My buds are all retarded ......


Active Member
My buds are very retarded looking on only some of the plants........this is what i did differently this time i up'd the co2 and added big bud and bud candy , they are in water .....everything was fine then once they started budding some got all retarded ......also i do very light feeding so not to over fert you can do that very easy in water so i go lite any clue why some are retarded and some are normal ???


Active Member
My buds are very retarded looking on only some of the plants........this is what i did differently this time i up'd the co2 and added big bud and bud candy , they are in water .....everything was fine then once they started budding some got all retarded ......also i do very light feeding so not to over fert you can do that very easy in water so i go lite any clue why some are retarded and some are normal ???

You're going to need to provide more information. Telling us that your buds are retarded isn't going to help us figure out what is wrong.

Some pictures would be a good start



Active Member

You're going to need to provide more information. Telling us that your buds are retarded isn't going to help us figure out what is wrong.

Some pictures would be a good start

i got no pic and would never post em .....but i've been at it for a while i know what i am doing somewhat ....the tops of these retarded buds have went from five leaves to one retarded looking leaf that is dark green and curling down a sign of over fert i know so i added more water now after a week the tops still retarded but buds just below the crown are full and nice what is up with that ?


Active Member
as a side question, are you's from the US if so a picture is worth a thousand words ...feel me ??? Now please from ur experience have you ever had retarded buds?? or know of someone who has and what was the cause ?? Will elevated levels of co2 cause retardation, over fert???? I had a nasty spider mite prob that i took care of with azatrol they didnt get to stressed but maybe that is a contributing factor ??

Dr High

Well-Known Member
i got no pic and would never post em .....but i've been at it for a while i know what i am doing somewhat ....the tops of these retarded buds have went from five leaves to one retarded looking leaf that is dark green and curling down a sign of over fert i know so i added more water now after a week the tops still retarded but buds just below the crown are full and nice what is up with that ?
Leaves curling down is not a sign of over fert.. andf yeah if you want info on this kinda growing forum you need to provide the pics... we'll tell ya right away from the pictures man!!:hump:


Active Member
What nutrients have you been using?
sensi a-b bloom and just last week added big bud and bud candy at a rate of 1oz of each in five gallons of water ...the five gallon cocktail then is distributed evenly between 8 buckets with 2 gals of ro water each even though i am in water i sort of "water" them with the nute mix .....its a very lite feed and they still kinda get alittle burnt up if i over do it in the least bit know?....wondering if the addition of big bud and bud candy has anything to do with it


Well-Known Member
as a side question, are you's from the US if so a picture is worth a thousand words ...feel me ??? Now please from ur experience have you ever had retarded buds?? or know of someone who has and what was the cause ?? Will elevated levels of co2 cause retardation, over fert???? I had a nasty spider mite prob that i took care of with azatrol they didnt get to stressed but maybe that is a contributing factor ??
I can't say from personal knowledge but I have read on numerous sited where they don't recommend co2 during flowering. 1 of them was on this site in the FAQ page.


sensi a-b bloom and just last week added big bud and bud candy at a rate of 1oz of each in five gallons of water ...the five gallon cocktail then is distributed evenly between 8 buckets with 2 gals of ro water each even though i am in water i sort of "water" them with the nute mix .....its a very lite feed and they still kinda get alittle burnt up if i over do it in the least bit know?....wondering if the addition of big bud and bud candy has anything to do with it
I had some odd leaf growth and some weird bud growth and I believe it was because of a thrip problem I was having. They hang out in your res or soil and eat at the roots causing deformed growth. I am not sure if that is your problem but it is a possiblity. Something to keep in mind.
I had some odd leaf growth and some weird bud growth and I believe it was because of a thrip problem I was having. They hang out in your res or soil and eat at the roots causing deformed growth. I am not sure if that is your problem but it is a possiblity. Something to keep in mind.
Really some good ideas here - but without pics, it's really hard to come up with a good answer for you.

I mean, I totally get why you're not posting pics. I don't. And I won't. But maybe you can find some pics of the same sort of thing online (Google is your friend) and you might be able to share those and then we could help you figure things out.

Sounds like there are a lot of possibilities for the problem, but I always start with the nutes. Slow down on them if you're feeling like that's something problematic.

Never hurts to slow down on those. You can always add them back again. That's easy enough.

But thrips are a possibility too.

Good luck - and really, plants aren't retarded, okay? That's a little offensive. They have some issues and describe those. Using retarded in the way you have is juvenile.

And wrong.