my first indoor grow some advice needed


hi i started grow 5 weeks ago im growing some ww and some hawaiian haze plants under 600 hps light. my soil mix is made of perlit coco,peatmoss ( torf ) worm casting dolomite calcium magnesium additives and ph ratio is 6.4 i switched the light cycle to 12/12
few days ago i have been feeding the plants with canna bio vega for 3 weeks i will switch to canna bio boost and canna bio flores when the first flowers appear.
i ordered another 600 watt hps light system and i should get it soon. i was just curious if there is any other organic nutrients additives or maybe soil mix ingredients that i could add on top of these in order to help my plants grow bigger and better???


my timer broke and my plants were under dark for 4 days . i turned it back on 2 days ago i gave them some canna flores today for the first time but will switch to 12/12 tomorrow. any ideas why they look sick?



Well-Known Member
If you're going with the Canna line for nutes, I'd go all out in terms of what they recommend. Get some Rhizotonic and Cannazym to use with the Biovega...sounds like you're all good for flowering. In terms of the yellowing in the pics in the post right above mine, I can only guess myself since I've had alot of it lately, but the first one looks hungry, the 2nd pic I have no idea, and the last one looks like nute burn? Some strains want more food than others, I tend to mess that up myself since I grow so many different things every time.
EEgad,sorry Miss HailTheLeaf,
i don't know for sure but that looks pretty's to's stressed out and it looks like it doesn't know if it's coming going or what.i'd put it out of it's missery and start over cause the best you gonna get is a hermie.just my guess,but i'm just a dumb dude that grows all kinds of stuff in all kinds of anyway sorry to hear of that poor plants fate.good luck with that catastrophy.


EEgad,sorry Miss HailTheLeaf,
i don't know for sure but that looks pretty's to's stressed out and it looks like it doesn't know if it's coming going or what.i'd put it out of it's missery and start over cause the best you gonna get is a hermie.just my guess,but i'm just a dumb dude that grows all kinds of stuff in all kinds of anyway sorry to hear of that poor plants fate.good luck with that catastrophy.