My very first grow room


Active Member
Hey, have you downloaded and used the software that is available here in RIU? HERB-IQ is the name... I am using it and it helps so much on keeping up with things in the electronic way as apposed to the 'written journal'. A lot easier to! Has great features on it, and you don't have to count calendar days either lol. Home screen has various stages and how far along each stage is. You should check it out. I am looking back at my last grow and I think that most of my problems, hind site is 20/20, started when my bagseed got root bound. I think that the plant was over 3 feet tall in a very crappy 3 gallon container and I mean 'crappy' lol.. You see the pot I am using now in my journal and wow, what a difference it makes!!!! Love the fabric/smart pots for sure!!


Active Member
I'll go check it out soon, sounds good, thank you. Just took some pics today. Day 13 of flowering but just the first day of feeding them A&B Bloom by DNF. The first and last images are of the bag seed plant, though I have no information as to it's origins and it's really not important, I notice that the leaves seem to go a bit in the direction of a Sativa dominant strain but hey, as I say, no information other than what I think it looks like, lol.:)

Jan5, day13flower, day1bloom feed.jpgJan5,day13flower,4plants.jpgJan5,day13flower,4plantsbuds.jpgJan5,day13flower,18inchHeadband.jpgJan5,day13flower,seedbag.jpg


Well-Known Member
happy new year!

You're making great progress. It will be 6-7 weeks before you see the results. Just in time for Valentine's day ;) The large one is calling for a smidgen more fertilizer...and/or pH 6.0. I know growers who keep it at 5.8 with great results.

I got my friend with the headband to go from 5 gal pots with promix to 3 gal pots. He's no longer spending all night flushing his girls after a screw up (fewer of those these days too). You can see that his plants are very healthy, and budding hard at only 11 days.headband day11.jpg

He's going hugo blocks next run. He didn't know that there was something so effective and foolproof as rockwool. My goal is to help him go from yielding several ounces with a 1000W light, to yielding over a lb, maybe with a 600W. My rockwool run will start later this month, when clones are available again.


Active Member
Hi Crysmatic, things are coming along pretty good for now, leaves are green and buds are popping out all over, today is day 18 of flowering, thinking this strain is going to be a good producer. I figure I have another 4-5 weeks to go yet, which will bring the total flower time to around 8 weeks, so maybe even sooner. The package the seeds came in mentioned 65 days. I'm getting better with the pH thingy and my plants are looking happier ... I can easily get it to 6.0 or even lower if necessary. Looking forward to my plants showing the end result. Mind you, one of the plants is not a Headband but from bag seed ( looks more sativa dom by shape of leaves ) and it may demand a longer period of bloom.


Well-Known Member
good to hear you're getting that pH thingy down ;P

you're doing well. those short stalky ones look perfect. just stay the course. patience is a virtue. now comes the boring, nerve rattling part o_O

pro mix loves to build up let 30% run off, and let them get dry between feedings.


Active Member
I now tend to make sure that the pro-mix has dried sufficiently before giving any more, I've come to better understand why the importance of checking with fingers in soil and lifting containers for weight as well as noticing things such as shrinking of soil from the edges,etc. Here are a few pics from yesterday, I didn't bother closing the HPS so colors are way off but it's mainly to show the buds. :)

day18,bud.jpg day18,sativadom1.jpg The leaves on this one almost seem Sativa dominant, this is the bag seed plant.

day18flower, sativadom.jpg day18flower,buds2.jpg day18flower,the 4 plants.jpg


Active Member
Thank you, the second and third images are of the bag seed plant ( no idea of strain but leaves do seem a little sativa dom ), the other images are of my three Headbands. :)


Active Member
Hi Grow4tho187, one of the techniques I really need to learn about for sure as I'd love to get even bigger yields, might even attempt a SCROG on the next crop. I'll try and post new pics later on today. Thank you for the encouragement. :)


Active Member
They are looking great!! You will enjoy the smoke for sure! I did not super crop mine this time around either... hope to get a good yield still. I think you will just for the fact that you they are under 600 watt. They will be very nice!


Active Member
Hi LeafGnosis, hearing you, I just went for the basics, seedlings, veg, flower ... for me, in Pro-Mix with hydro nutes and that's the long and short of it really, lol. Of course the 600watt HPS, fans, humidifiers and checking pH.

Next time around, I want to do a SCROG like you have ... I think you're doing a great job with them. Sadly, I can no longer smoke if it means heat due to my chronic Bronchitis and possible emphysema so it's all about bongs and vaporizers for me ... and eating, lol. ;) Cigarette smoking for over a quarter century left it's ravages. When are yours due ?


Active Member
Yeah, I need to switch from the glass pipe and head to the bong or vap. I am thinking both LOL.... I also need to stop smoking, but as science has concluded that it is harder to quit then Heroin, I am not in good odds. My wife smokes as well and it is even harder for her. I can go a long time without where as she can not.

My C'99's still have about 6 weeks to go and I am thinking more like 8 to 9 more weeks on the blueberry gum.. will have to wait and see with the 30x loupe. Can't wait as it is so much better smoking something you have put time and dedication into rather than trying to 'score' some LOL.


Active Member
I quit cigarettes back in 2001/02 but it took close to a year on those nicotine patches, it was tough but I made it through and only wish I had stopped earlier. Seems we'll be harvesting around similar time periods, I figure another 5 weeks for mine but that can be a little more, will know when I'm there, lol. And yes, much better when you have grown it yourself, my outdoor crop from last summer is still keeping me going even though I've shared a lot of it.


Active Member
I should post new pics by tomorrow to show how my plants are coming along. Today is day 28 and it's such a big thrill seeing all those buds take form and get bigger.