Well-Known Member
Those leaves will probably look weird forever, but yeah, it'll be fine. Weed is a weed, its tough 

That's what it was. Keep on reading there's lots of pics and shit. I updated the box twice from the original tin foil lined box because that was keeping the temps too high. You wanna keep your temps in the low 70's because that's when photosynthesis works best. The shitty fans I had weren't cutting it. This new set up is waaaay better. More room for the roots, more room to grow, more lights and better air flow. Keep on reading the thread, I like to think it's a pretty cool thread and I am keeping it well that looks awesome i like your set up what it just a container lined with tin foil 3 lights and trying to think of ways to design one how well does yours work? and whats a good temp to keep it at
You can skip through all the convo stuff generally unless it's kinda long then it'll probably have lots of info, just jump to the pics and you can see how I updated the box.Keep on reading the thread, I like to think it's a pretty cool thread and I am keeping it well updated.
WOW cool man thanks that's really flattering but don't make the same mistakes I did. I tried to do things cheap and messed up a bit. That new fan was the biggest and best investment so far. The fan itself was like 28 bucks, then I had to get a cord for it so I bought a relacement cord for a powertool, you can use any heavier duty three pronged extension cord and just cut the female end off but I didn't have one I could spare so that was like another 8 bucks and the fitting to attach it to the box was like 6 bucks so in all like 45 bucks( I also bought the cappers for the exposed wires and some electrical tape) but in the end if I can grow smokable herb it was ALLLLL worth it. I appreciate you liking my set up so much and all but I also have to say that it's not at all the best set up for growing. It's actually a kinda shitty set up really but, if you intend to do it this way anyway I suggest you really really really pay attention to your plants. I mean a lot. Things can heat up in these boxes really fast and that's dangerous for your plants so you gotta be on top of shit like crazy. That and if you can I'd say spring for some better soil and ferts than I did, I personally was not able to so i did what i could but if you can I think it'll make a world of difference. Again if you do decide to go with a set up like this, keep in touch and if there's anything I can help you out with let me know.just read threw ur whole forum i will be starting tomorrow a little late cause i my all mighty friend who thought he knew everything messed up germinating them like a cock so i will be going tomorrow and using this set up i like it alot dude this was a lot of help and will also be my first grow i have never done it before or tried to so i will be keeping updates just like urs