hippy folklore to grow medication for cancer patients? If theres some money available on that level already, then there should be adequate money to fund R & D for the smaller medical supplier. Screw monsanto get the money where it needs to be...into the dispensaries, educated growers are better than monsanto could ever be. Get a life feds, you lost, give us what we need to make a safe and sophisticated product at a retail level. Dont give a contract to some genetic butcher and ruin my buzz. Thanks in advance.

monsanto is NOT involved in any government study of dope.
monsanto is a multinational corporation focusing on agriculture, Genetic research and chemicals. they are NOT trying to alter your weed.
the government has a single study on the value of cannabis for medical use (ongoing since the 70's) which has thus far produced ZERO results, (by design) and this study in NO WAY involves monanto.

the econauts have been tying monsanto to the whipping post for decades, using them as an example of everything they view as evil in the corporate world. monsanto does NOT force anyone to grow their GM crops, monsanto does NOT create dangerous mutagenic weapons to attack your dope, and monsanto is NOT hiding in your closet waiting for just the right moment to jump out and touch your dick.

the econauts have set up monsanto as a boogeyman, like hitler did with the jews, to gain power in germany, like harry ainslinger did with the negros and chicanos, to push forward his puritan prohibition on weed, and like pretty much the entire world does with the US and our "Cultural Imperialism" because too many people want to be like us.

it's all lies and attempts to control you with fear, thats why the OP "dnaprotection" wont back up his claims. he has not the evidence to support his fairy tails, but they sound just crazy enough to be terrifying for any who dont have the time or inclination to look behind the curtain and see that it's all just shadow puppets and dramatic music
monsanto is NOT involved in any government study of dope.
monsanto is a multinational corporation focusing on agriculture, Genetic research and chemicals. they are NOT trying to alter your weed.
the government has a single study on the value of cannabis for medical use (ongoing since the 70's) which has thus far produced ZERO results, (by design) and this study in NO WAY involves monanto.

the econauts have been tying monsanto to the whipping post for decades, using them as an example of everything they view as evil in the corporate world. monsanto does NOT force anyone to grow their GM crops, monsanto does NOT create dangerous mutagenic weapons to attack your dope, and monsanto is NOT hiding in your closet waiting for just the right moment to jump out and touch your dick.

the econauts have set up monsanto as a boogeyman, like hitler did with the jews, to gain power in germany, like harry ainslinger did with the negros and chicanos, to push forward his puritan prohibition on weed, and like pretty much the entire world does with the US and our "Cultural Imperialism" because too many people want to be like us.

it's all lies and attempts to control you with fear, thats why the OP "dnaprotection" wont back up his claims. he has not the evidence to support his fairy tails, but they sound just crazy enough to be terrifying for any who dont have the time or inclination to look behind the curtain and see that it's all just shadow puppets and dramatic music
You puppet, your actually standing up for a company that geneticly modifies our food?! I didnt say that monsanto was trying to alter my weed, i said i dont want my weed altered. You either didnt read my post, or you work for monsanto, or your blind to the truth that monsanto is destroying agriculture as we know it. Go to a farmers market once and a while and taste what nature gave us and monsanto wants gone. If you dont agree with growing your own then get lost, go hang out in the pesticide section of your local farm store.
An organic product is always more desireable than a monsanto product any day of the year and twice tommorow. If research and government funding were availabe for marijuana research all growers could have available the best information and genetics. Government funded study would increase public knowledge therfore increasing safer medical marijuana. Why the government would hand monsanto any money vs. the patients that need medical marijuana as an alternative medicine, and the growers of medical marijuana is beyond me. Do they think that the growers and distrubutors should just rely on hippy folklore to grow medication for cancer patients? If theres some money available on that level already, then there should be adequate money to fund R & D for the smaller medical supplier. Screw monsanto get the money where it needs to be...into the dispensaries, educated growers are better than monsanto could ever be. Get a life feds, you lost, give us what we need to make a safe and sophisticated product at a retail level. Dont give a contract to some genetic butcher and ruin my buzz. Thanks in advance.
Heres what i said again incase you missed it the first time.
so once again, rather than deal with the FACTS laid out before you PROVING your specious claim in specific of monsanto and UC davis engaging in bio-terrorism against potheads for profit, you simply change the subject by declaring everything i ever said was lies and trotting out that silly rumsfel quote AGAIN as if that somehow proves your claims.

you are a turd, a silly shallow pasty turd, too light to flush down, and too smelly to let float.
you are a persistant little stinker, but lacking any intellectual or factual grounds for your claims, you instead choose to just lie there and produce foul odours.

and of course post youtube clips which are invariably unrelated to your claims.

you are a failure.

Funny thing is doc that I've responded to your questions about the Monsanto UC Davis projects no less than 3 times already and yet you still keep asking.
I know you have a problem with numbers, as such is reflected in your disposition on this thread proposal, but is it so bad that you can't even add 2+2, because
that's all one needs do when contemplating Monsanto and UC Davis and their involvement with the national security work you are asking about again.
I'm guessing your not from the show me state doc, because if you were then you would know when you've been dispatched on a Missouri boat ride...
"Well Mr. Carpetbagger...we got something in this territory, called the Missouri boat ride."


Doc for the life of me I've never seen a body stay this nervously active after having its head and Frank must be a special breed...GE?
Its like you cant help yourself from continuing to voluntarily step in it...


"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know."
Donald Rumsfeld
Funny thing is doc that I've responded to your questions about the Monsanto UC Davis projects no less than 3 times already and yet you still keep asking.
I know you have a problem with numbers, as such is reflected in your disposition on this thread proposal, but is it so bad that you can't even add 2+2, because
that's all one needs do when contemplating Monsanto and UC Davis and their involvement with the national security work you are asking about again.
I'm guessing your not from the show me state doc, because if you were then you would know when you've been dispatched on a Missouri boat ride...
"Well Mr. Carpetbagger...we got something in this territory, called the Missouri boat ride."


Doc for the life of me I've never seen a body stay this nervously active after having its head and Frank must be a special breed...GE?
Its like you cant help yourself from continuing to voluntarily step in it...


"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know."
Donald Rumsfeld
I do like some froth with my morning coffee.

How about you try address the points?

God damn, I knew Ecoloons were dense but you take the organic, soya-based piss.
I do like some froth with my morning coffee.

How about you try address the points?

God damn, I knew Ecoloons were dense but you take the organic, soya-based piss.

There hasn't been a point you or the rest of the SHDT have raised that I haven't addressed and undressed, its like you keep asking the same questions in hopes that folks haven't read the thread, or you haven't? Its the SHDT that avoids all direct addressing of points Frank as anyone who reads this thread can plainly see.
There's something even more troubling than your lack of response to all that this thread concludes, its about the responses you do give...and I didn't really realize it until I read this one:

Yeah he can't seem to address anything without the ad-hominim.

Hes an idiot, his only justification is "it's not natural" or it "unknown".

This is the same logic used in the argument of anti-pot people, "pot's dangerous cos it makes negros rape white women".

Its odd Frank because after I read this quote it hit me that a group of actively anti cannabis folks had occasion to review the proposed DNA protection act recently and almost to the word they responded as if they were writing the SHDT's responses here?
I've long known that Gov has internet ops and plants agents in sites like this etc for any number of reasons, and I am also aware that some folks are just so on the same page as gov that they just troll voluntarily in the same loyalties, so you can imagine how it looks when I compare anti cannabis peoples responses to yours throughout this thread and find that they are practically identical in tone and content?
Not accusing you Frank, just trying to add up the numbers as has always been my task...:sad:
I'm not a big fan of false flag ops Frank...hope that's not your game.
Nobody is reading this thread anymore... You two are deep in your own shit... Probably more productive to take it to PM's... :P
Nobody is reading this thread anymore... You two are deep in your own shit... Probably more productive to take it to PM's... :P
But it's fun to joke with retards!

Its humorous cos DNAprotection is actually too dumb to realise he's dumb, it's an awesome troll-pertunity.
Nobody is reading this thread anymore... You two are deep in your own shit... Probably more productive to take it to PM's... :P

I tried that NLXSK1 but Frank insisted that he was just 'trolling' and had no interest in such.
Also when I went to bed lest night there was 9,800 or so views and there's over 10,000 now so apparently someone is viewing, also the vote count keeps increasing so while I in principal do agree with your assessment, its the practicality and application of your advice that is the question...
But it's fun to joke with retards!

Its humorous cos DNAprotection is actually too dumb to realise he's dumb, it's an awesome troll-pertunity.

The stuff you are arguing about is so obscure that nobody else can get in on the joke...
There hasn't been a point you or the rest of the SHDT have raised that I haven't addressed and undressed, its like you keep asking the same questions in hopes that folks haven't read the thread, or you haven't? Its the SHDT that avoids all direct addressing of points Frank as anyone who reads this thread can plainly see.
There's something even more troubling than your lack of response to all that this thread concludes, its about the responses you do give...and I didn't really realize it until I read this one:
Originally Posted by Harrekin
Yeah he can't seem to address anything without the ad-hominim.

Hes an idiot, his only justification is "it's not natural" or it "unknown".

This is the same logic used in the argument of anti-pot people, "pot's dangerous cos it makes negros rape white women".

Its odd Frank because after I read this quote it hit me that a group of actively anti cannabis folks had occasion to review the proposed DNA protection act recently and almost to the word they responded as if they were writing the SHDT's responses here?
I've long known that Gov has internet ops and plants agents in sites like this etc for any number of reasons, and I am also aware that some folks are just so on the same page as gov that they just troll voluntarily in the same loyalties, so you can imagine how it looks when I compare anti cannabis peoples responses to yours throughout this thread and find that they are practically identical in tone and content?
Not accusing you Frank, just trying to add up the numbers as has always been my task...:sad:
I'm not a big fan of false flag ops Frank...hope that's not your game.

But it's fun to joke with retards!

Its humorous cos DNAprotection is actually too dumb to realise he's dumb, it's an awesome troll-pertunity.

As I stated in my last post...

"I tried that NLXSK1 but Frank insisted that he was just 'trolling' and had no interest in such.
Also when I went to bed last night there was 9,800 or so views and there's over 10,000 now so apparently someone is viewing, also the vote count keeps increasing so while I in principal do agree with your assessment, its the practicality and application of your advice that is the question... "
As I stated in my last post...

"I tried that NLXSK1 but Frank insisted that he was just 'trolling' and had no interest in such.
Also when I went to bed lest night there was 9,800 or so views and there's over 10,000 now so apparently someone is viewing, also the vote count keeps increasing so while I in principal do agree with your assessment, its the practicality and application of your advice that is the question... "

This thread has already proven you are proficient at repeating yourself...
This thread has already proven you are proficient at repeating yourself...

One tends to respond in kind lol...and repeating is all you folks on the SHDT seem to know how to do, thus when you repeat the same questions over and over what does one expect?
I can understand your need for such repetitiveness though because that's how your brains were trained in 'school'...I have only conformed to that which is your apparent language in that respect...
The stuff you are arguing about is so obscure that nobody else can get in on the joke...
He's not even talking sense, that's the point.

We ask for proof? He posts bullshit.

Either way, vote YES on the "Send Jobs out of California" Bill 2013.