Need help watering coco

400 just to start……I’d bump up to at least 300ppm if your tap is that low
I am still wondering about this. So do give clones/seeds this 400ppm juice, and then continue giving 400ppm+nutes or do you downsize your calmag dose? Why does small plants need so much cal mag? I've seen this elsewhere also that someone fed higher ph in start to make calcium more available. Like 6.3 or 6.4 ph. But I couldnt find answer.
I am still wondering about this. So do give clones/seeds this 400ppm juice, and then continue giving 400ppm+nutes or do you downsize your calmag dose? Why does small plants need so much cal mag? I've seen this elsewhere also that someone fed higher ph in start to make calcium more available. Like 6.3 or 6.4 ph. But I couldnt find answer.
I don't use CalMag.
If you're using a complete formula, like Jack's A/B you don't need calmag, it has plenty of cal/mag in it already. Some people add extra epsom salts with Jack's a/b, which you can look up by searching Jack's 3-2-1. Companies that try to sell you a dozen bottles to make up their "feeding schedule" love to sell cal mag in a separate bottle just because it makes them more money that way. I'm not sure what nutes you are using, but with Jack's and coco, I feed seedlings around 300-400 ppm to start, then about 500 ppm when I pot up to 1 gal, then after my final potting to 3 gal I wait a week until their roots have filled it out, then go up to 600 ppm, at which time I'm close to flipping. That's still the lower end of nutrient concentration, so you have to keep an eye on them and might boost it up a bit during stretch to keep up with the faster growth. Using a complete nutrient formula makes it simple to keep your plants healthy. When you use a complete formula, if you start seeing mag deficiency (it's almost never calcium), you just raise the PPMs a bit.
I am still wondering about this. So do give clones/seeds this 400ppm juice, and then continue giving 400ppm+nutes or do you downsize your calmag dose? Why does small plants need so much cal mag? I've seen this elsewhere also that someone fed higher ph in start to make calcium more available. Like 6.3 or 6.4 ph. But I couldnt find answer.
With seedlings it is more difficult than with clones. If you have rooted clone you can start feeding it as fully growing plant and you wont hurt a shit. In hand with this you can provide enough of calcium without causing burn. With seedlings you have to keep your EC low untill it grows bigger. Big influence has also how did you treated your coco before you have planted. Botlled nutrients ussually contains calcium and magnesium in case you are following their schedules. Some schedules are crazy stupid with tons of additives and supllements just for nothing. If you use something like GH than those 3part botlle feed already contains calcium and magnesium. Adding more calcium may cause imaballance and has influence on uptake of other nutrients. If you are using dry salts, than its ussually also 3 part like calcium nitrate magnesium sulfate and NPK to level out those two and get ballanced food. If you use hard tap water, you might get through with general 20-20-20 and epsom till somewhere around fourth week of flower than you need to get more potassium…
If you're using a complete formula, like Jack's A/B you don't need calmag, it has plenty of cal/mag in it already. Some people add extra epsom salts with Jack's a/b, which you can look up by searching Jack's 3-2-1. Companies that try to sell you a dozen bottles to make up their "feeding schedule" love to sell cal mag in a separate bottle just because it makes them more money that way. I'm not sure what nutes you are using, but with Jack's and coco, I feed seedlings around 300-400 ppm to start, then about 500 ppm when I pot up to 1 gal, then after my final potting to 3 gal I wait a week until their roots have filled it out, then go up to 600 ppm, at which time I'm close to flipping. That's still the lower end of nutrient concentration, so you have to keep an eye on them and might boost it up a bit during stretch to keep up with the faster growth. Using a complete nutrient formula makes it simple to keep your plants healthy. When you use a complete formula, if you start seeing mag deficiency (it's almost never calcium), you just raise the PPMs a bit.
Im using canna coco a+b, canna coco 100%. Last time I grew I used the same nutes and experienced some rust spots later on flower quite often. My tap water is only 60ppm on 500 scale. If some nutes have enough cal mag for low ec tap water, Im all ears. How salty is your tap water? Yeah ofc they want to sell as many bottles as possible, but also water can be anywhere from 0 to 400ppm as starters, so I find it hard to see a way how one bottle of nutes would serve 100% of users.
EDIT: I dont do anything to my coco. Canna coco should be good from getgo and thats how Ive been using it
Im using canna coco a+b, canna coco 100%. Last time I grew I used the same nutes and experienced some rust spots later on flower quite often. My tap water is only 60ppm on 500 scale. If some nutes have enough cal mag for low ec tap water, Im all ears. How salty is your tap water? Yeah ofc they want to sell as many bottles as possible, but also water can be anywhere from 0 to 400ppm as starters, so I find it hard to see a way how one bottle of nutes would serve 100% of users.
EDIT: I dont do anything to my coco. Canna coco should be good from getgo and thats how Ive been using it

How often do you feed?

My tap water is 0.2EC (100ppm) and I bump up using Calmag to 0.4 (200ppm) as I find with my water I get Ca deficiency if I don’t.

2ml of A/B per litre should be approx 1.0EC or 500ppm.

I agree with your statement about Calmag especially if you live in the U.K.

I find most nutrients for U.K. sale are lower in Ca and Mg than they should be for our water (if you live in a soft water area)
How often do you feed?

My tap water is 0.2EC (100ppm) and I bump up using Calmag to 0.4 (200ppm) as I find with my water I get Ca deficiency if I don’t.

2ml of A/B per litre should be approx 1.0EC or 500ppm.

I agree with your statement about Calmag especially if you live in the U.K.

I find most nutrients for U.K. sale are lower in Ca and Mg than they should be for our water (if you live in a soft water area)
For now once every 2-3days because too big pots. But will work it up to multiple feeds a day eventually.
Same here, water can change alot depending on where u live. Im lucky, my friend has so bad water he needs to use RO.
Im using canna coco a+b, canna coco 100%. Last time I grew I used the same nutes and experienced some rust spots later on flower quite often. My tap water is only 60ppm on 500 scale. If some nutes have enough cal mag for low ec tap water, Im all ears. How salty is your tap water? Yeah ofc they want to sell as many bottles as possible, but also water can be anywhere from 0 to 400ppm as starters, so I find it hard to see a way how one bottle of nutes would serve 100% of users.
EDIT: I dont do anything to my coco. Canna coco should be good from getgo and thats how Ive been using it
I use Canna Coco Professional with 35 ppm tap water. Jack's 3-2-1 has everything my plants need.
Seems like that is hard to get in Europe. But jacks 3-2-1 is 2part + epsom salt? So you guys add eposom salt every time and say it has enough calmag? :lol:
There is no way how to get jacks in Europe, there is no way how to get calcium nitrate in Netherlands. At least for some reasonable price. Jacks is 3 part nutrient, calcium nitrate for calcium and magnesium sulfate for magnesium plus NPK with micros. The most similar one available there is masterblend or megacrop. There is Terra Aquatica tripart which is rebranded GH for soft water contains shitload of calcium. Their calmag is best you can get but it is not cheap. BAC calmag 2.0 is liquid calcium nitrate and magnesium nitrate. There are more ways how to simulate jacks (ballanced food) some are cheap some not. Depends on how much nutrients you are using, if you do DTW on automating watering than botlled nutrients might get expensive and dry salts are cheap in bulk…
Seems like that is hard to get in Europe. But jacks 3-2-1 is 2part + epsom salt? So you guys add eposom salt every time and say it has enough calmag? :lol:
Yes Part A is 5-12-26, Part B is calcium nitrate, and Epsom Salt for the third part. All three parts mixed together for feeding.

3.6 g/gal of Part A, 2.4 g/gal Part B and 1.2 g/gal of Epsom Salt. I don't use CalMag as it's provided in the Part B and Epsom Salt.

MegaCrop two part is almost identical to Jack's if that's available where you are.