my nub cfl bubbler grow, first timer


Active Member
hey, everyone this will be my first complete grow, wish me luck! I'll b keeping u updated with lots of pics( of great plants hopefully), I live in a restrictive country, so this is all bagseed : ( but im hoping for the best! I'm using all cfls through the whole process, eventually the hydro system will change( to ebb and flo) but i'm still working on that. Hope I get lots of help, cuz im gonna need it! here are the pictures after 1 week of vegging, im using buds for less by GK as a kind of guide and so far my progress seems on par....

there's 8 42w(150w equivalent) cfls

here's a closer look at the seedlings @ 1 week

here's a side shot @ 1wk

heres a close up of one of the plants

more to come!!


Active Member
well, quick update, just finished working on my ebb and flow system, my girls will b movin in there sumtime next weekend!! Basically what I have are 2 gallon buckets with six inch pots to serve as the flood chamber. simple but hopefully effective! here are sum pics including one of the girls today. = )

tell me what you think, how i can improve, etc...


Active Member
I have just one question tho, if anybody's watchin, if use this system through flowering, the roots will always be in the limited space of a 6 inch pot. so the question is would this cause stunted growth? I'm using hydroton as my media, and rockwool cubes as starters.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure the roots will stretch out of the confines of your 6" pot into the bucket.


Active Member
general hydroponics, flora series, heard great things so i hope it goes well, i've always done plants in dirt...


Well-Known Member
And maybe even using some h202 would be great. You can pick it up at your local grocery store for like 2 bucks. Its the 3% hydrogen peroxide. It will add an extra oxygen molecule to your h20 and BANG!!! Explosive growth rates. I use it @ 1 cap per gallon. It kicks a$$!


Active Member
you know, i was reading someone else's dwc forum and he said he used h2o2, so i'm definately gonna be adding sum to my bubbler with the seedlings.


Well-Known Member
Good decision. Stay away from the food grade h2o2 thou its like 35% WAY 2 concentrated for my liking. The 3% works just fine and it wont destroy your plants if you accidentely add a bit 2 much.


Active Member
Good decision. Stay away from the food grade h2o2 thou its like 35% WAY 2 concentrated for my liking. The 3% works just fine and it wont destroy your plants if you accidentely add a bit 2 much.
thanx elza, good info.

here's a question i've been pondering, since I already bought the gh flora 3 part solution,

what are some suggestions as far as additives that would work well with these nutrients, also( and this might sound stupid) can I use these through flowering, or will I need to purchase additional nutes?

also noteworthy, i will be trying the lucas feeding schedule ( thanx to elzbob)

any help would be apreciated!!


Well-Known Member
There are a whole slew of supplemental nutes out there. But I use superthrive @ 1 drop per gallon, its a vitamin b1 supplement. So you only need a small bottle. And GH's floranectar is a good carbohydrate booster and a good bud sweetner. Then for the flowering stage I use liquid kool bloom. And during lights off I spray my plants with nitrozyme growth plus (this stuff is a god send) I applicate it at a rate of 10ml per litre. This stuff is packed with auxins many other hormones and micro and macro nutes. If you could only get one of these supplements I would get the nitrozyme growth plus. But if you can get a hold of all of these thats all you really need. Its my super combo. Hasn't failed me yet! Hope that helps you out. []Deace!


Well-Known Member
And yes you sure can use the flora series all the way through. Its a stand alone 3 part fert system. But the lucas formula only uses the last two parts.


Active Member
There are a whole slew of supplemental nutes out there. But I use superthrive @ 1 drop per gallon, its a vitamin b1 supplement. So you only need a small bottle. And GH's floranectar is a good carbohydrate booster and a good bud sweetner. Then for the flowering stage I use liquid kool bloom. And during lights off I spray my plants with nitrozyme growth plus (this stuff is a god send) I applicate it at a rate of 10ml per litre. This stuff is packed with auxins many other hormones and micro and macro nutes. If you could only get one of these supplements I would get the nitrozyme growth plus. But if you can get a hold of all of these thats all you really need. Its my super combo. Hasn't failed me yet! Hope that helps you out. []Deace!
that sounds great, I made a list, and i'll b lookin all of those up (I like to read) thanx =) + rep


Active Member
Well, big update! I got the DIY bug after being on here yesterday, so I decided to build my own dwc bubbler!! Big props to diggity dank if he's out there this is his concept (check it out here ) Im very happy with it, it maximizes my space, and works perfectly, i hope. here are some before and after pix.



Well-Known Member
Well, big update! I got the DIY bug after being on here yesterday, so I decided to build my own dwc bubbler!! Big props to diggity dank if he's out there this is his concept (check it out here ) Im very happy with it, it maximizes my space, and works perfectly, i hope. here are some before and after pix.

Good stuff. I have 2 dwc bubblers in my room currently. They work great! Glad to see they turned out good. []Deace!