need help ASAP


New Member
I have 4 plants and i have them oCc.jpgC.jpgCc.jpgC.jpgn nutes , floranova bloom and liquid cool bloom. leaves are starting to turn like brown from the center crease of the leaf and they eventually shrive up. someone please tell me how to fix this and what it is


Well-Known Member
Size of plants, age of plants, growing medium, pH level of water, amount of nutes your feeding?



New Member
My plants are 3 feet tall a couple inches tall, their about a month and a half old, and ive been mixing half of some filtered water with half of my tap water,(that ive left out for 48 hours) , and i was giving them 1 teaspoon per galon but decided today to do 1 and a half. And the koolbloom just 1 teaspoon.


Well-Known Member
It looks like it may be a phosphorous deficiency, but it is hard to tell by the pics.

The number one reason you're not getting enough phosphorous is that your water isn't pH'd properly. You really need to buy a pH tester, and in soil, pH your water between 6.4 and 7.

I've found that leaving water out actually raises pH (leaving it out will allow the chlorine to evaporate, but not fix pH). If your pH is too high (which I suspect it is), you've got nutrient lockout causing your situation.

EDIT: I completely missed your post dj ;)


ps. Adding above what the recommended dose of nutes is on the bottle will actually make the issue worse.