My first grow!

Kush Roller

Okay so this is my first grow.{YES IM A NEWB! Just to put it out their before i people rolling eyes and shizz}

Im growing in a pretty good size cardboard box.(I dont know for sure how big it is, i would say about 3.5ft. tall by 2.5ft. wide.(Pretty much all the space i can use indoors!)
Im using a tiny lightbulb that i found in the attic in a pumpkin decoration lol! (theres nothing else around the house!)Im planing on getting a cfl or two to grow with as soon as i can( Probably within the next few days!)

Im thinking I might decide to veg them untill spring then transplant them to a spot outside untill winter and see what i get! (But then again i might get them just big enuff and then put them on 12/12,then clone one or two.)

I put 6 bagseeds in a small glass of water.

They ALL popped! ( I only had 2 small pots around the house) but i did find four other small cups and things to do the job for now.I am using Miracle Grow: Organic Mix, with some Miracle Grow: Perlite mixed in.

I will continue more when the lil buggers make it out of the soil(And i will post pics as soon as get batterys for my camera! :twisted:

Kush Roller

This morning i noticed small white leaves sticking out of the soil of one of the pots!
Slowly over the day i have watched it prop out toward the light!(A pretty nifty thing to witness)


New Member
Good Luck and +rep for taking the leap into farming! Post some pics in your journal, we love to see those babies!

By the way be very careful not too overwater. As I am sure you know MG has time release nutes, activated by water. If you give them too much, it may kill 'em. And don't be discouraged by any one who might say MG sucks...this is about 4 weeks from seed and in almost pure MG with a little added perlite...View attachment 1952490

Kush Roller

Thanks. I will i cant find any damn AA batterys for my camera! maby ill get sum for a christmas gift, otherwise ill have to buy some..(and thanks for the watering tip. i have watered them like 3 times sence yesterday! the soil was barely moist when i watered! (i dont think i was putting enuff to be honest). they are seedling though and need moisture so... I just hope that all that "drizzleing" wont hurt them with the time release...