My Swab Test got Rejected?

Has anyone had their saliva swab test sent back because "it didn't have enough saliva" so im going back in tomorrow with clean piss and gonna scrub my mouth out and rinse it with hydrogen peroxide., Its normal to break off the cotton swab into a little vial and them send it away isn't it?


Well-Known Member
if your stressing it gargle garlic water. this dude i know was smoking pot and crack the night before and gargled garlic water and passed. but yes after 3 days or something like that it doesnt pick up pot smoke in your saliva


Well-Known Member
You didn't spell it right because you weren't looking at it! You need to just look at it. Look at that.

By the way, at this point, this thread has officially been jacked.


Well-Known Member
i beat a saliva test by putting the cotton swab in my mouth and then when the lady who was giving me the test walked out, i dipped it in a glass of water..she tested it right in-front of me though if i remember correctly.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
if i can beat a saliva test, anyone can. i am/was a heavy smoker i had stopped smoking for a week to prepare then 2 days before the test i ate some brownies. saliva tests are the most pathetic form of testing. it's just for show so they can check off the box on the insurance forms. those shitty tests are only good for detecting stuff a few days after at best. get one of those cleanse drinks if you're that worried, but it shouldn't be a big deal.
So what I did was stopped smoking at 11:30p the night before, and before going to bed scrubbed gums, teeth, and my tongue. Then i rinsed with Hydrogen Peroxide and mint mouth wash. The next day i woke up at 8:30 drank coffee like crazy, brushed teeth, gums, tongue. Rinsed with Hydrogen Peroxide and mouth wash again. Then I smoked a cigarette. Then brought my brothers clean piss with me just in case they tried pulling a fast one on me. I drank a coke and ate a mint on the way in. When i pulled the test from my mouth it had some blood on it. This saliva test they send to a lab. Im trippin. What does everyone think? I think i failed, I just feel that way. I dont get why people care what you put into your body as long as your not messed up on/during the job,, on personal time.


Well-Known Member
I had to take 3 swab tests last month. Every single time I tested positive for something different and everything else came up negative or didn't show. They are highly unreliable tests anyways. I've passed the test in the past with hydrogen peroxide rinse.
Just got a call from empolyer telling me to call testing company,, as if I wasn't on pins and needles already so I try calling them and I have to leave a message. Has this happen to anyone? My luck I just tested the new age saliva tests...
well im NOT happy to inform everyone i failed.. I didnt failed because i didnt prepare. Anyone has one of these kind coming up,, good freakin luck. I dont get why people care what i put into my body, but since they do so much it im done smoking. Its not worth what just happen, still broke,, had a huge up with them telling me i had a job then a huge lowpoint. this is lame..

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
That blows.

I got a chance to talk to a guy that runs a drug screening business. He said there are 2 types of swab drug test. There are the ones that give an instant reading with a test strip. These are pretty unreliable. The other type is sent to a lab after the swab is taken. I was told the second type is at least as accurate as a piss test if not more so. He was cool about telling me and the reason I was talking to him in the first place is because he was there telling a girl I worked with how long it would take her to pass for coke and pills.