My rubbermaid carbon filtered grow box


Well-Known Member
That lst is really going to do some help. I cant wait to see it start budding hoping in the fall I will actually get some seeds myself.


Well-Known Member
Alright ducktape sounds good. I've heard about the bushmaster never heard of the rock juice. I'm just a lil iffey on giving them a poison ya know. I don't know I think I might just utilize the LST a lil more. I'm sure the ducktape will work pretty good anyways.

I've never heard of using a chemical to stunt growth. Sounds unnatural. Yeah height problems suck. I had to cut out the bottom of my container to let the pot drop down. Then the top of the pot was at an equal height with the bottom of my rubbermaid container. Is this possible with the dresser or is the dresser bottom right on the floor? LST worked good for me, definitely cut the height of the plant in half. The ladies are looking healthy!


Well-Known Member

Day 37/29/9 Aight guys been pretty busy the past couple days with everything I got going on right now. Plants are looking great as normal. Haze plant responded very well to the LST. I saw some mini hairs on her last night so this is a good sign. The vertical growth I think is coming to a slow. Normally when I look in the dresser the first time in the day I have to DEFFINATELY raise the lights right way. GWS and Gigabud both didn't need the lights moved up. This is a good sign for me. Hopefully anymore growth will be strictly bud growth. Plants are due for nutrients next water. I was going to give them nutes last night, but when I went to walmart to refill my water the machine was out of order LAME. So I had to give them just the straight tap water. Speaking of water lol (have to tell this story) soooo the other day I went to walmart and picked up one the better faucet mount water filters so I wouldn't have to run to walmart every time I need water. Well anyways so I went to go put it on my faucet right.... well the instructions say to take the threads out of the faucet itself. Well my freaking mother opted to get the CHEAP CHEAP plastic faucets. It wouldn't turn so I was like WTF got some pliers and tried to man handle it. Well turns out that the threads are attached to the whole CHEAP plastic faucet. I tore the threads all up and the filter still doesn't fit. So now I have to go buy a new damn METAL faucet. Now with the money I will be spending I could have just bought the damn R.O. filter from my hydro store for 110. I spent 40.00 on the faucet mount filter. I know I'm going to be spending ATLEAST 30.00 on a decent metal faucet thats what 70.00 so now add my time fixing and time trying to first set it up and damn it I would've been better off buying the fucking R.O. filter.

Mammath: Using posions REALLY scares me but also it makes me very mad that people even make this stuff. I'm a real new age hippie I guess you could say. I will ONLY ONLY use organic stuff. The problems with global warming with chemical ferts is crazy and we aren't helping by using them. We need to be the earths savior not contributing to its demise. Sorry for preaching there anyways, ya no posions I'll just LST. Next time will either be one reg strain topped and lsted or about 5 autoflower hindu kush so should not be a problem.

Yeldarb I had to make a floor myself in the dresser cause it went all the way to floor. Its all sealed up now so no lowering it. I am just going to utilized the LST to my advantage. I've been learning a BUNCH through this grow so next grow should be a little better structured.



Well-Known Member

Mammath: Using posions REALLY scares me but also it makes me very mad that people even make this stuff. I'm a real new age hippie I guess you could say. I will ONLY ONLY use organic stuff. The problems with global warming with chemical ferts is crazy and we aren't helping by using them. We need to be the earths savior not contributing to its demise. Sorry for preaching there anyways, ya no posions I'll just LST. Next time will either be one reg strain topped and lsted or about 5 autoflower hindu kush so should not be a problem.
Yeah I'm with you on that mate. I though I'd let you know about these products available for stunting and to maybe head the Rock Juice path if your were going to use something like that. It sounds better.
I personally wouldn't, and haven't used either, because I believe you should be able to manage height with good training techniques. In saying that, I have seen some excellent results by using them, but at the end of the day it is a poison.
I have plenty of sativa cross strains in my seed collection I will be growing in the future so I hope I won't be eating my words when I attempt to keep them at a manageable height.


Well-Known Member
I would deffinatly top them and not veg for to long. I mean the GWS is accutally close to 3 feet tall. Next grow I'm going to try out topping. I have done it yet so hopefully I'll get the hang of it.



Well-Known Member
I would deffinatly top them and not veg for to long. I mean the GWS is accutally close to 3 feet tall. Next grow I'm going to try out topping. I have done it yet so hopefully I'll get the hang of it.

Oh yeah, I'll be topping any sativa I grow without a doubt.
Topping is actually piss easy and you'll get the hang of no worries.
I know your keeping an eye on my current girl so you'll see first hand how easy it is and the benefits of doing it.


Well-Known Member
Deffinately. So yesterday me and the my girl went out to the river with some friends. Stayed out there a little too long. And then when we got back our friends came with us. I couldn't check the cab because of this till like 1 in the morning, when the lights turn on at 6 at night. Anyways the haze plant grew all up into the light bulb and burnt the shit out of it. I'll let her go for a couple more days but I really don't want that to up my hermie chances and making my crop have seeds. What do you think I should do mammath?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I understand the question. What is it that's going to increase the chance of hermie action?
If she's badly fried you'll have to remove the dead shit by chopping it off.
Got any pics of the damage?


Well-Known Member
Deffinately. So yesterday me and the my girl went out to the river with some friends. Stayed out there a little too long. And then when we got back our friends came with us. I couldn't check the cab because of this till like 1 in the morning, when the lights turn on at 6 at night. Anyways the haze plant grew all up into the light bulb and burnt the shit out of it. I'll let her go for a couple more days but I really don't want that to up my hermie chances and making my crop have seeds. What do you think I should do mammath?
That kinda sucks I know that feeling. I can never be around when my plant needs to go to sleep (because I manually cover it), and it might really bite me in the ass during flowering. Are you saying that the plant growing into the light like that could increase hermie chances???


Well-Known Member
I don't know if it accutally will increase but I know getting the shit burnt out of the top is some sort of stress and that would just add to the root bind and even the small bit of lst I did. No pics yet probablly tonight. She didn't look too bad last night when I checked. We will see how see looks tonight when I check the dresser tonight.

They have been on 12/12 since they were 7 days old GWS and Gigabud are both starting bud formation. Its been like 11 or 12 days since first pistil on both. Haze plant was really root bound so she still isn't showing hairs but deffinate calyx's.

Ya that really is going to be hard during flower. My cab is sealed up 24 hours a day and is light proof. You really need to make sure it has no light leaks what so ever during off period.



Well-Known Member
Oh OK I think I understand. The stress of being root bound + growing into the light + LST will probably not make her hermie.
It's obviously not ideal growing conditions but these plants can take a lot of shit, I've dished out plenty to some and they've turned out good.
Hermi action is usually spurs from 'crap genetics' not stress. She'll be fine I think.
I'm glad you think she looks better, but I'll wait for some pics before I pass judgement.
All the best mate.


Well-Known Member
And here are the pics. She looks close to 100% better than two days ago. It didn't get the grow tip just the leaves so we are in good shape. I accutally spotted hairs on the haze plant tonight. I'm deffinately excited now. I need to get a new kitchen faucet so I can hook up my water filter so I can give the plants some nutrients. When you look at the GWS from the top all you see is hairs. Gigabud coming along very nicely as well. Here are the pics enjoy!!!




Well-Known Member
Cool GFK. That damage is superficial and won't set her back at all really.
All looks pretty darn good mate.
How much height do you have left at the moment for growth?
That haze is still spitting out 9 prong leaves so she's got some growing to do still.
Love the look of the GWS, very nice.


Well-Known Member
I'm running out of veritcal room very fast. I've only tied her down once now so hopefully by next time she be will strong enough to start heading back the opposite direction. I love the GWS as well I feel in love with the leaves when she was younger. I haven't checked on them tonight yet writing a paper so trying not to get sidetracked lol (like I am now) but anyways.



Well-Known Member

Aight guys everything looking real good. Haze plant has made a full recovery. Showing pisitls at every new growth node. I watered the plants last night with full strength flower power nutes. GWS and Gigabud both really liked the nutes. Gigabud had put on a lot more hairs over night and same with the GWS. GWS nodes are really starting to tighten up. Next water will be full strength Super Plant Tonic and then back to flower power. Pics in the next couple days



Well-Known Member
gws looks really good man. Enjoying that greenage. Greenkilla im not trying to steal ur thread but if you could help me out on whats going on with my girl bro when you get the chance id greatly appreciate it. You and mammath are seriously the only one thats seen what my girl has gone through and I trust u guys adivce and opinion (and of course others). Its right here . Thanks killa.


Well-Known Member
Aight guys tonight I am taking pictures. When the lights come on it will start day 21 of flowering. I will be starting a new journal tonight also this one is getting a little to long. I'll put the link in here after I make the journal.
