Dan Kone
Well-Known Member
House and Garden coco A & B, pk 13-14 at start of flower, Sea Cal/Sea Mag alternating feedings, then the last few weeks before final flush humboldt nuts big up powder. And on 6 of the purps I'm doing a special feeding with that nut mix + 4ml per gallon of purple maxx as a test.just on another note are you useing proper coco nutes??
1800 ppms co2. AC set to 68 (I actually can't make it go warmer than that ATM, lol fucking AC), ~45-50 humidity (working on that, but it'll do for this cycle), 3 600w lights per 4x8 table with the bulbs tested once every few months with a quantum meter to make sure they're still kickin. (less than 1/3 sun strength I replace bulb)
Am I doin it rite?