My First Growing


Active Member
Hey guys I am trying to grow my first plant, I've read up on growing and I think I will be able to produce the kind of plant I want, but the plant I'm trying to grow is different from a regular full size plant or grow farm.

My goal is to grow a small 2-3 foot plant with a 8-12 inch bud, but I need to keep it low odor, I'm worried that it will stink my house of pot, which I don't want. My Dad has smoked pot and knows the smell probably, but its been probably 30 years since he smoked now and I'm hoping he's just gonna ignore my plant. If he does I will try to grow bigger but with his career being in Goverment he can't get linked to pot so I need to keep it budget easy and low size, untill I move out, =D.

I know the seeds are the most important part, I have a single High's seed but its white and small, is this seed good? I also have some seeds from an 8th of Midies I got that tasted really good, and got me stoned off of just 3 hits, not to bad for mids =D. Those seeds are the brown with black tiger stripes, the good ones I believe.

As for how am I gonna grow it? I want to just use a floor lamp and a bucket, or large pot, simple but effective being the goal. Soil, I have some top soil in the garage I was gonna use that should work fine, I might use some fertilizers but not too much because I just want my plant healthy, not on steroids. Hopefully with this I can grow my perdictted plant size. I plant on using a Soft White bulb since I think I have one, but its a large round orb bulb for the bathroom, will this work? I got some regular clear and maybe some regular white soft lights. I plan on using 24 hour light untill it reaches a good size then go to a 12/12 schedule. I will be growing in my basement where my computer room is. It stay about 70-75 degrees which I hope is good. I will block the window light with a blanket folded over and over to a thick sheet. This should block most light, its a half window so its small. As for C02 I smoke cigs in this room, so that should make a small boost in growing performance hopefully, I don't chain smoke but the additionall C02 can only help. The basement stays kinda moist, should I dry it out? I got a dehumidifer which should work. I'm only gonna have one plant, at a time anyways.

As for drying, I'm just gonna snip and hang in open air for a couple of days, maybe a quick oven dry before I first smoke too. I've used a oven to dry before I know you need to be EXTREMELY CAREFUL NOT TO BURN IT! If I have missed anything let me know and give advice, but I'm not growing for profit, just for me to smoke with a couple of friends. Also I just want to challenge my self to grow a succesful plant. Successful too me is a bud 12+ inches long that is pretty decent, at least some mids.


Well-Known Member
Wait until you move out, kid. You said yourself that your pops works in government. One plant can ruin the man's life. You're going to do what you want, but that's my two cents.


Active Member
Thanks man, I probably shouldn't grow it, but I doubt my growing abilites anyways, and if he catches on and doesn't like it I will just kill it. Also incase of that, I would take full responsibilty for the plant instead of having the charges put on him.

P.S. I'm 20, not a kid. Just for refrence. Also he works for a computer company that works for the government. Hes not a government employee directly.


Active Member
Thanks man, have you done this kind of thing before? Or is this your first attempt, with this kind of plan?


Well-Known Member
first attempt. n so far so good, a lil tweaks, its not that hard, im movin up to 4-6 plants/but only 2-3 harvesting at a time..2* 2 week old n 2 germinatin n i can clone if i want to. the hardest part was thinkin how ur gonna set it up n its all maintenance from ther

if u saw my 1st 2 pics it was made for 2-3 plants that are 2-3 ft really small...i upgraded cuz i was able to. n deciding to grow taller strains plus upgrading to better lights for veg so they go faster ...too many reasons

oh yea drying should be the last thing on ur mind lol


Well-Known Member
0h yah im goin to be usin hps for flowerin but u can use cfl all the way...thats like around $200(cords multiple bulbs etc)
i picked northern lights #5 cuz its best for beginners low odour 2-3ft plant so u can pick ur strains for ur ideal space


Active Member
I don't have any money, in between jobs, and mine is probably a Sativa or Sativa/Indica mix strain so plant hieght and smell are unknown untill I actually start to grow. I'll take pics soon for a better show of what I am planning to do. Will regular light bulbs work? I know they are not ideal but WILL they work at all?


Well-Known Member
2-3 * 23 w COOL white compact flourescent is minimum for 1-2 plants dats all u need thats a requirement to properly grow


Active Member
Thanks dude, I decided to switch it to my closet, better space and closer to an outlet, plus easier to hide. When is the earliest I can make it 12/12 lighting, I don't want to starve the plant of light, since the lights will be low quailty but I don't want the plant to get tall and too bushy you know? I was thinking waiting till it got a decent amount of leaves but if the plant just shoots up like my friends did, I might just start with 12/12 light/dark. His was like a foot and half and didnt even have its first hand of leaves, you know the 5-7 leaves that make like a hand shape, but it was tall like crazy, must have been Sativa.


Well-Known Member
it all depends on the strain n the weaker the light the slower , ur friends plant mightve had better lights soil n overall setup so his grew faster the same strain could take 2 months longer if it has weaker lights

if u realy want to flower as soon as possile just make sure the light is real close n the nodes are as packed as much as possible, u shoul atleast give it a month b4 12/12

or u can start one at 12/12 n the reast 18/6 for a month