need help real bad...someone cut my main stem


Well-Known Member
How old is the plant? You may be able to re-root it if it is indeed cut all the way through, if it isn't very old.

Otherwise, like authentic said, cut some clones and root those instead.



Well-Known Member
first thing is what DUMB ASS "cut your main stem"??? if there is anyone in your grow room that cuts the main stem needs to not be there... second is how old is the plant?? accidents happen but to have someone cut the main stem sounds like you pissed someone off and they (she) or (mom) cut it down,if this is the case then CUT your losses and wait until u move out..


New Member
Its about 8 weeks now da leavs look like shit...this was my frist time.I'm startin over wit more plants about 10. Any good ideal