Need HD Pictures of Weed


Well-Known Member
Oh fuck here we go.....OK buddy
lol I knew that'd get somebody going. it's true, go all over the earth, smoke every bud you can find, then come to nor-cal 1 month after harvest.....

I see outdoor bud often that looks better than indoor bud crystal wise... the flavor of indoor is always better, but the highs can't compete with the intense sun we get up here makes the high soar for hours with extreme intensity :D

Brother, no doubt ... so lets nip this right here :)

I would love to see some of your work !
The fact that the best shit in the world comes from LEGAL peeps in Nor-cal ...
IS Obvious :/

Perhaps I will PM you some of my work ... we produce here on M-344/G


Logic dictates ... as I examine the poster as per HDbud.COM
that he/she is looking for content .... and .com ... implies a registered business.
Just saying.
I could dig and find out more ... as per registration of domain and server detail ... but I am not getting paid for that.
Study of the web page indicates room for expansion .... in layout .... surely you can't drive a site on pictures alone.
What is the catch ? What comes next ?
Source code indicates ... use of old tech(novice level of programming) ... so this is not a pro job .... further the ping speed indicates slow server on the back end .... integration to face book already there ... hmm ...
Very nice pics stranger... props to that !!
Now I can download them and watermark them as my own and sell it somewhere ...

yeah you can water mark them but if it ever came time for me to prove it was mine I have the outdoor pics of them still in the ground :D


Well-Known Member
lol I knew that'd get somebody going. it's true, go all over the earth, smoke every bud you can find, then come to nor-cal 1 month after harvest.....

I see outdoor bud often that looks better than indoor bud crystal wise... the flavor of indoor is always better, but the highs can't compete with the intense sun we get up here makes the high soar for hours with extreme intensity

It's like going into a MMA forum and sayin you can beat everbody up. YAWN. Didn't really get me going. :-|


Well-Known Member
nah muscle can be built anywhere on earth.

good cannabis can't be grown anywhere on earth.

apples and oranges :P
First off, I could give two shits about outdoor. Wow, you got me there. I'll stick with indoor, which CAN be grown anywhere on earth.

I bet you think you are the better of all the Nor-cal growers because you run a Mac computer too.



Well-Known Member
First off, I could give two shits about outdoor. Wow, you got me there. I'll stick with indoor, which CAN be grown anywhere on earth.

I bet you think you are the better of all the Nor-cal growers because you run a Mac computer too.

actually I don't run a mac computer, I run OSX on a PC. funny that that would make me better than anyone else :roll:

its rather obvious people who've never tried dank outdoor are indoor elitists. I've tried dank indoor and outdoor, and outdoor won. but the likelyhood of you trying dank outdoor and indoor winning is ridiculously unlikely.

you've likely had a bunch of shit outdoor maybe some decent stuff here and there, but you've probably never seen it's true potential.

regardless this is a redundant argument hte only way to truly tell would be to get one of you elitists up here and test out my bud vs yours. but even then you'd probably still prefer the short intense high with killer flavor over long lasting intensity and wholesomeness ;).

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
nah muscle can be built anywhere on earth.

good cannabis can't be grown anywhere on earth.

apples and oranges :P
Let me put it to you this way brother ... growing weed is like growing tomatoes ... no rocket science. For some of us
Tetrachloride Cannabinol ... is the most novice/and easiest chemical to produce ....
For you to insinuate that an outdoor strain gorwn in NOR-CAL ....will taste/smoke better than .... in my lab, where all elements are controlled by Me ..... is childish. Hence I assume that you are kidding.
(taking into consideration your tags and post count) :P

And if you happen to be serious ..
You are very young and haven't really experienced much outside of Nor-cal.
I suggest you book a trip to Amsterdam ... it will open your eyes a bit ... and inflate your ego.



Well-Known Member
Let me put it to you this way brother ... growing weed is like growing tomatoes ... no rocket science. For some of us
Tetrachloride Cannabinol ... is the most novice/and easiest chemical to produce ....
For you to insinuate that an outdoor strain gorwn in NOR-CAL ....will taste/smoke better than .... in my lab, where all elements are controlled by Me ..... is childish. Hence I assume that you are kidding.
(taking into consideration your tags and post count) :P

And if you happen to be serious ..
You are very young and haven't really experienced much outside of Nor-cal.
I suggest you book a trip to Amsterdam ... it will open your eyes a bit ... and inflate your ego.

I already said that indoor has better flavor and usually smokes better.

but outdoor has a much more enjoyable high in the long term, it's about preference but in my preference, and to those who prefer a longer more 'wholesome' high, outdoor bud, specifically that grown in nor-cal, is some of the best in the world.

you can grow good bud outdoors in many many places, but bud of this level of greatness is very rare outdoors.

and I highly doubt I'd leave amsterdam thinking they had the best outdoor bud on earth ;).


Well-Known Member
Let me put it to you this way brother ... growing weed is like growing tomatoes ... no rocket science. For some of us
Tetrachloride Cannabinol ... is the most novice/and easiest chemical to produce ....
For you to insinuate that an outdoor strain gorwn in NOR-CAL ....will taste/smoke better than .... in my lab, where all elements are controlled by Me ..... is childish. Hence I assume that you are kidding.
(taking into consideration your tags and post count) :P

And if you happen to be serious ..
You are very young and haven't really experienced much outside of Nor-cal.
I suggest you book a trip to Amsterdam ... it will open your eyes a bit ... and inflate your ego.

I think you meant deflate though. You can't win an arguement with this guy though, he is ALWAYS right.


Well-Known Member
lol gotta love the always right argument when you have no proof and I have no proof other than pics.

this is all a principal based argument other than the fact that it's more experience based for me, you guys who don't live here just don't know.. it's simple. the best shit in this area never really makes it to you, who the fuck would want to sell the best outdoor bud. not very many people.

the likely hood of you having the best outdoor bud anywhere you live outside of cali is pretty damn unlikely.

now the likelyhood of me seeing some of the best indoor bud is rather large as the best indoor bud can be grown ANYWHERE.

see my point?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Like it, but if someones gonna send you a HD photo, upload it in it's fuill size, no cutting and resizing :D Although that said the site is bare slow enough as it is to think about propperly large photo's :D

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Deflate indeed ...thank you sir ...

poplars ... I would not even put a joint of outdoor in my mouth .... I would also not touch a bud ... that does not crumble in my hand as I Squeeze it. (no grinders here) ... I am about science .... dirt weed ... will not touch that. Your comprehension of how organic things grow
is out of sync with reality and you have been waving the flag to long !!


As for pics ... ever heard of Photoshop .... and filters ... pictures lie ...I can make them look anyway I want.

Please lets not crap in this thread any longer ... you are right !!
Remember that ... USA USA USA


Well-Known Member
lol gotta love the always right argument when you have no proof and I have no proof other than pics.

this is all a principal based argument other than the fact that it's more experience based for me, you guys who don't live here just don't know.. it's simple. the best shit in this area never really makes it to you, who the fuck would want to sell the best outdoor bud. not very many people.

the likely hood of you having the best outdoor bud anywhere you live outside of cali is pretty damn unlikely.

now the likelyhood of me seeing some of the best indoor bud is rather large as the best indoor bud can be grown ANYWHERE.

see my point?

Not really. I guess the Sun just shines brighter in Nor-Cal than ANYWHERE on the planet, the Postal Service doesn't deliver quality seeds to anywhere but there, and your infinite wisdom raises the curve where you are.


Well-Known Member
Not really. I guess the Sun just shines brighter in Nor-Cal than ANYWHERE on the planet, the Postal Service doesn't deliver quality seeds to anywhere but there, and your infinite wisdom raises the curve where you are.

you realize that indica evolved at around 33 degrees latitude. I"m at 41 degrees latitude, with lots of sun, hot summer, low humidity, nice and windy but not too windy. a natural eco system of bugs that prevent bud worms, the worst thing I have to deal with is grasshoppers which barely do shit.

the plant was meant to be grown in the sun, and you guys are out of sync with reality by thinking your supplemented indoor version is better than the real thing grown to it's true potential.

and as far as the photoshop comment, I have hundreds of pics of my outdoor grow that would be impossible for me to photoshop.

regardless it's fine, you live in your world, I'll live in mine ;)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
you realize that indica evolved at around 33 degrees latitude. I"m at 42 degrees latitude, with lots of sun, hot summer, low humidity, nice and windy but not too windy. a natural eco system of bugs that prevent bud worms, the worst thing I have to deal with is grasshoppers which barely do shit.

the plant was meant to be grown in the sun, and you guys are out of sync with reality by thinking your supplemented indoor version is better than the real thing grown to it's true potential.
You realize that a well equipped lab will allow me to manipulate/drive all the factors you have mentioned ... to my fancy.
So this is way beyond what nature could ever do .... you realize this right ??

Wow you are serious ... you must be like hmm ... 12 ....

Ok. this time I am done ... arguing for real.



Well-Known Member
You realize that a well equipped lab will allow me to manipulate/drive all the factors you have mentioned ... to my fancy.
So this is way beyond what nature could ever do .... you realize this right ??
Sad thing is....he doesn't...he lives in his own world as he stated.