My plants are p*ssy's!


Well-Known Member
I was actually reading in another thread and saw Brendon420 posting something and noticed his Avatar looked somewhat familiar. Then I just started laughing. Good to see that I have at least sparked some good laughs. Although I will have to charge for the use of those pics.

Responding to some posts: The straw idea came from this forum, so you can knock it, but that one actually came from research from RIU. Maybe they should cancel that course.

As an update. The 2 I moved outside 3 days ago are taking off. They now have 3 sets of leaves and look very healthy. Turns out the best source of light is actually the sun. When they get bigger I'll expect Brendon420 to update his avatar with their pics.
wait...r u saying you grew the you are coming to admit it...that's as bad as stealing the ak-40straw pics and posting them as your I am wrong then let me know...but as for now...just wow...ak-40straw.....lmfao


Active Member
Don't mean to drag this thread out from the forum grave yard, but wanted to give an update on the plants I moved outside. I think I might start a grow journal as I have 2 outside and 2 that I just started inside, but for now here are the same plants that had the straws and toilet paper wrapped around them in the first page of this thread. Keep in mind it's been raining up here for the past 2 1/2 weeks straight so this is without much sunlight at all. Just goes to show you what mother nature can do if you let her.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programs...



Active Member
Much better ... I enjoyed this forum very much. Those 5 week old picture were priceless LOL..... But good job... That's how they should look between week 1 - 2. I've also seen grows that have looked like that by the end of week 1. I hope you have nutrients for them, because they will need it later on. Do a lot of reading.



Active Member
Thanks reef. Yeah I've started giving them Pure Blend Pro Vegetative. I'm at about 1/4 of the recommended usage. Baby Steps. I started a grow journal for these and my two PPP indoors. You can follow more of my hilarious mistakes and flounderings at the link in my Sig.


Active Member
OK, probably the last update on these guys? Because I'm pretty sure they are dudes, but nobody will respond in my grow journal. So I'm taking it to the more popular thread. Yes these are the same plants from this thread. They are now 6 feet tall! Nice come back, but I left them for the weekend and when I came home they had started to flower and look like males. If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm new, so don't REALLY know, but HIGHLY suspect these are males. Please tell me I'm wrong thanks. Here's some pics:



Active Member
Just count your losses and move on like someone said they were in poor shape to begin with. Any pics of the inside light set up ?


Active Member
Pics of indoor setup are in my grow journal, but here's a taste. Maybe I should name my grow journal P*ssys in the Bathroom. No love over there, but people are all over this thread.

Thanks for the confirming my repressed suspicions! BTW these indoor are both feminized and 1 has already shown, so I don't need the outdoor, but obviously I was hoping.



Active Member
Thanks man! The other showed female today so I have 2 girls. Please check out my journal if you get a chance. I can obviously use the help and would appreciate criticism, suggestions from the more experienced RIU folk!
