Munch Box Grubbin Grape Ape

munch box

Well-Known Member
The first picture is how the clones looked a week ago, and the second picture is how they look now. I'm glad I finally started taking pictures . Its easier to determine progress. So what do you guys think? so far so good?



Well-Known Member
Looking good.
They seem to have perked right back up now.
Did you build those panels yourself and if so what kind of leds did you use?
Best of luck:blsmoke:

munch box

Well-Known Member
Thanks Nat. I'm using LEDs by gro-tek. They are not plugged in yet its going to be a couple more days till the plants are tall and close enouph to absorb the near perfect spectrum. My #1 plant grew about a half inch while I was sleeping last night and is Definately showing preflowers. multiple node regions near the top dispalying 2 white hairs in the shape of a "V" I keep telling her shes too young, but this bitch is horny as hell and wants to fuck .....SOON!


Well-Known Member
I keep telling her shes too young, but this bitch is horny as hell and wants to fuck .....SOON![/quote]

Quote of the day....

munch box

Well-Known Member
I have transplanted ketchup into a 5 gallon pot to veg for 8-10 weeks. vitamin B supplament reduced transplant shock to almost nothing.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Day 2 flower. some of the plants are definately not growing as fast as others. only three of them showing preflowers. . they are not as far along as i had hoped.:-? The hortilux hps was just put in today, so hopefully the plants will respond well to it quickly. humidity is rising due to leaf transpiration up to 60% RH.



Well-Known Member
how often are you running the exhaust to combat the humidity? 24/7?

look into those safe/cabinet dehumidifiers... im thinking about putting one in my cab....should at least help with some humidity...

munch box

Well-Known Member
right now its all good. 50-60% is where i want it. if and when it does get high my climate controller will run an exhaust cycle.

munch box

Well-Known Member
my flowering nutes. iguana juice bloom, pirahna, voodoo, nirvana, carboload, bud blood, b-52, barricade, purple maxx snow storm, and cannazym (because sensizym sucks)


munch box

Well-Known Member
:leaf:shes not in the magic box yet. that is where i flower. right now the veg room is 5 cotton candys and 1 14" tall grape ape under a fluorex 100w 2 footer. When i do flower her in 5 weeks, its going to be awesome.


Well-Known Member
hell yea.... i never heard you talk about another room, but i figured to had to have looking good bro

munch box

Well-Known Member
thanks man. do you want to see a picture of her sisters? they are getting big now. except for the clone the that didn't root properly aka: little drummer boy, but still keeps marching to the beat of the purple maxx snow storm stacker. so we will see how much bud i end up getting. want to see some new pics?

munch box

Well-Known Member
day 9 flower. This is a top view of #1. I will be transfering this plant and her sisters into larger pots tommorrow.I see fuzzy little cotton balls. sorry about the bad picture:-|


munch box

Well-Known Member
So i just pruned the grape ape that i will be vegging for the next 5 weeks or so. It will grow wider now, instead of tall. one day i will put the demonstration on you tube for psyclone to see first hand how its done.

