My First Grow Journal (White Widow)


Well-Known Member
Money, relax man. I visit your post everyday and it seems to me that your situation is very similar to someone watching and waiting for water to boil. You are not going to get results instantly. Your bottom leaves are the ones that were part of the original Ph and overnute problem. They, the bottom leaves, are not going to transform into good looking leaves....they will die and fall off. You have nice new growth and focus on that.
Keep your ph at 5.8, add cal mag into your nutrient solution and let them grow. Just remember to start slowly even if you feel that its not enough nutes. You'll thank me in a few months.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro imma thank you now for all the soon as I get the ph down right I'm sure ill be fine....I will add the calmag and 1/4 nuets in a few days.....want to stabalize the ph and let em perk back up a lil bit before I start dumpin nuets into em.....I appretiate you helpin me out n checkin out my posts.....thanks....


Well-Known Member
Ok so day 20 the new growth is looking nice n perky the older leaves are a little droopy but showing a little gonna leave just the ph water in there untill monday.....its been pretty stable at 5.8-6.0.....postin some pictures of my root growth on two of my plants 4 out of 5 has about the same amount of roots 1 of them has really short roots im sure you can tell which plant it is..... i was wondering if i should clip the yellow 1st true set of leaves or should i leave them on as they will fall off themselves?



Well-Known Member
There we go :hump: On the road to recovery - Good Job Money!!

Just make sure you go easy on the nutes and work it up slowly.

:joint: ~Boneman


Well-Known Member
Ok So i didnt get any time to post anything yesterday but i did end up adding nuets and changing the res. I added the following nuets:
b.c boost-26.25ml
b.c grow-13.12ml
thrive alive b-1red-4.37ml
sugar daddy-17.5ml
PPM=275 EC=0.5

they look way better overnight they look a pale green but im sure they will green up.....still trying to get the p.h. level right after adding th nuets its a lit low now about 5.2 but should be good by tonight....i know ph is the everything so i gotta get it up a little bit.....let me know what you guys think....thanks again boneman.....



Well-Known Member
So its day 24 and the plants look nice and gonna post pics of them later today.....Theres also 1 thing i wanted to ask....i looked at my roots today on the plants and there all really long and growing fast but there kinda brown...not sure if its suppost to be like that or what.....i run my finger accross one root and the brown seems to come off like an algae....could this be root rot and if so what would be causeing this? I added another airstone 2 days ago just thats a total of 3 air pumps and 3 stones in a 10 gallon tote.....anyone have any ideas let me know.....



Well-Known Member
Ok so its day 25 plants are looking good but a bit pale from the top.....i know new leaves it is normal but im gonna up the nuets a little bit when its time to change the res. prob. around 400ppm or somewhere around there.....i fixed the root problem there all lookin nice and white now...i blackend the sides of my tote with some black bags....taped them around the sides to make it real dark in the res. also i added some h202 about 18 oz of 3% for 7 gallons.....made sure ph was doing fine and checked back this morning and BOOM....problem solved...roots are nice and white and got a shit more growing....well anyone comment please feel like im doin this journal all for myself.....:clap:



Well-Known Member
Ok I changed the res again added more nuets.....a little under about 1/2 the full amount.....these plants are growing but man they are really slow.....i cant figure out what the problem is they should be taking advantage of these nutes but show no sign of it ph level is fine no root rot the light is as close as it can be without burning the leaves.....humidity is at about 60% and seen it at 70% yesterday, air circulation is good....i just dont understand why they havnt took off by now......anybody got an idea?:wall:



Well-Known Member
So its Day 29 i had to flush once again cause started to show signs of nuet burn....i guess there not ready for a little over 1/4 so im flushing for the next 2 days then gonna go back to the 1/4 of nuets.....plants are lookin ok i guess....If i Wanted to start LST would now be the time? or what do you think?:!:



Well-Known Member
Poor poor babies, you should be still useing phd water only. It would be a good idea to use some peroxide in the water also to get rid of what is happening to the roots. just my two cents. good luck.


Well-Known Member
sorry for not posting shit lately but anyway.............So after waisting about a month due to ph problems i finally decided to buy a real ph meter (2 days ago) and i was using the solution kind of ph meter and compared to my digital meter the difference between the two were way off! man its so much more worth buying the digital meter cause it gives you the most accurate reading.....why i say that because the way my plants look tell me:weed: i think i back on track and hopfully i wont run into any more major problems...I have a PH question for anyone who would answer.....ok now should i keep my ph level at 5.8 at all times or should i let it slowly kreep up because i heard certain nutes the plant gets more of at certain ph levels and if this is true what is the highest ph level should i let it get too and also when it reaches that highest ph level how do i bring it back down slowly as in .2 -.5 a day untill it reaches 5.8 again or should i just drop it down to 5.8 when it reavhes that ph high......or should i just keep it at 5.8 at all times.......I will post pics of the plants tomarrow so stay tuned......any help on that question would be nice....:hump:


Well-Known Member
sorry for not posting shit lately but anyway.............So after waisting about a month due to ph problems i finally decided to buy a real ph meter (2 days ago) and i was using the solution kind of ph meter and compared to my digital meter the difference between the two were way off! man its so much more worth buying the digital meter cause it gives you the most accurate reading.....why i say that because the way my plants look tell me:weed: i think i back on track and hopfully i wont run into any more major problems...I have a PH question for anyone who would answer.....ok now should i keep my ph level at 5.8 at all times or should i let it slowly kreep up because i heard certain nutes the plant gets more of at certain ph levels and if this is true what is the highest ph level should i let it get too and also when it reaches that highest ph level how do i bring it back down slowly as in .2 -.5 a day untill it reaches 5.8 again or should i just drop it down to 5.8 when it reavhes that ph high......or should i just keep it at 5.8 at all times.......I will post pics of the plants tomarrow so stay tuned......any help on that question would be nice....:hump:
Congrats on buying a better Ph meter but didnt we already go through this ph level earlier in the thread? Get it to 5.8 ASAP and leave it there. Here is a chart for you to help you figure it out.



Well-Known Member
Ok cool thanks boneman for the response.....i know i was suppost to keep it at 5.8 thats what ive been doing i just heard that u should let it fluctuate....but i kept it at 5.8 so they look good are some pictures....oh 1 more thing on most of my plants there more of a darker green on the insde of the leaves and a lighter green around the edges of the leaves....i was looking up plant problems and i couldnt find anything for it the closest thing i found was possible heat stress but idk maybe im a little to paranoid......



Well-Known Member
plants looking pretty good big difference in just 5 days.....I foliar feed the leaves a few days ago about 1 tsp to a gallon of water....and about the next day they really greened up....Um there is 1 thing i seen this morning on 1 plants new leaves (just 1 leave) the tip turned really brown....i havnt changed the nuets or anything just been keeping the ph level at 5.8 at all im not sure y or what is wrong with set of leaves but i raised the lights a little higher just incase...if anyone has an idea i posted a pic.....thanks for lookin....;-)



Well-Known Member
Heres a pic of day 42 cant seem to figure out y that 1 plant has those 2 brown spots on them but it doesnt seem to be effecting anything so i guess its not a problem.....Enjoy



Well-Known Member
ok yea i added a teaspoon of magical this morning the plants seem too be doing pretty good i also clipped a few leaves this morning on a few of the plants......ppm of the nutes are 275.....thanks for everything and ill post some pictures up later....enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Havin some problems with a few of the leaves i posted some pictures any ideas.....I havnt done anything different ph still at 5.8 humidity 50% temps about 70.......any ideas the spots are on 2 different plants only 1 leave on each plant but the leaves are right next to each other....any ideas? I was thinking about flushing just incase.....but i didnt change anything all i did was about a day or 2 ago was clip a few leaves on each plant.....the plants look a bit less perky as you can tell between the night before picks and the last pictures.....any help would help! thanks!



Well-Known Member
Done with this batch plants took a S**t for some reason couldnt figure it out couldnt find help.....started new grow threw these outside see what happends...gonna start new journal so look out for sure this grow will be alot better from the jump....