my 2 week old church


Well-Known Member
This is my fem/Church 2 weeks in from seed in rock wall and ebb/bubbler what do think guyd and girls
Oh and how long should i leave the propergetor dome over her??



Well-Known Member
Growth looks slow and steady :thumbs up: . I'm unfamiliar with this grow technique but the plant looks like its happy. I wouldn't recommend using foil to reflect light, since the kinks in the foil really can cause bad burns on your plant when the light's reflected.


Well-Known Member
my growing system is both an Ebb flood and drain and a bubbleponics set up, i use the Ebb flood and drain during the seedling stage when the tank fells the bubbler gose on so that the roots benifit from the air and as the plant gets older it gets more floods for longer till it stays on check out the pic's

