my first grow..plz help with my questions


Well-Known Member
first off its been 4 dayz since they been far so good...i keep my temp anywhere from 70-85 degrees...i am growing with 4 flourescent regular screw in bulbs and one fish tank flourescent...are these lights going 2 work??i was wondering if i shud repot these now(pics below)...i am planing on going 2 lowes or homedepot for potting soil..does ne1 have any recomendations 4 which soil 2 use from there..

,,when shud i start using fertalizer?
,,,will using a red glass heat bulb affect the plants..during plant sleep time?(bulb is not painted red its red glass)
,,,does water temp affect it?
,,what ph shud my water be?
,,,will putting my plant outside on sunnydayz affect growth?
and last does having lady bugs around ur plants affect them in anyway???



Well-Known Member
get some mylar, green light wont be absorbed by the plant as much and is said to be ok to have on even during flowering w/o causing em to hermie. do you have a fan in there?air flow and venting is crucial. your container needs drainage holes in the bottom and shouldnt be clear, transplant. start feeding approx 3-4 weeks into veg. start at 1/4 strength at first and slowly work your way up to full strength. flowering and veg require dif nutes. have water at room temp. only water when you can stick your finger 2 inches into the soil and it feels dry. any other questions? i'd be happy to help:peace:


Well-Known Member
first off repot those into a better container, light kills roots and that clear plastic has nothing to stop the light from getting to them... AS far as potting soil most people recommend fox farms, but any organic soil will work, Organic soil does not need nutes for most of the vegg cycle if u choose to go with that kind. Any other potting soils will work, u really have to find a good mix for the plants ur growing> Avoid taking crap from outside, not worth it trust me. As far as nutes go a good vegging one of a 10-10-10 would work good. Dont use it untill at least 2nd or 3rd week because your plants will burn, waiting for them to show signs that they need nutes is best (ie the yellow bottom leave). your light bulbs are fine, id get a few more if those are the ones u plan on flowering with as ur gonna need alot of light for 3 plants, more is almost always better. Putting ur plants outside would not effect them positivly in comparasin to just leaving them inside ur grow box espescially if its just for a few hours once a week, almost creates an unnessessary trip back and forth. plus im not sure where you reside but its getting cold in Canada and they dont like the cold. Other then that they look like they are starting out fine, make sure u vent that box with air and fix that problem with the clear plastic and u should be fine, Also with CFL bulbs make sure they are not to far away or else you will have plants stretching to get closer and eventually fall over and die


Well-Known Member
thnx for the input 420 and bigol'....ok so im runin 2 store now to get new pots n new soil...gonna add a fan to room...and wondering if i lined the box with white paper will help...also the lights will b fine for both vegging and buding? also im gettin a outlet timer for my lights 2 reduce stress..oh n btw i only have 2 babies growing


Well-Known Member
you'll need more lights for flowering, the color spectrum of your light is somewhat important too, 6500k for veg, 2700k for veg. i'd get like 6-8 42w 2700k bulbs for flower at least. how long do you plan to veg? i'd keep the lights on 24/0 for veg then switch to 12/12 to induce flowering when ready.


Well-Known Member
im not understanding the 6500kveg n 2700k veg..idk how long i shud veg for....and really i shud never turn of da lights?


Well-Known Member
im not understanding the 6500kveg n 2700k veg..idk how long i shud veg for....and really i shud never turn of da lights?
many growers think mixing the 2 color spectrum's help the veg
i've used just 5500k cfl's and had great results in veg
veg until you think your flower height will fit your setup
i vegged a nl#5 to 5 inches, it finished flowering at 29 inches
for a 1st grow, don't veg too long, things can get out of hand pretty quick

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
i vegged for 2 months under 1 of which was under a house lamp and window sill lol , the other ( when i got my act together under a white/blue spectrum (6500k) envirolite at 18/6 cycle. I then swapped to a 600w hps and its all been happy days ( give or take) since :D

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
u shud turn of the light, plants do alot of growing in the dark and 2) it saves on ya leccy bill :)

also this ebay page goes into detail about the 6500k and 2700k the primary is used for vegging as its the spectrum thats needed for growing the latter for flowering as it promotes fruit ( bud) production hope this helps :D


Active Member
I've used a 250W fluorscent blue spectrom bulb on 24/0 and had very fast growth results in the first 2 weeks and i've veg for 4 weeks and they r about 50cm high and now I've changed to 12/12 cycle with a 400W HPS bulb.


Well-Known Member
they stretch during the dark period, i like short bushy plants. and they are a must almost when growing with just cfls. you can do either one like he said but 24/0 works best for cfls and 18/6 works best w/metal halide or hps. they do use large amounts of energy compared w/cfls and put off more light so the stretching does help. this is my opinion. lol


Well-Known Member
I would also suggest a home made reflector for those lights.. and for the paper towel method lol i have no clue.. maybe u could use some foil got to be better then paper towel.. if u use the foil method u should not need to get a reflector for the lights but i still dont think it would hurt.


Well-Known Member
ok so i repoted them in bigger pots..using organic miracle grow soil...added a air filter 2 the closet for fresh air...still wondering what i shud put around the grow box that will not put holes in my plants 4 reflecting...also wondering what my water ph shud be..and how 2 lower and higher it.. with out going crazy with chemicals..also i got 3 14w and 1 23watt..all daylight bulbs..(and a 15w white fishtank light).i was thinking on replacing them all with 23watts daylight and getting soft whites for flowering(eventully)...(new pics coming in a day or 2)


Well-Known Member
ok so i figured my ph shud be between 6.0 and 7.0...right now i believe its 6.3....i bought some 10-15-10 plant food from schultz..i was wondering for vegging how much of this i shud tells me 2 use 7 drops but i kno that is 2 much..i believe the concentrate is off so if ne1 can tell me how 2 reduce the amount that wud be great...thnx 2 ne1 who helps me..also i have switched all my lights..i now i have 4 27watt daylight cfl's( and the 15w white floro still)...also ne1 know how much yeast and bakeing powder i shud use 2 produce enuff co2 for 2 plants...+++ rep 2 ne1 who helps..thnx


Well-Known Member
this is a complete update..plant 1 is doing very well but plant 2 is starting to yellow on the bottoms leaves does any1 know what i should do 2 correct this posted below...also i hav posted pics of the plant food i am going 2 use does any1 know how much or if i shud even use this product..ty..and u can notice my grow room has changed alot..ty for all ur helpbongsmilie
pic of first plant thats going good

this second plant is starting 2 yellow..some1 plz tell me how ican fix this..ty

the plant food i want 2 use is in attacht files..wondering if i shud use this kind..and also theres the type of bulbs i am using.. r these good?


Sorry to ask because i cant find how to post new posts. But i amworking with a 600 wat HPS ina XTRASUN reflector at about 24 inches from plants. i am working with 6 plants newly planted at about a week now. all seem to be good but one is has drooping leaves ( there is only 4 leaves and there kinda small) and another one has little small yellow dots on its fan leaves. tried looking for spiders but there isnt any. Any suggestions pleasee