My first grow! Updated daily. 400 watt Ebb and Flow - White Berry


Well-Known Member
I got home this evening and the oscillating fan in the op had stopped working. Damn thing is only a month old! Needless to say I ran to Wal-Mart and got a new one. this Lasko POS is going back to Lowe's tomorrow. I got an AC/DC camping fan that is working good at the moment. I like using the batteries in it but that will get pricey quick.

I also raised the light back up some and lifted my plants to it instead. It was getting low enough that the ducting was getting to be about 3' long and the booster fan I have as exhaust at the moment was starting to weaken at that distance. So, raise the light back up to shorten the duct and just raise the plants to where I want them. Good ventialtion restored for now :joint:

EDIT: My camera battery is dead. Pics tomorrow. Promise. All 3 are putting on their 6th set of leaves. It's about time to start training. The lowers look stressed out but the new growth looks good.

5" camping fan (for tents) $9 on clearance
6 'D' batteries - $5.50


Well-Known Member
Hi Jash,

The booster fan is pretty loud for what it does. It sounds about as loud as a standard bathroom fan. If you have the closet door closed you can barely hear it. With the door open I have to turn up the TV to hear the dialog over the fan. I will HAVE to get a better fan in a few weeks when I go to flower. The booster fan will not work with a carbon filter or anything else obstucting airflow.

My recommendation .... If you have the $100 get an inline fan from HTG or the like. They have one right now that is a carbon filter/fan combo for 139 + ship. That is on my wish list right after first of the year :joint:


Well-Known Member
ya i was about to get one of those camping fans from walmart but i figured it would get pricey cuz you always gotta be replacin the batteries, did you get any fans from htgsuppply? i just ordered most of my set up from there and got one of the 4" booster fans that was only like 15 or 20 bucks wonderin if youve heard anything bout those?


Well-Known Member
The booster fan will work for ducting up to about 3 ft long. After that they get weak fast. I got my booster fan from HomeDepot but they are the same thing. The camping fan I found will take an AC adapter. (sold separately). I just happen to have a universal laying around here somewhere so ... SCORE. :)

EDIT: Lights on in about 45 min :clap:


Well-Known Member
chill and ya that fan i got doesnt have much ducting to go through but i was hoping it would be strong enough so i can use it with my carbon filter


Well-Known Member
Nope. Sorry. It will work for ventilation only. Carbon Filters will stop all airflow from an axial fan like these. You need a centrif fan ($100) for those filters.


Well-Known Member
I know how that goes. I am hoping to get a good fan in the next few weeks but I am stuck with this booster for now. As I mentioned earlier I will HAVE to get one when I go to flower.


Well-Known Member
80F 50%-RH

The girls love the feeding they got. Good growth today. All 3 are working on 7th and 8th nodes. 5-6" tall. I moved the light down to 12" from tops.

I will start LST training tonight. Time to force some side branching.

Uploading pics now ...


Well-Known Member
Well I just finished my first attempt at LST training. Each top is bent over with plastic-coated paperclip and secured to hair-ties wrapped around the pots. No broken stems :clap: Hopefully they respond well in the next couple of days. I would like to start cloning soon. :leaf:

On a side note I noticed an odor from the White Berries when I was handling them. 3 weeks old and stating to stink in veg. They are going to be some stinky bitches later on. :weed:

Now BONDAGE PICS! Tie them bitches down!



WB2 - Smelly :shock:


Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
I experimented with my first plant(ended up being male). I broke/bent all the branches and tied that bitch down. Basically torchered him till I had time to pull and discard him.

Its amazing how compact you can get those suckers. I had that 30"+ plant down to about 8" tall and 24" wide lol. All the leafs turned up so it was just flat but still healthy


Well-Known Member
78F 50% RH
Light 12" from tops
No water today. Still got water weight to pots. Tomorrow probably

Not a lot happening today. Leaves are starting to turn back toward the light and I see secondary growth beginning on the side branches but it is too small to get a good pic of it with my POS cam.

This coming week should be interesting. When the side shoots come up I will top them and force even more branching. I may try to clone the topping I take for fun and practice.

Now back to football .... :joint:


Well-Known Member
lookin great dl, just started a white berry amongst others (check my sig if interested) scrib'd! wanna see how yours do...


Well-Known Member
OK. So in Doogleef land awhile means many hours :lol:

81F 48% RH
Watered with PH'd tap water today
Light - 10-12" from tops.

These are some truly amazing plants. In 2 days since I LST'd them all 3 tops have turned back to the light and put on new node starts. I am also seeing side growth for the first time :clap: Hopefully I get enough that I can feel safe taking off the damaged stuff. It just looks bad :wall:

When I took a reading from the runoff I was suprrised to see that all readings were low. DP was about 520 and the WB were ~350. If I had seen that coming I would have fed them today. As I look at the pics I just took a few minutes ago they look a little N deff again. Hungry girls! I knew this would be a trial and error process. Not only am I a newb but every strain is different and there is not a lot of grow data on WB. I will feed them at the next watering and with every water until the PPM of runoff gets too high. I will be comfy up to about 1250-1300 @ .5


Group Shot!



