Need HD Pictures of Weed


Well-Known Member
You realize that a well equipped lab will allow me to manipulate/drive all the factors you have mentioned ... to my fancy.
So this is way beyond what nature could ever do .... you realize this right ??
no it's not, until you have successfully simulated a huge ball of nuclear fusion that has a fine gravitational balance with a planet that gives optimum energy that the plant EVOLVED to recieve, you will never be able to manipulate the factors to make it exactly the same.

keep dreaming though ;)

and yeah, I live in my own world, unlike you fools who think that with your sticks of sodium you can emulate a nuclear fusion ball in space!!!

I'm the one living in a dream world, right?


Well-Known Member
no it's not, until you have successfully simulated a huge ball of nuclear fusion that has a fine gravitational balance with a planet that gives optimum energy that the plant EVOLVED to recieve, you will never be able to manipulate the factors to make it exactly the same.

keep dreaming though ;)

and yeah, I live in my own world, unlike you fools who think that with your sticks of sodium you can emulate a nuclear fusion ball in space!!!

I'm the one living in a dream world, right?
Do you realize that you can't control the sun, or the clouds or the rain. Or the wildlife, or the forest fires or anything. I suppose you control global warming too.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
LOL It is utterly laughable to think that you can provide the same soils, nutrients, bugs, microlife, and everything else that makes a certain weed a certain weed, in a laboratory. Maybe it is possbile but certainly in no way whatsoever feasible or realistic.

Take tea for an example, most of the world has been unable to grow shite in comparison to what is naturally grown in the small plots in the mountains of china and such, people have tried, they've tried controlling and imicing the variables. They produce shit tea :D It stands to total reason that you can't immitate weed from it's propper little home. The same is true for wine as well.

You know what else is way beyond what nature can do? Chemical fertilizers and hydroponic growing, that'#s way beyond nature, you get big buds faster :lol: quality can be questioned though.


Well-Known Member
Do you realize that you can't control the sun, or the clouds or the rain. Or the wildlife, or the forest fires or anything. I suppose you control global warming too.
you see, with outdoor growing it's not about control. it's about finding the optimum place to grow, staying there and enjoying it's particular attributes to the cannabis.

they have the same concept of this in growing wine, it's called terroir or w/e... its the effect the environment they grow it in has on the grapes. same thing applies to cannabis more directly with the difference in the highs.


Well-Known Member
LOL It is utterly laughable to think that you can provide the same soils, nutrients, bugs, microlife, and everything else that makes a certain weed a certain weed, in a laboratory. Maybe it is possbile but certainly in no way whatsoever feasible or realistic.

Take tea for an example, most of the world has been unable to grow shite in comparison to what is naturally grown in the small plots in the mountains of china and such, people have tried, they've tried controlling and imicing the variables. They produce shit tea :D It stands to total reason that you can't immitate weed from it's propper little home. The same is true for wine as well.

You know what else is way beyond what nature can do? Chemical fertilizers and hydroponic growing, that'#s way beyond nature, you get big buds faster :lol: quality can be questioned though.

So are you saying outdoor or indoor. Your first sentence says "outdoor" to me, but the last says "indoor"

Confused. Maybe read it wrong or missed on sarcasm....or something.

EDIT: When I originally quoted "quality can be questioned though"......was not there or I missed it.
I agree that it can be questionable. But not if you have a grower that even has the slightest clue, some good equipment and some time. Not one person ever questioned the quality of indoor I grew.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I am saying that if someone has a small garden in the mountains and time has proven that the altitude, air, cliamte, all of that, produe beautiful cannabis, then from what has been shown from item to item, we cannot realistically, if at all, produce the same quality product. It is always shit in comparisson, despite all the research into getting the temperature and the food and such correct. They fail. Hence wine and tea as examples.

My last point was that you were touting your laboratory control as way beyond nature, and as such you seem to have the opinion that it is as such, superior to an outdoor, my point was that hydroponics and chemical foods, they are way beyond nature, but they in no way produce bud that is better than natures.


Well-Known Member
I am saying that if someone has a small garden in the mountains and time has proven that the altitude, air, cliamte, all of that, produe beautiful cannabis, then from what has been shown from item to item, we cannot realistically, if at all, produce the same quality product. It is always shit in comparisson, despite all the research into getting the temperature and the food and such correct. They fail. Hence wine and tea as examples.

My last point was that you were touting your laboratory control as way beyond nature, and as such you seem to have the opinion that it is as such, superior to an outdoor, my point was that hydroponics and chemical foods, they are way beyond nature, but they in no way produce bud that is better than natures.
I like this arguement. Makes sense, assuming Mother Nature is perfect, and friendly. Which she is not always. I have never seen outdoor, not even in mags or online that beat, at least outward appearance wise the shit I grew.

Unfortunately I have no proof, and even if I did pics can be faked....not saying anything towards anyone by that, and was actually gonna say that the pics Poplars posted of outdoor were very nice.....real nice in fact.

I am biased toward indoor and always will be.
@Sr. Verde, Can you ZIP up the pictures you want me to showcase and send it using ? My email is [email protected]
P.S. that giant blue crack nug looks real dope :)

@Puffer Fish - You got me. Yes, I am looking for content. Yes, I do own a .com And yes, I would not mind some paying sponsors so I have a budget to improve the website. But in a nutshell though, I do plan to improve the website but I do not have any plans on selling the pictures. Plus, Golden Rule... Something I have learned both in business and in life is Never sell out the people that helped get you to where you are.

@tip top toker - Hey, thanks for addressing the concern about speed. Currently, with no budget, it runs on a modified Wordpress using Nextgen Gallery. It does creates thumbnails and large versions (900px width)--for slower connections, but we offer the full HD version too if the fans want to see it. Ideally, I want to raise some money and have a proper design and have something custom built just for the purpose of showcasing the pictures and making it easy for users to send HD pictures to us.

@rzza - Those plants looks really cool dude. Do you have high resolution versions of those pictures that you maybe can email over? I would love to post them on am sure a lot of weed enthusiasts would be as stoked as I am to see it.

@poplars That's crazy how much goes into the growing of weed. *Props to you for knowing your facts* (no sarcasm) --Being just a weed consumer, learning about what goes into the growing of weed like altitude and stuff is pretty fascinating to me.


Well-Known Member
I like this arguement. Makes sense, assuming Mother Nature is perfect, and friendly. Which she is not always. I have never seen outdoor, not even in mags or online that beat, at least outward appearance wise the shit I grew.

Unfortunately I have no proof, and even if I did pics can be faked....not saying anything towards anyone by that, and was actually gonna say that the pics Poplars posted of outdoor were very nice.....real nice in fact.

I am biased toward indoor and always will be.
atleast you are honest with yourself.

it seems that lots of people just haven't had dank outdoor because it is only in particular centers of the earth where it grows amazingly well. this would cause people to naturally go to indoor growing, which will satisfy you if you don't have access to these outdoor buds from these particular centers of the earth at which it grows best.

here's a few more pics, this shit is no joke, I've tried lots of awesome indoor bud that was enjoyable for about an hour before the high wore off... it may have the illusion of looking nicer because of the elongated trichomes, but the high itself of dank outdoor bud is really unmatchable. 10/IMG_1893.jpg 10/Picture455.jpg 10/Picture461.jpg 10/Picture460.jpg 10/Picture471.jpg 10/Picture450.jpg

heres an untrimmed bud: 10/Picture468.jpg 10/Picture470.jpg

and a semi trimmed top 10/Picture469.jpg


Well-Known Member
As me and one of my boys were high, we came across the fact that people enjoy seeing pictures of their weed in high definition, especially strands that they are familiar with. Stemmed from this is the idea to build a website where people can submit high resolution pictures to us as well as their "weed story", and we post it up.

I am extremely baked right now--normally I cannot work if I am this baked but I am very passionate about this idea for a website.

Would love it if you guys can email me HD photos of YOUR weed, include the name of the strand and option maybe a short (or long) story of your experience with this strand and what you did when you were blazed. If you want me to give a shoutout on the page to your username or name, let me know too and I would be more than happy to properly credit you :) My email is [email protected]

Thank you SO much for reading my post!
why not have them post in this thread (duh)?


Well-Known Member
i just sent you three strains. ill give ya more later. please give credit to Rzza and michigan medical.
@rzza Thank you! I really appreciate you emailing over the pics. I posted the Sugar Babe Paradise and Qwerkle by Tga. I was not able to use a few of the pictures because the quality was not "HD" enough but the ones I was able to use looks fantastic! What was your experience / story with the strands?

@Sr. Verde I checked the website and it allows up to 100mb, so looks like it is a go.

And thank you everybody who is viewing this thread and spreading the word!

"Reality is a crutch for those who cannot handle drugs."


Well-Known Member
looks great, i can send more with higher quality also.

i havent harvested the sb yet and the qwerkle is my all time favorite. it smells and taste like skittles and will knock you out:)