music and drugs


Well-Known Member
450 ug of fluff. what will happen to impman? i better get a song list going and have it playing


Well-Known Member
Did you just drop some L, or planning on it? I was thinking about it too... probably should, but I need to wake up early. And I only have a few hits left. Needa save em


Well-Known Member
Hey Skuxx! NOt yet... its uh... its coming real soon. I have not seen L in ages... makes me feel old to even think about it.... You get L hook up where you at Skuxx? Thats so cool man. HOw much do you dose Skuxx? I am gonna be honest , I don't remember hat 450 even feels like... I know when I had a sheet I was dropping 6 hits at a time. Im excited


Well-Known Member
I think any time after tomorrow... I have a math test and I am still kinda waiting. Friday is Fry day. I still have a few doses of cactus to handle too. Im set for the holidays at least :) Last year I made a bomb turkey on mescaline. came out great, I just followed directions, smoked out and listened to music. I had to BBQ a bunch of food on the 4th on a huge dose of mescaline... LOl that was great


Well-Known Member
Hey Skuxx! NOt yet... its uh... its coming real soon. I have not seen L in ages... makes me feel old to even think about it.... You get L hook up where you at Skuxx? Thats so cool man. HOw much do you dose Skuxx? I am gonna be honest , I don't remember hat 450 even feels like... I know when I had a sheet I was dropping 6 hits at a time. Im excited
No not very often. Somebody had a couple vials, and gave me some sweettarts. I took 4 last time, and it was pretty decent. You should be good from 450ug. Especially if you haven't done it in a while. I'll take any amount of L, it just depends what I'm feeling like lol.


Well-Known Member
500ug on my birthday had me sweating!! Not from the fear,I just had the acid may have been from the fajitas I had beforehand..but,true to the fluff 'tweeking' 'backaches' ect..just fun! Woke up at 9 (after having the shit scared outta me from lightning hitting rite outside my window at 7am) feeling fine(little groggy from all the chronic id smoked)..cloned a few(60) plants..ate more mexican for dinner..never had a notion of the 'acid hangover'...this was an older batch I had stashed..newer batch just as nice,just a little less potent..damn,I sound like an acid somlier(sic)


Well-Known Member
Imp,I feel like 450ug will feel like 6 or 4 of what you used to dose..acids not as prevalnt anymore,but purity and strength have increased a little compared to 10 years ago,at least that's my experience..let us know how you do!


Well-Known Member
I'd say that the 4-6 tabs range is probably pretty accurate for 450. When MrsDuck and I dosed over the summer I did 450 in two doses about 2 hours apart.


Well-Known Member
damn it i guess i will eat all of it. one good dose....epic....i wont ever forget this, I know this will be very rare. shit man, there is no telling IF or when this beauty will ever come my way again. what a treat, i should welcome all that comes with it good or ill


Well-Known Member
The dready zombie looks like lil john on crack!!..I love the part where a zombie eats the girls shoulder then licks the wound..sick but hilarious...


Well-Known Member
A friend who chills with kotton mouth kings and does lighting for them turned me onto madchild..I like his lyrics..allways about bitches and drugs,but in a reformed manner..'breathing through a deviated septum'