National debt

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
237 billlion in interest this year alone.. yes, welcome to america...

the united states pays more in interest (on the 9 trillion dollar debt) than to any other department.. 4 times more than is used for childrens education...

well, except one department... the killing machine department gets more money than the foriegn countries we pay 237 billion dollars a year TOO! :spew:

let it be known... the us dollar is tanking..... hillary please save us!!!!!! or at keast get into office so bill can save us... :)


New Member

Hillary is a war mongering criminal. Look at her record. Look at her husband's record.

MARK...MY...WORDS...If hillary wins the White House she will not end the war. She will continue to maintain the GeoPolitical control over that region of the world.


Well-Known Member

Hillary is a war mongering criminal. Look at her record. Look at her husband's record.

MARK...MY...WORDS...If hillary wins the White House she will not end the war. She will continue to maintain the GeoPolitical control over that region of the world.

they are too consumed with nostalgia, they will vote for her despite the reality of your statement, despite the fact that she has completely reversed her anti-war rhetoric.



New Member
they are too consumed with nostalgia, they will vote for her despite the reality of your statement, despite the fact that she has completely reversed her anti-war rhetoric.

I may not like or agree with Hillary, but given the choice, Hillary or Juliani, it's a no brainer. Juliani is Bush on steroids, hillary is just a wench, Bill will be setting foriegn policy and he is a hell of a lot smarter than any repuke running, Hillary all the way. I'd rather see Paul, or Edwards or Kucinich Or Gravel or a combination of any two, but it looks like hillary and juliani are the choices, so less evil I will Vote.


Well-Known Member
politics makes me laugh its like picking the best of a bunch of wankers to see which ones going to screw you over the least.

new world order its time for something different.


Well-Known Member
this man deserves Ron Paul 2008!!!

to be honest i don't know anything about him, but i can be pretty sure he's another wanker.

the very fact that the billions of people that populate our countries elect such a small bunch of small minded people to tell us how to live our lives means that we can never have things the way they should be.

Politics is usually about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

These guys talk the shit and give the promises but when it comes to the crunch they get corrupted by money and power. It's all about who buys them with the electorate money.


Well-Known Member
to be honest i don't know anything about him, but i can be pretty sure he's another wanker.

the very fact that the billions of people that populate our countries elect such a small bunch of small minded people to tell us how to live our lives means that we can never have things the way they should be.

Politics is usually about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

These guys talk the shit and give the promises but when it comes to the crunch they get corrupted by money and power. It's all about who buys them with the electorate money.
this man needs to learn more about Ron Paul!

Ron Paul 2008 — Hope for America



Well-Known Member
and yes, i've picked up on where you actually live during my time on this site... still, Ron Paul 2008!



Well-Known Member
Why do we vote in people in this way though, why not change the way the system works.

Why not have clerks that know how the system works that do the jobs that the people vote them to do.

When a law or a bill comes up why not put it to public vote instead of putting it to vote with a bunch of old dudes that have been bought by the tobacco company or the gun company or whatever.

The people of the land that are working class middle class are the people who are usually effected by these new laws while the rich always have their interests looked after because the congressmen don't wish to upset them.

The poor however they couldn't give a toss about but its these people who provide the toilet paper and magazine for the rich people to go to the toilet with and take a dump in peace.


Well-Known Member
Why do we vote in people in this way though, why not change the way the system works.

Why not have clerks that know how the system works that do the jobs that the people vote them to do.

When a law or a bill comes up why not put it to public vote instead of putting it to vote with a bunch of old dudes that have been bought by the tobacco company or the gun company or whatever.

The people of the land that are working class middle class are the people who are usually effected by these new laws while the rich always have their interests looked after because the congressmen don't wish to upset them.

The poor however they couldn't give a toss about but its these people who provide the toilet paper and magazine for the rich people to go to the toilet with and take a dump in peace.
i have a one word answer for that my friend: apathy


Well-Known Member
The usa has alot of devils running for the head of the usa.Which is the better of the lot of them?Today it's who's got the money wins.A good guy gets in and in no time he is bought out.Just like all the pass ones.Big companys are running it,and not the poeple {the groverment for the poeple by the poeple}where has that been in the last 50 years?Each and everyone thats running for president will cut your throat and go on there way.Take all the big money out of the pix and see what happens.The Dea dose not a thing on stopping the hard drugs.The war is profitfull for the rich.The drug companys the chemical companys the oil companys all support war and higher taxs.They are making the laws.They just pull on the puppets string to make it move and become law.If they are good and fair going in they become crooks and do what big bussiness wants to do.Take all the money out of it all and see what happens> PEACE


New Member
The usa has alot of devils running for the head of the usa.Which is the better of the lot of them?Today it's who's got the money wins.A good guy gets in and in no time he is bought out.Just like all the pass ones.Big companys are running it,and not the poeple {the groverment for the poeple by the poeple}where has that been in the last 50 years?Each and everyone thats running for president will cut your throat and go on there way.Take all the big money out of the pix and see what happens.The Dea dose not a thing on stopping the hard drugs.The war is profitfull for the rich.The drug companys the chemical companys the oil companys all support war and higher taxs.They are making the laws.They just pull on the puppets string to make it move and become law.If they are good and fair going in they become crooks and do what big bussiness wants to do.Take all the money out of it all and see what happens> PEACE
Rather cynical, but to the point I must say.


Well-Known Member
A little history lesson: If you don't know the answer make your best guess.
Answer all the questions before looking at the answers. Who said it?
1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

A. Karl Marx
B. Adolph Hitler
C. Joseph Stalin
D. None of the above

2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by
the few, and for the few...and to replace it with shared responsibility for
shared prosperity."

A. Lenin
B. Mussolini
C. Idi Amin
D. None of the Above

3) "(We)...can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something
has to be taken away from some people."

A. Nikita Khrushev
B. Jose f Goebbels
C. Boris Yeltsin
D. None of the above

4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give
up a little bit of their order to create this common ground."

A. Mao Tse Dung
B. Hugo Chavez
C. Kim Jong Il
D. None of the above

5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."

A. Karl Marx
B. Lenin
C. Molotov
D. None of the above

6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most
profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."

A. Pinochet
B. Milosevic
C. Saddam Hussein
D. None of the above


(1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004
(2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007
(3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005

happy voting!



New Member
A little history lesson: If you don't know the answer make your best guess.
Answer all the questions before looking at the answers. Who said it?
1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

A. Karl Marx
B. Adolph Hitler
C. Joseph Stalin
D. None of the above

2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by
the few, and for the few...and to replace it with shared responsibility for
shared prosperity."

A. Lenin
B. Mussolini
C. Idi Amin
D. None of the Above

3) "(We)...can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something
has to be taken away from some people."

A. Nikita Khrushev
B. Jose f Goebbels
C. Boris Yeltsin
D. None of the above

4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give
up a little bit of their order to create this common ground."

A. Mao Tse Dung
B. Hugo Chavez
C. Kim Jong Il
D. None of the above

5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."

A. Karl Marx
B. Lenin
C. Molotov
D. None of the above

6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most
profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."

A. Pinochet
B. Milosevic
C. Saddam Hussein
D. None of the above


(1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004
(2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007
(3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005

happy voting!

Thanks. I will probably vote for her if she is the nominee and any Repuke but Paul opposes her. It would cause my brain to explode if paul gets the repuke nomination as I would have to make an informed decision. I am not quite ready for no government as Paul contends, anarchy is a terrible state where the bullies rule and your life span becomes a short thing.