My Friend Might Die.

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Well-Known Member
oh, I would never call either of you assholes for hijacking my thread... I'd do it just cuz..


Well-Known Member
Backdoor, I'm very sorry to hear about your dilemma and your friend is in my prayers.
And I'm amazed at what a great group of people this thread brought together. Parker, Kind, Rose. You guys are in inspiration to everyone, and the complete willingness to help a complete stranger with such passion actually brought a tear to my eye. I've had a rough week myself (nothing in comparison to backdoor) and sometimes I feel at the brink of giving up on mankind as a whole, and asI stumble upon something like this, I am renewed with hope.
Backdoor, I hope the best for your friend. It sounds as though he is a very strong person and I'm positive he will make it out of this, one way or another. Strong willed people are capable of some real miracles. Good luck buddy.
I wish you all the best, and thank you....


Well-Known Member
its good to hear there r still peeps that have a heart out there parker, specialy fellow smokers. i wouldnt post sumthin like this thread on here to get physical help, just mental ease at the most. but u went the xtra distance
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