My Friend Might Die.

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Well, because of the accident.. i'm getting in touch with old friends I lost.. due to pride and ego.. so thats kinda cool... my mom went by and seen him.. and she said he looked good... she told him if he wanted her to smoke a joint with him that bad, he coulda just told her..haha... he's always been wanting her to get high with us... maybe now he'll get his wish...

She also said a FUCKIN COP come by the hospital today and gave him THREE fuckin tickets... what fuckin nerve?! I think it's because he's black and had a white girl in the truck with him.. fuckin cocksuckin pig.. I'd wish bad things on him.. such as his kids fuckin burn infront of him.. but i'm above that

My mom knows some people.. so she's going to see if she can get them fixed for him... he's got alot of rehab to go... he's leaving from there to go to jackson... which is a bummer.. but I know it's better for him... I just hope his mom or grandma are ready to move over and let me stay up there with him...

That shit about the cop though.. :cuss: :cuss:
Well, because of the accident.. i'm getting in touch with old friends I lost.. due to pride and ego.. so thats kinda cool... my mom went by and seen him.. and she said he looked good... she told him if he wanted her to smoke a joint with him that bad, he coulda just told her..haha... he's always been wanting her to get high with us... maybe now he'll get his wish...

She also said a FUCKIN COP come by the hospital today and gave him THREE fuckin tickets... what fuckin nerve?! I think it's because he's black and had a white girl in the truck with him.. fuckin cocksuckin pig.. I'd wish bad things on him.. such as his kids fuckin burn infront of him.. but i'm above that

My mom knows some people.. so she's going to see if she can get them fixed for him... he's got alot of rehab to go... he's leaving from there to go to jackson... which is a bummer.. but I know it's better for him... I just hope his mom or grandma are ready to move over and let me stay up there with him...

That shit about the cop though.. :cuss: :cuss:
That's really fucked up man. :wall: Cops huh?


Well-Known Member
Ha ha Goldblum is the tits ha. Man if you need a friend for the ride to jackson Im down to go. I could meet you in the dirty burg ha. That shit with the cops is totally fucked up though. Fuck that shit.


Well-Known Member
thanks... you guys really helped me pull through... I would have lost my mind had it not been for my family here at RIU.. I love all of you guys... I'll never forget what y'all did for me... and I know all of your positive vibes helped him...


hell yeah dude, it's on.. i'll let you know when I get home and ready to go... and if you have the time, we may head out to see Go if he's cool with it

I'm always cool with a visit bro.... would love to meet KG anyway... and it would make everything a bit easier on me and the wife if you had a ride this time:lol:


Well-Known Member
lol.. well, i'm comming back to hell to get my truck.. so i'll have a ride.. it's just gonna be AFTER the 18th.. so we'll have to see what crappens wen I get there on the 18th


Well-Known Member

I just got off the phone with his mom again, he's being moved to a room today, and i'll get to call and talk to him in about an hour.. so that's really good... i'm excited.. only six more days and i'm on my way home... it's a 4 hour flight and the anxiety is going to be killing me... not to mention it's my first time flying..

Looks like everything is going to be ok.. the Dr had to get onto him the other day for excessively using the Fuck word.. so it sounds like my boy's still the same...

I'm alittle dissapointed in everyone in how things are being handled behind the scenes.. there's some girlfriend drama, his mom's fixated on his ex who's always there, but it's like I told her.. it's not really about that and what we want.. it's about him.. it's about getting him prepared for the reality that we already know...

The nurse was giving him a bath and after it was all over, he told his mom his dick didn't work anymore.. which means that he's starting to realize he' paralyzed... thats his "my body doesn't work" statement... If you knew him, you'd understand better what that means to him...

On a personnel note.. I met this girl last night.. and needless to say leaving wont be as easy as it was before.. but I gotta do what I gotta do...


Well-Known Member
the Dr had to get onto him the other day for excessively using the Fuck word
After reading the thread, this made me chuckle.

You guys rock.

Thoughts are with you man. Sounds like your Xmas is looking up what with him talking and out of ICU now.
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