More Obama Lies

I can see you watching the Kardashians. I hope kim serves as a good role model for you.
Don't worry, we'll all pray for your burning bigot heart. I know I will.
I hope you meet a loving and caring black man with bling and a recording contract.
you really think ben carson's repeated murder and assault attempts on his own mom and friends over trivial things would not come up in opposition research if he were to ever be a candidate for anything?

I'm pretty sure if the "opposition research" was attempted he'd just invoke the "Obama clause". Yeah, you know what I'm talking
it's not my opinion, it's historical fact. people spat at and fought black protesters at sit ins. white-only businesses did just fine. we needed a law to end the hatmful, racist practices that folks like you defend to this day.

Right on!
This Post initially intrigued me but after about page 3, the racist comments forced me to jump ahead, and here at page 9 it has continued still. The fact that this post has gone on this long on this one subject, is exactly the reason it is a continuing problem within our society 50+ years post civil rights movement. When a person attempts to throw a racial slur "n***er" it needs to be ignored and overlooked. As offense as it may seem to the people that or any racial slur is directed towards, it needs to be subsided through silence. Don't dwell on our president's skin color but rather the false promises and bad direction he has led our country too. Nor should we dwell on Kim K's choice when it comes to the skin color of her current "target" <--(lol, to be explained) but rather the fact that she continues to fall into the arms of men whom are on the rise to fame and fortune, but as soon as they are on the way out, so is she.

Point being, move on, and bring back into the light the original reasoning of this post, Obama's failure of a presidency as it unfolds before us. Possibly ponder the ideas of new bills, the elimination of old ones, and any other positive input that can be added to the thread. Hey, you never know what politician, counsel man/woman may be reading and move forward with an idea that one of us average joe's through out there. Let the racist matter be, there no place for it in politics or life.

Done rambling...
This Post initially intrigued me but after about page 3, the racist comments forced me to jump ahead, and here at page 9 it has continued still. The fact that this post has gone on this long on this one subject, is exactly the reason it is a continuing problem within our society 50+ years post civil rights movement. When a person attempts to throw a racial slur "n***er" it needs to be ignored and overlooked. As offense as it may seem to the people that or any racial slur is directed towards, it needs to be subsided through silence. Don't dwell on our president's skin color but rather the false promises and bad direction he has led our country too. Nor should we dwell on Kim K's choice when it comes to the skin color of her current "target" <--(lol, to be explained) but rather the fact that she continues to fall into the arms of men whom are on the rise to fame and fortune, but as soon as they are on the way out, so is she.

Point being, move on, and bring back into the light the original reasoning of this post, Obama's failure of a presidency as it unfolds before us. Possibly ponder the ideas of new bills, the elimination of old ones, and any other positive input that can be added to the thread. Hey, you never know what politician, counsel man/woman may be reading and move forward with an idea that one of us average joe's through out there. Let the racist matter be, there no place for it in politics or life.

Done rambling...

I think you misunderstand. The only reason people would see Obama's policies and wonderful speeches as anything but, is only because they are racists. Letting your diplomats get killed so you can use it as a tool in which to drum up support for another illegal war is only a bad thing if you are racist. Likewise making up shit about a video when you damn well know what the REAL reason is and lying about it repeatedly is only bad if you are a racist, otherwise Obama is the best president to ever grace this planet, he never does anything wrong, or bad, in fact all is nothing but rainbows, skittles and unicorns and the only reason the USA isn't the perfect Shangri La is because of racists not letting Obama be emperor of the world. Obama is without doubt the most perfect god like being, infallible in every way and the greatest leader this country will ever know. To say otherwise means you are a racist.