Need help for identify root problem


Hai all i'm from indonesia, so english not my main language
So i'm sorry if i had bad english

I had problem with my RDWC system
Its not root rot and i dont know what happen

My setting in system
Water Volume 2000 Litres (600 x 200 x 17.5 Cm)
Nutrient 800 - 1000 ppm or around 1.4 - 2.0 EC
Ph 6.0 - 6.4
Temp 28 - 31 celsius

The root is so coarser and thicker than normal root when i started the system 7 month ago. I Always change water every 3- 4 week and add some microbiology like trichoderma and bacillus every week, in 1 - 5th month its okay, but in 6 - 7th it started to more coarse and grow more slow

I give some photo when the root still normal, to compare with current problem

Please give me an answer

