music and drugs


Well-Known Member
I hate to sound like a weenie but if I take half then another half a hour or so later... will the second half I take be weaker? Will the over all trip be weaker if I dip my toes in first?


Well-Known Member
Take it all at once imp. We did less because we were looking for a milder experience and to see how tripping effected my wife's headaches. Next time we'll just drop a full dose. I just don't like the idea of giving 400-500ug to someone with no experience with psychedelic drugs.


Well-Known Member
imp I thought Friday you were dropping?,I guess by now you're stuck..hahaha....hope you had fun..impatient hippy..


Well-Known Member
I am going to make some powder for saturday! Man, I feel great this morning! i slept awesome and I feel so happy! I remember LSD having a hard hang over...but its been years, this is a awesome surprise!

Friday I have to do some things...errr today any ways...what happened to yesterday? hehe. fucking so fun ...I had some visions man. crystals exploding into colors that are to pretty to put in words.... 3 hits was a perfect trip...glowing


Well-Known Member
The dead has been growing on me a lot. I never listened to them much throughout my entire life. I was raised on the typical led zepp and floyd, and 90's rock etc... But I recall a really difficult acid trip some years ago where I was not having a good time AT ALL, and then a song came on...... it was the most beautiful song I've ever heard. It caused me to have visuals of blue birds chirping, and flowers blooming, and sunlight..... and I could never figure out what song it was, or who made it..... but I think it was the dead. Jerry's voice is hard to mistake after you listen to it for a while. I've been listening to almost exclusively GD for the last week or longer. It would be amazing to find that song, but it'll probably never happen because I was too far gone to really recognize english. I could just feel the emotion and love that the song was pouring out, and it flipped me from having a "bad" trip to one of the best.

Sorry, I got some johnny walker in me. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
The dead has been growing on me a lot. I never listened to them much throughout my entire life. I was raised on the typical led zepp and floyd, and 90's rock etc... But I recall a really difficult acid trip some years ago where I was not having a good time AT ALL, and then a song came on...... it was the most beautiful song I've ever heard. It caused me to have visuals of blue birds chirping, and flowers blooming, and sunlight..... and I could never figure out what song it was, or who made it..... but I think it was the dead. Jerry's voice is hard to mistake after you listen to it for a while. I've been listening to almost exclusively GD for the last week or longer. It would be amazing to find that song, but it'll probably never happen because I was too far gone to really recognize english. I could just feel the emotion and love that the song was pouring out, and it flipped me from having a "bad" trip to one of the best.

Sorry, I got some johnny walker in me. :bigjoint:
It was the right song for that moment. Jerry was amazing. I've heard lots of stories about some little ditty that was the perfect thing to ground someone. Often accompanied with him making eye contact. Captain Trips indeed.
My favorite is a story of a woman climbing on stage and just sitting at his feet during a morning dew in the early nineties in upstate NY. No one bothered her until the song was finished and they told her she couldn't be on stage.


Well-Known Member
One of my favorite rare dead tunes
Sorry you don't like the dead canndo,there is some great music spawned from them,id love to know your music preference as I'm a audiophile..I can find something by the dead you'll say'well that was ok I guess'..
..its funny when I play 'scarlett begonias' and young bucks are like 'hey that's that sublime song..'too funny


Well-Known Member
'Were like licorice..not everybody likes licorice,but the people who do like licorice,really like licorice..'--jerry garcia


Well-Known Member
canndo says no to pink floyd and yes to Frank Sinatra. ...sorry canndo but inquiring minds ..... im sure he can speak for himself lol.....I really appreciate canndo but I dont think I like him. lol... kinda like frank sinatra or Kenny G. i hate Kenny G but i can respect the talent