Need help with new Carbon filter in my grow room.


Well-Known Member

IF you dont wanna read my entire speal down there, My question is. Is a Carbon filter supposed to come filled to the top with activated carbon?? Mine did not and its very large, so im confused, is the carbon in the walls of the filter? Also do I need a prefilter? I dont think it came with one.

Last week I ordered a carbon filter on Amazon. I received the package and finally set it up today. The box was strangely large when I got it in the mail and i didn't feel like opening it yet. I thought it was going to be like 6 inches diameter and around a foot tall. This thing is literally 4 feet tall and a foot diameter with a 6 inch flange/duct connection. I was surprised by the cheap price of only 50$, my hydrostore guys sell a similar looking filter for around $400. I have some questions though. My filter does not appear to of come with a prefilter as many are advertised with.. Not sure even if I know what a prefilter is exactly I cant find one online. Also are carbon filter supposed to be filled to the brim with activated carbon? Or is it just in the porous metal wall of the filter? I see some little pellets of carbon at the bottom when I look with a flash light. Its so big I cant see the bottom, lol. I was always under the impression that a carbon filter is filled to almost the top with activated carbon and then has some sort of pre filter like a round HEPA filter or something right inside the flange connection. I could really use some input from those of you who have experience with carbon filters. Ill take pictures of it if necessary tho its kinda hard to get back at it now. Also there is a large white cotton filter or something wrapped around the outside of it. I got a 400CFM can connected directly to the filter venting my cool tube in my tent. Not sure if the filter is working properly tho since my plants all smell of neem oil due to mite infestation.
