My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

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Bubbling or letting my water sit doesn't typically effect the PH. I usually bubble 8-10 gallons 24 hours before using it though, its well water. For now I'm PH adjusting to 6.0 so I'll wait and see what happens. One issue I have is that I usually run a combination of both hot and cold water to fill my tubs to 8 gallons. I've found that the PH of the hot water vs the cold water is significantly different. I'm just going straight cold water from now on and let it come to temp in my room. This should at least provide me a constant to work from.

I'm switching to a peat based SS shortly (LC's Mix). Subcool's mix is a bit too dense for me at this point. The coco base might be pushing the PH up as well, another reason I like the idea of peat. Either way, its all my fault due to laziness, and now I'm paying for it pretty severely. Its been hard finding time to be in there lately and watering without checking solution PH is really dumb lol. It only takes a minute or two to dial in an 8 gallon tub.

I know there's nothing missing from my mix, especially since I started using more teas. I follow Sub's recipe to the T (for base), and typically use more additives that he uses. I should easily be able to finish plants this size in regular roots soil in 8 gallon containers. Another reason I'm going to simplify my mix. If I'm going to use teas, I won't need a complicated mix. Before I was using the just add water approach which was working fine until I got lazy :sleep:
pH is affected by temperature changes. Depending on whether the hydrogen dissociation reaction is endothermic or exothermic, the pH will rise or fall with increasing temperature.
Fighting the damn 28f this AM,Got too cold last night and my room got to 66f.
Plants are ok just really dont like it tht cold,Nor do they!
Word up boss. I'm like 79-68 ish ATM..

Been smoking good too man! Reaping the benefits of all the work I put in haha. Even tho I didn't really work all that hard!
And I feel like I'm def. in the home stretch with the 2nd gen man! They're swelling up REAL NICE right about now :joint:
I def. feel ya bro. I use three different amendment man! And between those three you get EVERYTHING that you need and some!
1.The Tomato Tone is a concauction of goodness(like 5 different meals in it)
2.Kelp Meal as you already know has EVERYTHING in it except a hig P account, but brew fungi it AACT's so it serves as an all around amendment as well.
3.The Hi-P Bat Guano and that's good for all of the P as well as lots of minerals and benefical nematodes for the soil!

Everything else I use it just to condition the soil pretty much and not for any nutrional value.

And personally bro, given all the time i've put in learning about soil and everything, I think peat is a great start for the soil mix, but I believe that compost and ewcs would be better bro. Simply because the EWCs and compost could account for the lige in the soil alone ya know?! And it's more life means a more stable ph as you've got more "fertilizer packs" in your soil, to hold the stuff you add to it

But I know what you mean about wanting to try stuff haha! Def. man. I've got money piling up ATM. I haven't bought any bud in about a month now lol.
That's $400-500 more to pockets from just that fact haha. But I just keep the discipline lol as everything working. So I'll wait till I run out, get my usual things again and pick up one or two new things ya know?!

I got gotta get up on my foliar game tho! Like some Alfalfa Mean and Comfrey and Nettle...But other than those things and compost and EWCs(until I make my worm bin), that's all I plan on ever buying again bro!

And with the super soil, it seems a bit heavy given that he puts so much in it.
The things he used can be compounded in a few products ya know?! Which I tried my best to do...
But with that said, Subs super soil shouldn't require anything to be recycled....Since it so nutrient rich from the start.
Unless your growing subcool size plants outdoor, I think that much soil food it overkill how about you??

But a few ppl on the soil thread just use plain FFOF and transplant, so I know what you mean in saying it works by itself.
I'm trying to keep things as simple as possible too lol but still be a complex as possible ya know lol?!

Cheers homie :joint:

Yes I know EXACTLy what you mean lol... The K.I.S.S. method is hard to do when you want to try so many things lol. Sub's mix would be excellent outdoor, most def! Its one of those moments where I just need to slow down and get back to what works for me.

Sub's soil seems like overkill, but when you only use it in the bottom 25-40% of the pot it really makes sense. The rest of the pot is filled with mix of your choice. The bottom of the pot is thought to remain nutrient rich into the mid to late flowering weeks assuming an appropriate container size is used, hence my choice of either 8 or 11 gallon depending on size and vigor.

I only make my mixes a cpl times per year, so I tend to forget everything that's in them. I just took a peek and honestly his mix is very simple and straight forward compared to some of the things I've tried and added lol. Its so simple because so much is already in the roots organics soil. Consolidating his recipe shouldn't be all that necessary because I think he's trying to differentiate additives by their solubility. The fish bone meal is less soluble than the guanos, so it appears that he's carefully selecting the solubility of his P additives. Similarly the Rock Phosphate he uses is granular. Consolidating to one additive like the tomato tone sounds great, but for a super soil you just don't know how much is there or if you'll have to re-apply if its leeched pre-maturely if it consists of highly soluble nutrients.

Personally I agree with you, I love the concept of using consolidated products like tomato tone, and think I'm going to give it a try with it or something similar. I have a few products like tomato tone that I definitely like a lot, but i don't use them in a soil mix, rather just for dressings at the appropriate time. I like to use Dr. Earth's Compound 8 (flower), and the Life 736P (veg). After using the Compound 8 for awhile, I really think it would work well in a mix. As a top dressing it tends to compact the top of the soil so I prefer to blend it in with some fresh mix and then top dress or else it gets hard and crusty.

Just so you know, I would NEVER make any mix without EWC. My excessive application of it in my super soil is probably why its so damn dense, HA! I should have shared this shit in your soil thread, sorry for spamming your journal bro.

After learning from using it for a couple years, and learning more about organics from here and beyond, I think its time I tailored my mix to suit me rather than to suit all. I just think its hotter than it needs to be and I think it can be improved for my application.

SmokAfat :bigjoint:
Bro, first off...POST ON! Ain't nothing that you say spam bro and anything that you can add over there, please do it haha! You've been nothing but a contribution to everything I've been trying to do here brother :joint:

And I never knew that you were to only mix subs super soil into the bottom of the pot bro. I thought you'd pot up into like everything else hey??
Also, when I was looking for reasons not to transplant late into flowering, one of the suggestions not to was because the roots don't grow as much during flowering...What do you know about that? I'll know a lot about it here soon when I harvest the 2nd gen crop...But if that is true, which I doubt then it wouldn't make sense to only use it in the bottom of the pot ya know?! But ppl just say shit all the time...So I'm not saying it's fact, just read it around boss.

But right on in regards to using more all in one products! I'm thinking along the lines too boss! I'm just waiting to run outta everything I have on hand before I buy anything else ya know? I'll def. pick up some more Kelp meal but as far as everything else, I'll try and go all in one too! And maybe I'll even stick to the guanos bro. They're good for mineral enrichment too. But I'm on the same page wit ya.

And I've kinda learned my lesson top dressing with EWCs lol. Once it all dries up, it makes a nice a crusty top soil covering haha.
That kinda hold the water on the surface for a minute before draining thru kinda thing goin on haha.

One things for sure tho bro, you're right about tailoring your mix to suit you! Seems like you just need to bump up the compost help deal with the water maybe?? But all love homie! And me and the lass are about to burn one right this moment haha! Been loving smoking my own man!

I've read the same thing about root growth fo damn sho. I know soil is much different than hydroponics, but from what I've seen in the hydro threads they suggest otherwise. The way I transplant the roots probably start creeping into the super soil within a week or two, right before the switch. I expect they haven't filled out the container until after the stretch then keep looking for chow.

There's nothing like smoking your own, especially the first few crops of various strains. I hope you're enjoying it as much as I did. I still get a ton of enjoyment sharing a friend's first crop too. Probably more than I enjoy smoking my own now lol. Also probably why I enjoy RIU so much!

Smoke tha fatness. I like them fat so I can smoke the roach later :joint: :blsmoke:
Right on bro! The way you transplant would make that rule irrelevant and good that you've seen otherwise in hydro!! That's promising! Yes it's hydro, but it still a plants roots growing! We'll see for sure here within the next month wassup with soil and transplanting REALLY late lol. Becuase I transplanted EXTRA LATE!

But MAN...The Blue Widow is RIPE! I'm down to the dick of it so I just pinch from it at the end of the night every few nights or so! It's RIPE tho man!
It WREAKS of blueberries now and the entire buds radiate the smell! They went from smelling like nothing but then blueberries when you squeeze it, to str8 blueberries when you wave it in the air lol! Can NOT WAIT to grow it again bro! It's conoisseur quality taste would be be EXCELLENT to clone and breed with!
I'm DEF. gonna buy another seed and make love to this one lol! Hoping that 4/20 special is where it's at...Whatever it's gonna be!
But you're right man! There's nothing like it....

I remember thinking to myself almost a year ago....Damn I need a grower in the contact man! These prices are OUTRAGEOUS lol!
About that lol.....

I love me some RIPE ass weed lol.

By 4/20 special are you talking Attitude? Sumbitch don't get me sucked into another promo! lol
Ha hahahah hell yeah lol! Hahahaha I did get u sucked into that last one and didn't even shop Lol!
now things different lol! I'm no longer dropping at least $100/week on weed lol. So money just stacking up haha..

its just sitting right over there like spend me goddammnit hahah! But yeah I mean 4/20 in that sense.
if nothing's nice or theses omega promo I'll buy a nice tent instead lol and wait for the next good promo!
im all about mutualism lol, and I need Attitude to step it up for me.ill buy 7-10 beans if they're gonna match me with freebies lol!

morning boss :joint:!
Ha hahahah hell yeah lol! Hahahaha I did get u sucked into that last one and didn't even shop Lol!
now things different lol! I'm no longer dropping at least $100/week on weed lol. So money just stacking up haha..

its just sitting right over there like spend me goddammnit hahah! But yeah I mean 4/20 in that sense.
if nothing's nice or theses omega promo I'll buy a nice tent instead lol and wait for the next good promo!
im all about mutualism lol, and I need Attitude to step it up for me.ill buy 7-10 beans if they're gonna match me with freebies lol!

morning boss :joint:!

lol, morning S420. I'm a sucker for genetics baaaaaad. Too bad it takes so long to see them hanging!
Hahahaha hell yeah Mann damn!
but hey, having the seeds means you won the war at the end of the day lol.
got 11 seeds on deck that I think about all the time hahaha.
damn sure does suck having to wait so long :joint:

but I'm 99% sure I'm in love with this hahah

Oh man, I am overdue to soak up your goodness dude... those all look frickin' awesome Sincerely... I love the look of those low bag seeders... the rest look amazing too but this one caught my eye especially. Lovin' the results you get off these short veg time grows... very inspiring...
Hell yeah right?! Only 1w 18/6 with this crop lol!

And bro, My Critical Jack from this run rivals the smell of my Blue Widow from the first run in it's own way!
It's like an EXPLOSION of pineapple and pine tar and citrus that radiates from the Critical Jack whenever you even move it lol!
My caregiver agrees too so I know it's gonna be a very LEGIT smoke! I'm banking on it being as good as the Blue Widow!

But this is your first run right with a true living soil right?! If so, def. take notes of the results you get and how your grow goes compared to how they've been going before! I'm not saying you should do much better or anything, but the smells of everything are supposedly brought out by organics! So keep your nose peeled and let me know how it goes for ya! I don't have anything to compare with unlike you, but wouldve love to be able to!

And the bagseed smells SOOOO woody man! I wish I knew what strain it could POSSIBLY be! And to train it, When it had about 6/7 nodes, I hacked all the fan leaves off on one side and then tied that side down and let it go! :joint:
i would like to have more GOOD genetics only 2lib haze 1pe 1blue widow left.
might just have to pay attention to the 4/20 sales.
am gonna try out a bunch of bagseed outdoor since you talked me into growing my good genetics inside.
hoping to clone my lib hazes to get a couple for ourdoor.
do you find when growing these smelly plants that is smells like stinky ass weed or really has a pure fruity or other smells?
i have never had a full on flowering in my grow room so a bit nervous about smell even tho i am sealed up with carbon filter.
Hell yeah right?! Only 1w 18/6 with this crop lol!

And bro, My Critical Jack from this run rivals the smell of my Blue Widow from the first run in it's own way!
It's like an EXPLOSION of pineapple and pine tar and citrus that radiates from the Critical Jack whenever you even move it lol!
My caregiver agrees too so I know it's gonna be a very LEGIT smoke! I'm banking on it being as good as the Blue Widow!

But this is your first run right with a true living soil right?! If so, def. take notes of the results you get and how your grow goes compared to how they've been going before! I'm not saying you should do much better or anything, but the smells of everything are supposedly brought out by organics! So keep your nose peeled and let me know how it goes for ya! I don't have anything to compare with unlike you, but wouldve love to be able to!

And the bagseed smells SOOOO woody man! I wish I knew what strain it could POSSIBLY be! And to train it, When it had about 6/7 nodes, I hacked all the fan leaves off on one side and then tied that side down and let it go! :joint:

Very impressive with 1 week of 18/6 fo' sho'... ahaha... that jack sounds pretty awesome, send me a cutting ;) lol.

I am definitely comparing and looking at things closely as I progress. I do feel like I got a lot more flavor out of this batch I did with earth juice (organics, though not living soil) than I did with fox farm products. Plants I grew out with foxfarm's liquid/solid trio seemed to all sort of smell/taste the same in some basic way... it didn't taste bad at all, but everything I've grown out organically smelled more "individual" from each other, for lack of better way to describe it. Like the palette is more clear so the 'flavors' seem louder and more discernable.

To be fair, the genetics of the earlier runs were also mixed bag seed and some blueberry fems from a friend, of which I have no idea of the genetics... and the organic run was done with all sannies genetics... so who knows "what's what" as far as what I have been tasting! But I have heard other people say FF products have a consistent taste/smell so I figured that was a factor...

But yeah, I'm keeping an eye on things, and I actually do expect it to do much better, personally, haha. I got my fingers crossed on dem living soil microbes. haha. I feel pretty good about it so far. Growth is vigorous, green is still really strong, and I've been supplementing it with ewc teas, earth juice teas, and a small dose of ca/mg+ organic with each watering... feel like i'm "way ahead of the curve" compared to how I was handling things with liquids. Lots of preventative supplementation, rather than waiting til I see signs of need... and no signs of burning, everything seems cool. They seem to enjoy it. So yeah. I feel like this is gonna work good... hoping I'm finally at the point now where I can get a grow under my belt that I feel real confident about having done WELL, rather than just kinda feeling like "Well, I made it to the end and they didn't die!" which is how I have felt trying to get through flowering with deficiencies in the past...

but... I digress... lol. :bigjoint:
i would like to have more GOOD genetics only 2lib haze 1pe 1blue widow left.
might just have to pay attention to the 4/20 sales.
am gonna try out a bunch of bagseed outdoor since you talked me into growing my good genetics inside.
hoping to clone my lib hazes to get a couple for ourdoor.
do you find when growing these smelly plants that is smells like stinky ass weed or really has a pure fruity or other smells?
i have never had a full on flowering in my grow room so a bit nervous about smell even tho i am sealed up with carbon filter.

Pffff...I'm not even using a Carbon scrubber bro! I'm that makeshift dude lol.
I've got the little Febreeze air effects things on EVERY vent in the house lol(the ones that you see on the commercials where ppl sit in a car full of garbage and can't tell)! I also replace tho like every month and a half or so, so my house smells like 10 different kinda of fruit lol!
And Candles! We burn them throughout the night and for a little after each smoke. Also, I have my caregiver comeby like one a week for a smell check lol and for whatever else, but DEF. that smell check!
With the candles and febreeze air effects I use an a DIY ona bucket in the grow room with Ona Fresh Linen, and if things ever get too bad, my last line of defense is an Ozone Generator. Haven't HAD to use it tho. I've used it a couple times just becuase it KILLS odor....I'm talking changes the smell to NOTHING!

But flower 8 girls bro, it never got too bad. Just better to always be safer than sorry lol when taking smell precautions.
And the smells vary for sure. Like right now my Critical Jack smells UBER fruity and when you move it around it smells up the surrounding air, but when you don't move it, all I smell in there is Ona. But my White Widows smell like straight skunks dick lol! But only when I'm right up on them...

But with that said, we can't really smell our crops as well as someone that doesn't smoke or isn't around it all day would be able to ya know?!
So in giving you the best response I can, I'd say that you should be good with the carbon filter, but you can't be too vigilante with policing the odor!

I pondered the same questions about 7-8 months ago hahaha!

You'll be good for sure tho bro :joint:
Very impressive with 1 week of 18/6 fo' sho'... ahaha... that jack sounds pretty awesome, send me a cutting ;) lol.

I am definitely comparing and looking at things closely as I progress. I do feel like I got a lot more flavor out of this batch I did with earth juice (organics, though not living soil) than I did with fox farm products. Plants I grew out with foxfarm's liquid/solid trio seemed to all sort of smell/taste the same in some basic way... it didn't taste bad at all, but everything I've grown out organically smelled more "individual" from each other, for lack of better way to describe it. Like the palette is more clear so the 'flavors' seem louder and more discernable.

To be fair, the genetics of the earlier runs were also mixed bag seed and some blueberry fems from a friend, of which I have no idea of the genetics... and the organic run was done with all sannies genetics... so who knows "what's what" as far as what I have been tasting! But I have heard other people say FF products have a consistent taste/smell so I figured that was a factor...

But yeah, I'm keeping an eye on things, and I actually do expect it to do much better, personally, haha. I got my fingers crossed on dem living soil microbes. haha. I feel pretty good about it so far. Growth is vigorous, green is still really strong, and I've been supplementing it with ewc teas, earth juice teas, and a small dose of ca/mg+ organic with each watering... feel like i'm "way ahead of the curve" compared to how I was handling things with liquids. Lots of preventative supplementation, rather than waiting til I see signs of need... and no signs of burning, everything seems cool. They seem to enjoy it. So yeah. I feel like this is gonna work good... hoping I'm finally at the point now where I can get a grow under my belt that I feel real confident about having done WELL, rather than just kinda feeling like "Well, I made it to the end and they didn't die!" which is how I have felt trying to get through flowering with deficiencies in the past...

but... I digress... lol. :bigjoint:

Appreciate the nice response homie :joint:

When I started up....Looking at all the different options that I had, I chose organics because the word was that flavor and aroma were without doubt better from organically produces buds...So I went it lol.
There's TOO much to learn bro, regarding all the different ways you can get to the same result, so I'm still learning as much as I can about it. But for the most part, I know i've I put the time in so far and that I have a REALLY good understanding of the way things work, but still not good enough.

Knowing what I know and based on some of the things I've learned, especially about AACTs, I'm really gonna focus my energy on learning how to tweak them!
Recently I've come across some info suggested the possibility to create "bottled nutes" w/ AACTs, in the sense that we're brewing not just to reproduce bennies, but to get them to feed heavily on whatever amendments you add to the teas, so that they process them into readily available nutes..
That all boils down to the perfect ratios of ingredients, as well as brewing times! As far as I know Im just piecing shit together at this point tho, and trying to make sense of it all.

Gonna work hard on that this next go around tho...My logic is that our microbes in the soil are out buffer, and the best one you can have at that!
So with such a strong buffer, would it be possible to push it to the EXTREME giving them AACTs?! Still supporting a healthy soil ecosystem?!
If it's possible, I'm damn SURE gonna fine it out! Being able to hit your girls with a nutrient solution EVERY WATERING without ill effect it what I'm talking about haha! We'll see what happen tho. Side by side style.

And a tip bro, google all the amendments that you have..Did I share Cannabication with you?
If so, right before I started I researched all the amendments I'd use and made like powerpoint to study until I got it haha!
Well it's still over there if you wanna have a look at it.
But with that said, a lot of the amendments we're using serve more than one purpose in the soil so that we can limit the different things we gotta use to get the job done. Wanna simplify the mix even more in the future, but for now it great haha!
But the kelp meal and hi cal lime in the soil should hand the ca/mg so there shouldn't really be a need to add it unless you see it ya know? And when you add it in an AACT, it acts faster. Faster than it would if you just watered with it or topdressed with it. So when you add things, you have to do so in EXTREME moderation each time, because you can accrue buildup for sure and prob throw something off. With the living soil you kinda gotta be preventative rather than proactive I'd say bro! Just some food for ya mind!
And my girls are less than a month from done bro, and everything is ALL green. That bagseed will be coming down probably in two week and it JUST started showing yellowing in the oldest fan leaves a couple days ago! Getting closer bro! But we gotta figure out how we can push it ya know?!
I'll start dropping the knowledge in the soil thread ASAP! But good thing is that we can work together and do different things(or the same thing whatever) and figure out how we can get even more outta the mix ya know.

Teamwork makes the dream work!
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