More HPS


New Member
Approaching the 18th day of flowering now and I've bought an extra HPS bulb. I'm going to switch it with one of the blues at lights on tomorrow. Now we're going to have 2 HPS and one MH. We'll just keep alternating the blue one now. Anything for the betterment of my, sorry, our buds.


Well-Known Member
U better post pics when you're curing your weed, just to see how much yeild you get, shud be fkin loads... right?


New Member
I'm trying my best to maximise yield, but I'm only expecting 1/2 to an oz on each plant.

Secretly, I'm hoping for a bit more; but I'm keeping that at the back of my mind. If I just expect the half oz per plant I'm hoping I'll get a pleasant surprise.

Switched one of the blues for the new red today, lifted the lights so they are just under 2ft above the tops of the plants and made and fitted the light hood. Looking forward to the results of our efforts in a few days.