My pc's been Hijacked....


Well-Known Member
At the same time things could go from bad to worse to worse then that, no reason to give up growing for something that isn't going to work out anyway.

The only thing my girl gets mad about is if we run out of weed.


New Member

are you sure that it's a good time to be growing? Maybe you have things patched up right now, but I know how it can go with marital stuff. Things can go from good to bad in the blink of an eye. If she's threatening to call the cops on you AND she's pissed enough to tell them about your plants, she'd get you out of that house for sure. Just looking out for you man.
she called the cops because she felt I was being an ass. She felt i was being an ass because she didnt listen to everything that I said, and mis-understood half of what she did listen to.

The reason I built this case is because it prevents the plants from being seen in the house unless they are being searched for. When i took them otside it was because I left them in an area that could prevent them from being seen, but a buddy of mine could go back to get them a bit later on.
I got my bases covered bra, but thanks for the warning.

And also, just for the record, I am a newb myself. I love advice and drink it up with an industrial sized straw. So don't give up on the newbie forum please. People like me still need your help and will show proper appreciation as well!
You sound much like myself. Even to this day with as much as ive learned, If anything can help me out, i wanna know about it.
And its not that i intentionsally stay away from the noobies board, I just quit going there looking for problems to solve. I just use the "new post" button nowa days.
and on another note I dont look for anyone to kiss my feet, a thanks is all thats needed


New Member
At the same time things could go from bad to worse to worse then that, no reason to give up growing for something that isn't going to work out anyway.
If theres anything that specifically makes you think your going to get busted then you should quit growing for a while. better safe then sorry.

The only thing my girl gets mad about is if we run out of weed.
sounds like the girl needs to be shown RIU here and stop being such a bitch about it if she dont wanna do anything to help.
tell her if she wants to smoke get off her ass, haul some dirt, haul some water, plant a seed.
and on that note my old lady dont smoke bud either.:-|


Well-Known Member
She doesn't really get mad if we are out of weed, just frustrated same as me. But she doesn't need to help me grow, she has huge boobs, natural red hair, and loves to give head so her contribution is taken care of.


New Member
She doesn't really get mad if we are out of weed, just frustrated same as me. But she doesn't need to help me grow, she has huge boobs, natural red hair, and loves to give head so her contribution is taken care of.
hmm, you just described my wife so I guess i can understand ya. But my wife dont smoke my weed either.:?
ha ha then agin my wife hates it when im outta weed and she dont smoke so i guess I can say i get frustrated too, but i break out in hives when i get stressed so I dont run out too often


New Member
okay I finely finished my tattoo yesterday.I also decided that I am going to start putting the 3 little ones outside during the day and bring em in @ night to go back in the case.
I left them all outside last night so i could sleap in this morning and them still catch the early sun. I normally get up @ 6 everyday even though im not working but i decided yesterday that i was taking a lazy day today.

I need to get off my ass and make the hike to check on the others today....


New Member
okay heres some pictures of the hijack enjoying the sun in an open field and some of my bagseed which prefer to be shaded in the evening.




New Member
it just got dark outside....means lights moved up to 14hrs a day now.:hump:
woot woot.

but yeah the hijack are starting to strech because of the 2 days outside in 14 hour light. I think they may be trying to flower so im praying for longer days.....
but i brought 3 of the hijack back inside to bask in some cfl light this evening.


New Member
my conditions so far this year have been shitty as hell. I hoping they will improve soon so that I dont have to deal with mediocre stretched ass plants this year. Thats what I see coming if they dont though. Like now its 60mph wind gusts outside (have been for 2 days now). It stopped raining for a while today though so maybe the babys will get some sun.

here they are as of yesterday evening.

I named this poor solider cripple, since the first day it ever went outside some bug decided to eat the leaves off one side of em! Which sucks because when the leaves were turned, I could see glistens of resin on them..

I noticed how bad the stretch was while taking pictures yesterday so I repotted them back up to their first leaf set and buried their seed leaves. I gave thim a pinch of nutes in a tall glass of water last night as well.

Ill take more pictures today twords the end of the day when i run out of things to do around the house


Active Member
it looks like our kids are at the same age. i started on the windowsill and switched to the 4 ft floro's. yours are lookin' good.


New Member
it looks like our kids are at the same age. i started on the windowsill and switched to the 4 ft floro's. yours are lookin' good.
thank you, id much rather be using the tube fluros.:twisted:
i wouldent have so much stretch then.
i just remembered i gave them their first nutes yesterday and i didnt check em out today cause all the drama going on.
this is why i dont like to be around my wifes friends....:-|
but now the friends baby is sleaping in that room so im not gonna disturb her, if they die so be it theres always cloning:hump:
the human baby is cuter than my baby plants so she wins. Shes not as stretched either lol


New Member
well ive figured out why my bagseed are streching but the outdoor hijack isnt.
This tree isnt in the way of the hijack

i went out there today and they were in the damn shade AGAIN!
i mean the sun was close....but still not touching any damn leaves!

anyways here they are

heres one of the outdoor hijack

my cat when i was coming back inside...

and the pc



New Member
im going to be moving the bagseed plants to another place tomorrow thats in full sun except for whatever shade a 5t briar bush will throw on them

ok they are moved to where I think they will get more light. I put them in a 2 gallon bucket so that i can move them around for a bit. when i fing a better spot ill seat them;0


New Member
okay here is todays update

this is a neat little tunnel near where i have movedthe bagseed plants. Its been here for MANY years.

here is the bagseed in the 20gallon hole that I dug for them. I only put 15 gallons of dirt in the hole so I can cull the males and fill the rest of the hole to leave more room for the females.

this is my friends neglected ass hijack plant.... its been outdoor since the seed was planted

and here is 1 of my 2 outdoor hijack plants

ill take pictures of the ones in the pc later... Im eating dinner now.


New Member
eh i guess its time to update again... Ill take pics of the hijack here in a minute and try to remember to post up this evening.
I just put 4 more hijack in a paper towel to germ as well as a bunch more bagseed earlier today.


New Member
okay. that just Unnerved the fucking shit outta me.
I just went out to check on my babies. So i go to the first location with the hijack in pots....take pictures do what i needed to do and started twords the 2nd area with all of my bagseed plants. Take care of them, take a few pictures.....Then I stood up in the area and turned around to leave. But as I was leaving I caught something out of the corner of my eye that didnt look like a stick...
Upon closer investigation I realized it was a 5-6 foot king snake sitting in a honeysuckle bush about shoulder level.
Now I dont really have a paranoia of snakes like most do, in fact i have one as a pet, but seeing any 6ft snake ready to strike 2 feet away from me, is torture on the mind.
I got a stick and tried to coax him outta the bush so I could cut his head off but instead he just went farther into the bushes. When I saw that i wasnt going to get his head I tried to cut it in half so it would die but it slithered away too quick and my sword came crahing down, removing the last 3 inches of his tail.

King snakes eat the copperheads and water moccasins around here so i usually leave them alone, but a aggrivated one thats as long as I am, ready to bite me as soon as I show up around my crops....HELL NO.

anyways heres the only pic i could get of the fucker while he was in the bush and a video of the tip of his tail wiggling around by itself
