Need help asap i think this clinic is trying to jack me

I used to goto north county collective in oceanside, ca and when they got shut down for a bit there was papers all over the window stating they were closed and all that good stuff. THEY WERE LEGAL COURT WRITTEN DOCUMENTS. If this douche actually got raided or shut down or anything with the police, gov, etc. There will b paper work posted. This dude sounds like he needs a good ass rape with about a 9 foot stem off some beast plant.
I'll call the cops if I catch anyone touching the plants in my backyard, but I'd never bring the police into any business dealings. There's just no place for that.
The problem is that if people get it in their heads that it's ok to call the cops on each other, the result is just the cops having a field day busting people. Everyone loses. It may be a business deal to us and under state law, but to the cops it's all just drug dealing.

But I'm not going to give this guy too hard of a time since it's all hypothetical. He didn't actually call the cops on anyone.

They can't get him his money, but they can bust both parties.

Yep. Not sure if you can do that, but that's the appropriate way to handle a financial dispute.

cops cannot bust you or the dispensary over non payment of funds. :roll:

even if you admitted to dealing, where's the evidence?

i hate when people stop giving advice and simply start spew nonsense. :sleep:
I'll call the cops if I catch anyone touching the plants in my backyard, but I'd never bring the police into any business dealings. There's just no place for that.

there's really nothing the police could do.

pretend it was handmade beads and not weed. now think about it.
cops cannot bust you or the dispensary over non payment of funds. :roll:

even if you admitted to dealing, where's the evidence?

i hate when people stop giving advice and simply start spew nonsense. :sleep:

If he were to give a statement that he provided the dispensary with an Lb that, in itself, is the evidence. It's an admissiom. I got that one right from the mouth of my attorney.

Vending can be legal. However, 99% of the deals that go down are not. Most growers who vend are not legal. I know this because we maintain a cannabis business attorney on retainer, visit him once per month to update paperwork, and spend about 10-16 man hrs per month on compliance. All this, and we barely meet the letter of the law with regards to growing and vending legally. I know that most vendors out there do not go through what we do to stay compliant. My point is, we can't get too cocky about what we do. We're still operating on the edges of the law, and one little speed bump can wreck the ride. I KNOW I'm compliant, but don't want to go through the hell on earth to prove it. Neither do you guys. Don't ever bring in the police into your dealings. I would think that what is going on right now proves this prudent.
If he were to give a statement that he provided the dispensary with an Lb that, in itself, is the evidence. It's an admissiom. I got that one right from the mouth of my attorney.

Vending can be legal. However, 99% of the deals that go down are not. Most growers who vend are not legal. I know this because we maintain a cannabis business attorney on retainer, visit him once per month to update paperwork, and spend about 10-16 man hrs per month on compliance. All this, and we barely meet the letter of the law with regards to growing and vending legally. I know that most vendors out there do not go through what we do to stay compliant. My point is, we can't get too cocky about what we do. We're still operating on the edges of the law, and one little speed bump can wreck the ride. I KNOW I'm compliant, but don't want to go through the hell on earth to prove it. Neither do you guys. Don't ever bring in the police into your dealings. I would think that what is going on right now proves this prudent.

get on with your bad self. :hump:
cops cannot bust you or the dispensary over non payment of funds. :roll:

even if you admitted to dealing, where's the evidence?

A confession is admissible in court.

Ask Troy David if they can prosecute you without any evidence. Oh wait, you can't ask him....
there's really nothing the police could do.

pretend it was handmade beads and not weed. now think about it.

Think about what? Calling the cops on people in my back yard, or not calling them over what amounts to a civil matter? Which one of those is bad, and what the fuck do beads have to do with any of it?
Think about what? Calling the cops on people in my back yard, or not calling them over what amounts to a civil matter? Which one of those is bad, and what the fuck do beads have to do with any of it?

if you fronted a bead shop 500 dollars worth of handmade beads and they didn't pay you would calling the police really do any good?

stop trying to argue and look at the reality of things. ;)

wtf does your backyard have to do with anything?

the guy fronted a product to a business who is supposed to be conducting business as a business. just because it's pot shouldn't change anything.
if you fronted a bead shop 500 dollars worth of handmade beads and they didn't pay you would calling the police really do any good?

stop trying to argue and look at the reality of things. ;)

wtf does your backyard have to do with anything?

the guy fronted a product to a business who is supposed to be conducting business as a business. just because it's pot shouldn't change anything.

I'm pretty sure you have a point you're trying to make, but how I got drug into it is beyond me. I made a post stating my feelings on cop-calling in a thread that's become about cop-calling. What the fuck is it I said that you don't agree with?
idk ive decided there was no point in calling the cops a long time ago you guys can stop arguing about it haha

i fucked up but i got to live with it and try to keep going i learned from my losses at least but there no reason on calling the cops unless i could legally get him arrested for stealling my weed which i cant so im not going to go make up a fake call and say this and that just to get him thrown in jail thats not going to get me my money

i have a lot of groweres who willl thl put all there trust in me and drop at a dime if i teem i need help and thats for a reason ive helped them make a lot of money and put in a lot of work for them if they new i was the kind of guy who just wants to knock someone off because they pissed me off or something what would make them think that if i got pulled over with there bud or just bud in general that i wouldnt be the guy to give them all my connects info to get me off the hook

im not a rat
hey i been trying to vend and everything been great i did consignment my first time and they took a little longer then i thought so whatever i got my money did some other things and decided i would try consignment one more time maby it was just the clinc i went to the first time that's why it took a while. well that was a Honorable idea because its been two weeks when i have written proof that it was only supposed to take five days it says how much they were supposed to pay me and its signed and initialed.

so finally i get a hold of them and they said ya come down to the shop to get cashed out no problem. so i drive almost thirty minutes to the dam place and when i get there they don't open the door so i call and someone answers then hang up then i get a call back but no one was talking back so then i keep calling and then it starts going straight to the voice mail like they turned there phone off. so i sit there for four dam hours hoping someone will come to the door and nothing happens.

so that all happened yesterday and i tried calling today same thing straight to voice mail. and now i go on weed maps to see if i can get an e mail or something and there clinic isnt listed on there no more.

what should i do report him to the police i already know thats going to be a big bitch im sure there not even going to want to help me. i know i messed up big time i just want my money back.

this place is called universal health by the way and there in garden grove
12382 Garden Grove Blvd. if anyone decides to go down there dont mess with them
Heres what I would do,, because it sounds like they are shut down due to new gov probs(you know what Im talkin bout)
And if it was me (I would rather lose 90 days freedom)(then a life time of sleep) Cause your beat out of your money(most likely)!!

I would get an aluminum base ball bat and take that fuckers head off with it (before he goes back to the state he came from)!!!

But thats just me!!!!!!!

I dont even trust fuckin faimly with consignment(credit ferget it) But then again my market aint flooded like yours..
Everywhere has its good and bad points I guess???
O_o I believe FDD is talking about the real world..

even if you told a LEO you sold drugs.. they would get manhandled in court if they did not bring in real evidence. <3
the evidence is right there in the admission you just gave to a sworn police officer. they don't need any other evidence because you just gave them everything they needed.

that's funny because I hate hypocrites

&& Back to what I was to say before.. . Screw that Clinic, Fk Garden Grove, Fk west minster, fk that entire area.
I believe I just got jacked by a dispensary that I've been doing business with for several years. I made a deal with the manager of said business for several packs. They had paid me for all of it except the last pack. The manager who I made the deal with had been away due to personal issues for several weeks. This club was in San Jose who's dispensaries were scheduled to be closed. I got nervous about that and pulled the last pack I had with them off the shelves. They put it on the scale, it weighed out, so they handed it over and I went home. I'd don't lots of business with them for several years so I thought it was all good. When I got home and opened it up the pack had been sprayed down with water.

So now I'm left with 3/4 of a pack of top shelf hydro on a strain I stopped growing. Awesome...

If it's just a case of one of the employee's stealing from the club, that isn't my business nor the managers fault so I'm going to wait until the manager gets back and give them one more chance to make this right with me. If they don't fix this I'll post the name of the dispensary here (and everywhere else I can) so no one else gets burned by them.
So they jacked me. The dispensary name is San Jose Patient's Group. NEVER leave anything on consignment with these people!

I was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, but I can't anymore. They cleverly set my consignment payment date for 3 days after they were supposed to get shut down. (this happened the day after they learned they were going to get shut down, but before I had heard about it). I tried to collect my money or get my stuff back after I learned what was going to happen. They said "just wait until the 11th of Oct and we will pay you in full". I agreed and waited. When the 11th came around the person I made the deal with (the manager) wasn't in. I kept coming back and calling buy every time I did she "wasn't there". So finally I called them and informed them I was pulling the rest of my stuff off the shelf. When I showed up it was ready for me, they weighed it out and it looked all good. When I got home I had discovered it was sprayed down and have not been able to contact the manager or anyone else who has authority to do something about it since then.

It's a small rip off, but still a rip off. If they'll rip off someone they've known for a while, I hate to see what they'd do to someone new coming in. Be warned...
So they jacked me. The dispensary name is San Jose Patient's Group. NEVER leave anything on consignment with these people!

I was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, but I can't anymore. They cleverly set my consignment payment date for 3 days after they were supposed to get shut down. (this happened the day after they learned they were going to get shut down, but before I had heard about it). I tried to collect my money or get my stuff back after I learned what was going to happen. They said "just wait until the 11th of Oct and we will pay you in full". I agreed and waited. When the 11th came around the person I made the deal with (the manager) wasn't in. I kept coming back and calling buy every time I did she "wasn't there". So finally I called them and informed them I was pulling the rest of my stuff off the shelf. When I showed up it was ready for me, they weighed it out and it looked all good. When I got home I had discovered it was sprayed down and have not been able to contact the manager or anyone else who has authority to do something about it since then.

It's a small rip off, but still a rip off. If they'll rip off someone they've known for a while, I hate to see what they'd do to someone new coming in. Be warned...

Thant sucks, Dan. But, that one could've happened to anybody. I front loads to a couple delivery services and one collective. If either of them had some sort of melt down I'd be fucked. It sounds like you had a good business thing going that became a victim of the times. It was just a "rats jumping off a sinking ship" thing. I'm sure they were quite trustworthy until they recieved their notice to close. Then, it becomes every man/woman for himself...a last ditch effort to make a buck before it all falls appart. I do not think your story is meant to scare growers away from offering terms to clubs. It sounds like everything was going great until the bomb dropped in San Jose. There's ALWAYS a chance that you can get fucked offering terms. In many cases, that risk is well worth the gain of a realiable market for your product.

Dan, I don't think you regret fronting to these people. Do you? It seems like a sound business decision that took a bad turn. Are you still fronting to other people???